Idea manager

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Revision as of 10:18, 11 May 2007 by Daniel K. Schneider (talk | contribs) (using an external editor)
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Idea management can mean several things

In the context of innovation (organizational learning, etc.)

“Idea management is the practice of gathering and evaluating ideas in a structured fashion, with a goal of selecting the best ideas with the greatest bottom-line potential for implementation.” (Idea ManagementResource Center, retrieved 10:18, 11 May 2007 (MEST)) See also: knowledge management


(none tested, no endorsement !)

Concept maps

Web server based

  • KnowledgeRoot s a knowledge base system that lets you structure your content in a tree. It integrates FCKeditor to make adding content easy. Knowledgeroot use PHP and MySQL or PostgreSQL (can be included into the WOS WAMP server.

Off-line authoring tools

Cheap Commercial
  • Web Idea Tree (WIT). Outline your ideas in a tree, add content (text, images or links), choose a style template, and let WIT create HTML pages. (25 Euro).
  • VoodooPad (MacOsX) is a garden for your thoughts ....
High end commercial
