LAMS installation and configuration
This page contains installation tips for LAMS
LAMS is a JAVA/JBoss-based application and needs some installation skills on Windows and good installation skills for Unix.
LAMS 2RC2 Windows XP PC
Do not try to install LAMS if you lack basic installation experience and technical reading skills. Here are just a few remarks in addition to the LAMS installation instructions. I also strongly suggest to look at the Problems Installing LAMS Forum.
Other Software
To run it on windows you need to install other software.
- Java JSE 5.0 (update 9), not just the JRE. Get it from Sun.
- MySQL: Get it directly from MySQL and take the Installer version (not the zip installation).
- Install it and remember the password
- I suggest not installing/using a WAMP environment for LAMS 2RC 2. The LAMS installer 2Rc2 could not find MySQL in my WampServer environment even if it was told where to look for in the LAMS installer.
- Hack would be to manually edit the registry with this information from MySQL AB and this posting and picture by Ernie Ghiglione. Basically one needs to reproduce the MySQL entry from the official MySQL AB installer:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE MySQL AB MySQL Server 5.0 Location c:\wamp\mysql Version 5.0.27
... but this still didn't work for me.
- If you use a WAMP package you must know where MySQL sits. E.g. c:\wamp\mysql if you work with "WampServer" (but see above that I failed, rather work with an "official MySQL installer from MySQL AB). If you use the official MySQL installer, there will be no problem.
- Has an installer and if you got the above right it will install without problems. You may have a firewall. In this case make sure to open the necessary ports. Also pay attention to popup blockers in your navigator. LAMS worked fine with both IE 6 and Firefox 1.5x.
Lams 2.0 on On Solaris
Lams 2.0 was released on december 6 2006.
First, read the instructions in Building LAMS and Development Environment
Other software
- Already installed probably
- Solaris 10 ought to have the right java + ant installed.
- Make sure that you also have a MySQL 5.x and to create a lams database with a lams user
JBOSS is a Java application server.
- I got the 4.0.2 binary from
- Unpackage into /usr/local
gtar xzf jboss-4.0.2.tar.gz -C /usr/local
- Copy some jar files
cp /usr/local/jboss-4.0.2/server/all/lib/jboss-cache.jar /usr/local/jboss-4.0.2/server/default/lib/ cp /usr/local/jboss-4.0.2/server/all/lib/jgroups.jar /usr/local/jboss-4.0.2/server/default/lib/
LAMS source file download
* UK * Australia
LAMS pre-build configuration
I configured the following entries in the following files. Most entries are related to file paths.
In lams_build directory:
File: lams/lams_build/ (nothing to change) File: lams/lams_build/ osPropertiesName=unix db.password=XXXX
File: lams/lams_build/
Change this in three locations !!
File: lams_build/conf/unix/jboss/service/mysql-ds.xml <password>XXXX</password>
In lams_common directory:
File: lams/lams_common/db/sql/insert_unix_config_data.sql ('ServerURL',''); ('TempDir','/usr/local/lams/temp'); ('DumpDir','/usr/local/lams/dump'); ('SMTPServer',''); ('LamsSupportEmail',''); ('ContentRepositoryPath','/usr/local/lams/repository');
... Don't miss the port number for the server URL (e.g. 8080) !
In the same directory you may change the admin login and password (not tested !)
File: lams/lams_common/db/sql/insert_users.sql
Note: I did not find an LamsHome property in any file (this conflicts with the installation instructions).
Make directories for lams (they must match the above of course)
mkdir /usr/local/lams mkdir /usr/local/lams/temp mkdir /usr/local/lams/dump mkdir /usr/local/lams/repository
I don't know who runs JBoss, so I just deprotected
chmod -R 777 /usr/local/lams
Type the following commands in this order. (You don't need Ecplise to build LAMS). But stop the JBOSS server when you do this.
cd /src/lams/lams_build
ant rebuild-db ant assemble-ear ant deploy-ear ant deploy-tools ant copyfiles
Run it
cd /usr/local/jboss-4.0.2/bin/ ./ &
The sysadmin login password is in the SQL file below. You may change it before you build, I was quite frustrated not to able to log in ;)
Server configuration
See Configuring your LAMS Server.
- Java may not have enough heap space (it runs out of memory). Replace the 256 with something bigger. I think that the has to be fixed. Otherwise it may be the Tomcat config somewhere.
File: /usr/local/jboss-4.0.2/bin/
Around line 150 insert:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xms500m -Xmx500m$PROGNAME" # Display our environment
Look at files in:
Then stop JBoss,
cd /usr/local/jboss-4.0.2/bin/shutdown -S &
Repair misconfigurations above, rebuild with ant and run it again :) I don't know if global cleaning up is an efficient idea, but I do it anyhow as a last resort when I get stuck, e.g.:
- Execute ant clean
- Drop the lams database (and don't forget to create it again)
- Empty the JBoss server/default/deploy/lams.ear/ directory ?
Things I did wrong
Now for some human touch ....
- Forget to specify the OS
- Forgot to add the port number of the server URL
- Forgot to create the lams directory
- Only changed password in one location in lams_build/conf/unix/jboss/service/mysql-ds.xml
To Do list
(I will report on this later, for the moment I got other things to do - DSchneider 20:10, 6 December 2006 (MET))
- Install the chat server
- Test and tweak
- Integrate with Moodle
Moodle - LAMS integration
- We will try it with LAMS 2RC2 (not done yet)