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;Part 4 - [[Catalog of C3MS_bricks]]
;Part 4 - [[Catalog of C3MS_bricks]]

Contents of above articles are somewhat '''outdated''', but since I plan to have a go at these I started transferring contents from the original into this wiki - [[User:Daniel K. Schneider|Daniel K. Schneider]] 21:50, 31 May 2007 (MEST)
Contents of above articles are somewhat '''outdated''', i.e. made in 2004. But some day we will take it up again - [[User:Daniel K. Schneider|Daniel K. Schneider]] May 2007/April 2011

== Related ==
== Related ==

Revision as of 20:12, 7 April 2011

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The TECFA SEED Catalog was originally designed by TECFA for the SEED project and aims at supporting teachers in classes and virtual communities to design innovative activity-based educational scenarios and make the most of supporting portal technology.

Part 1 - C3MS project-based learning model
Part 2 - Catalog_of_simple_scenarios
Part 3 - Catalog of elementary activities
Part 4 - Catalog of C3MS_bricks

Contents of above articles are somewhat outdated, i.e. made in 2004. But some day we will take it up again - Daniel K. Schneider May 2007/April 2011


Links and references

Conference Papers:

  • Daniel Schneider, Catherine Frété, Vivian Synteta (2002) [docs/edmedia2002.pdf Community, Content and Collaboration Management Systems: socio-constructivist scenarios for the masses?] Short Paper presented at Ed Media 2002 (The [docs/edmedia2002-talk.pdf slides] for the talk and [docs/edmedia2002-submit.pdf the longer accepted draft] are also available)
  • Daniel Schneider, Paraskevi Synteta, Catherine Frété (2002) [docs/rhodes-paper-tecfa-web.pdf Community, Content and Collaboration Management Systems in Education: A new chance for socio-constructivist scenarios?]. 3rd Congress on Information and Communication Technologies in Education Rhodes, September 26th-29th 2002. Introduces our current ideas. [docs/rhodes2002-talk.pdf Slides of the talk] are also available
  • [/proj/seed/catalog/docs/gueret03/ Conception et implémentation de scénarios pédagogiques riches avec des portails communautaires], Papier présenté au "second colloque de Guéret, Les communautés virtuelles éducatives, Juin 2003 (draft)
  • Daniel Schneider with Paraskevi Synteta, Catherine Frété, Fabien Girardin, Stéphane Morand (2003) [docs/icool03-schneider.pdf Conception and implementation of rich pedagogical scenarios through collaborative portal sites: clear focus and fuzzy edges]. ICOOL International Conference on Open and Online Learning, December 7-13, 2003, University of Mauritius. [docs/icool03-talk-schneider.pdf Slides of the talk] are also available. [A shorter preprint of book chapter is: [/proj/seed/catalog/docs/schneider-icool-final.pdf Conception and implementation of rich pedagogical scenarios through collaborative portal sites]]
  • (WORD file !). Student-centered learning environments, two approaches: E-PBL and TSS Indirectly sponsored by the SEED project. Barbara class and Paraskevi SYNTETA refer in their PhDs-related paper to a common technical Framework and philosophy.
  • Barbara Class & Daniel Schneider, Tutorat, socio-constructivisme et capitalisation des connaissances dans un portail communautaire utilisé en éducation à distance, Colloque sur "L'industrialisation du tutorat en formation à distance" co-organisé par L'Ecole d'Ingénierie de la Formation A Distance du CNED et la revue Distances & Savoirs en collaboration avec l'Ecole Supérieure de l'Education Nationale, Decembre 2004.

Book chapters:

  • Schneider, Daniel, K. "Learning Together Through Collaborative Portal Sites", in Mario Tokoro and Luc Steels (eds.) The Future of Learning II, Sharing representations and Flow in Collaborative Learning Environments, IOS Press, 2004. Here is an early draft (9/2003) transformed into a working paper: Conception and implementation of rich pedagogical scenarios through collaborative portals sites (316 K e-book quality PDF). The book chapter I produced is much shorter (about 25 pages, and can't be shown here for copyright reasons).
  • Schneider, D. "Gestaltung kollektiver und kooperativer Lernumgebungen" in Euler & Seufert (eds.), E-Learning in Hochschulen und Bildungszentren. Gestaltungshinweise für pädagogische Innovationen, Oldenbourg, (2005). Hier ist eine [/proj/seed/catalog/docs/Beitrag_17_Schneider.pdf fast endgültige Version]
  • Daniel Schneider & Paraskevi Synteta (2005). [/proj/seed/catalog/docs/schneider-icool-final.pdf Conception and implementation of rich pedagogical scenarios through collaborative portal sites], in Senteni,A. Taurisson,A. Innovative Learning & Knowledge Communities / les communautés virtuelles: apprendre, innover et travailler ensemble", ICOOL 2003 & Colloque de Guéret 2003 selected papers, a University of Mauritius publication, under the auspices of the UNESCO, ISBN-99903-73-19-1. Note: This is the only text in correct English, but it's shorter than some electronically published conference papers ...

For more references from other authors see: C3MS project-based learning model