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{{comment | This is an outline for a print text on educational technology - [[User:DSchneider|DSchneider]] 18:22, 26 June 2006 (MEST)}}
{{comment | The project was delivered, but the text is for Fernuniversität Hagen only - [[User:Daniel K. Schneider|Daniel K. Schneider]] 19:42, 29 August 2008 (UTC)}}

Author: [[User:DSchneider|DSchneider]]
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 9
Version: 2 (19:09, 3 July 2006 (MEST)). See the discussion page for pointers to other versions.
1.1 Architecture of the unit and its chapters 9
1.2 Chapter architecture 10
NOTE: Chapters 4 to 11 may be combined into one huge chapter or 3-4 standard sized ones. Total should not exceed 100 pages.
1.3 Keywords 11
2 What is educational technology? 12
== Introduction (10 pages) ==
3 Conceptual Foundations I: Learning 15
* See: [[educational technology]]
3.1 Learning theory 15
3.2 Learning domains, levels and style 20
=== Definitions of the field ===
3.3 Metacognition, reflection and learning strategies 27
3.4 Human information processTable of Contentsing and constraints 28
=== A short history ===
3.5 Motivation and Affect 31
3.6 Creativity 35
=== Schools of educational technology ===
3.7 Summary and conclusion 37
* Goal: Present the major forms of educational technology research. This discussion will be picked up again in the "Research and development" section.
4 Conceptual foundations II: Pedagogy 39
'''Content''' (examples):
4.1 A very short history of instructional design theories 40
* EduTech as a design science - part of the learning sciences
4.2 Pedagogical strategies and methods 40
* EduTech as playfield for research on learning and cognition
4.3 Instructional design models 46
* EduTech as playfield for computer science (technology driven)
4.4 Conclusion 47
5 Technologies in education - an overview 49
== Conceptual foundations ( < 20 pages ) ==
5.1 A short history of educational technology 50
5.2 Overview of educational technologies 51
Goal: This chapter should be short ''and'' "understandable" and demonstrate why learning and education theories are relevant for educational technology practise and research. Its purpose is not really to teach learning theory, didactics etc. but to shortly define/recall important concepts that are necessary to understand the foundations of pedagogical designs that use technology.
5.3 Instructional design models in educational technology 53
5.4 Standards, formats and design languages 55
=== Learning theory ===
5.5 Conclusion 67
6 EduTech 1: Technologies for facts and skills learning 69
'''Content''' (examples):
6.1 Computer-based training 71
* [[learning theory]]
6.2 E-instruction 72
* [[Behaviorism]], including various schools like [[programmed instruction]], etc.
6.3 Simple sequencing and QTI 85
* [[Cognitivism]]
6.4 Text-centered alternatives to IMS/SCORM 87
* [[Constructivism]], including various schools like [[socio-constructivism]], [[situated cognition]], etc.
6.5 Wikis 91
6.6 Conclusion and outlook 93
=== Learning types, levels and style ===
7 EduTech 2: Technologies for concept learning and reasoning 95
7.1 Hypertext 97
7.2 Multimedia animations 104
* [[learning type]]
7.3 The concept of interactivity and interactive multimedia 110
* [[learning level]]
7.4 Concept maps 112
* [[learning style]]
7.5 Microworlds 117
7.6 Simulation 125
=== Metacognition and learning strategies ===
7.7 Intelligent tutoring systems 129
7.8 Learning Design 133
* [[Metacognition]]
7.9 Conclusion 141
* [[Reflection]]
8 EduTech 3: Computer-mediated communication and collaborative learning 142
* [[Learning strategy]]
8.1 The concept of computer-mediated communication 143
8.2 General CMC technology 145
=== Ergonomics and HCI ===
8.3 Interaction forms in main-stream e-learning 152
* Goal: Introduce constraints
8.4 Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 158
8.5 Conclusion 163
9 EduTech 4: Technologies for learning in action 165
* some words on [[HCI]] concepts and research
9.1 Learning in action and project-oriented teaching 166
* [[cognitive ergonomics]]
9.2 Scaffolding, mentoring, coaching and cognitive tools 171
* [[usability]]
9.3 Activity portals 177
* [[cognitive load]] theory etc. ??
9.4 Social software and web 2.0 services 183
9.5 Learning e-portfolios 187
=== Motivation and Affect ===
9.6 Conclusion 190
* [[motivation]]
10 EduTech 5: Tools for Integration 191
* [[emotion]] and [[flow theory]]
10.1 Frameworks to look at integrated learning environments 192
10.2 Integrated and blended learning setups 194
=== Education, pedagogy and instruction ===
10.3 Learning management systems 197
10.4 Campus portals 200
* Goal: This should be very short and strongly be linked to learning theory and explain the difference between educational, pedagogical and instructional theory.
10.5 Organizing materials and information 200
'''Content''' (examples):
10.6 Personal learning environments 204
* [[educational theory]]
10.7 Conclusion integration tools 208
* [[pedagogical theory]]
11 Research and design methodology 210
* [[instructional design]]
11.1 Design-based research 211
11.2 Instructional design methods 214
=== Pedagogical strategies and tactics ===
11.3 User-centered design methodology 217
* Goal: Provide a general overview, terms and well know typologies, such as Joyce, Reeves, etc.
11.4 Development methodology for researchers 218
'''Content''' (examples):
11.5 Evaluation methodology 219
* [[Pedagogic strategy]]
11.6 Innovation and change management 220
* [[Pedagogic method]]
11.7 The relationship between research and practice 224
* [[Pedagogical scenario]]
12 Conclusion 227
12.1 Formats and standards 228
== Technologies in education - an overview (10 pages) ==
12.2 Authoring tools, microworlds and simulation environments 229
12.3 Delivery systems and on-line productivity tools 229
=== Instructional design models in educational technology ===
12.4 Learning types, designs and technologies overview 231
12.5 Further reading 232
* Goal: Reinforce the learning/teaching scenario concept and its relation to abstract design models. This is based on the previous chapter and acts as a bridge.
12.6 On-line resources 234
* Overview: [[instructional design model]] (see also various [[:Category:instructional design models | instructional design models]])
13 Glossary 235
14 Index 243
* Contents: A good sample of designs for which use of technology is relevant. Each entry will have forward pointers to appropriate technologies. The idea is that students should be able to find out what we mean e.g. by "inquiry learning", "case-based learning", etc. and at the same time already show why and where the use of technology makes sense ...
15 Bibliography 249
=== Overview of educational technologies ===
* [[educational technologies]], including a short categorization of major technologies used in education. This also will go beyond teaching/learning, e.g. include tools for student management.
=== Standards ===
* Goal: discussion of various standards and trends. Also discuss the issue here whether teaching can/should be "programmed" (e.g. with educational markup/modeling languages).
'''Content''' (examples):
* [[Standard]]s
* [[IMS]] standards
* Text and multimedia standards
* Other: e.g. bibliography, syndication (e.g. [[RSS]]), [[semantic web]], etc.
== EduTech 1: Technologies for facts learning / teaching (< 10 pages) ==
* Goal: Provide an overview of a major set of technologies used today in education, each will be linked to appropriate instructional design models/theory or other fields of applications. For this and the following chapters we don't mention these, but provide just an idea of the educational technologies we plan to introduce.
'''Content''' (examples):
* [[CBT]], [[e-instruction]], the content parts of [[LMS]] (e.g. [[IMS Content Packaging]], [[CMS]], [[LCMS]], [[multimedia presentation]]s
== EduTech 2: Technologies for concept learning ==
Goal: as above
'''Content''' (examples):
* [[hypertext]], [[wiki]]s, [[concept map]]s (both reading and writing), [[microworld]]s.
== EduTech 3: Technologies for reasoning and procedure learning ==
Goal: as above
'''Content''' (examples):
* [[Intelligent tutoring system]], [[simulation]], [[multimedia animation]]s, [[interactive multimedia]]
== EduTech 4: CMC, tutoring and collaborative learning ==
Goal: as above
'''Content''' (examples):
* [[computer-mediated communication]], [[e-tutoring]]
* [[CSCL]]
* [[social computing]], [[social software]]
== EduTech 5: Technologies for problem solving and production strategies ==
Goal: as above
'''Content''' (examples):
* [[CBL]], [[Cognitive tool]],[[groupware]], [[weblog]]s, [[simulation and gaming]]
== EduTech 6: Technologies for learning in action (situated) ==
Goal: as above
'''Content''' (examples):
* [[learning e-portfolio]]s, [[C3MS]]-like portals, etc.
== EduTech 7: Other ==
(Maybe split into 2 chapters, one that has to do with teaching/learning and an other to do with school organization, management of educational materials and such).
'''Content''' (examples):
* [[Learning object repository]]
== EduTech 8: Integrated learning environments ==
Goal: Discuss global learning environments (make sure that people understand that and LMS is not neutral, also discuss other alternatives)
'''Content''' (examples):
* [[learning management system]]s
* [[virtual environment]]
* Assembly of [[social software]] (maybe)
== Research and development methods (< 15 pages) ==
=== Research schools in educational technology ===
* Overview
* [[design-based research]]
* clinical experimentation
* quasi-experimentation (ecologically valid experimentation)
* clinical qualitative research (e.g. qualitative cognitive science like dialog analysis and classroom observations)
* educational sociology
=== Development methodology ===
* Introduction to [[instructional design method]]s
* Plus a choice of 4-5 major approaches like:
** [[MISA]] (heavy industrial)
** [[Kemp design model]], [[ADDIE]] (medium industrial)
** Light models, such as [[Backwards design]]
** Teacher-centered [[lesson planning]] and associated tools.
=== Evaluation methodology ===
* [[course evaluation]] principles (what is a good course)
* Design / course evaluation methodology (for practitioners)
* Back pointers to research methodology
=== Innovation & change management ===
* Goal: Provide some insights on how to manage a project to introduce ICT
* General [[change management]] methodology
* [[Teacher development]] models with respect to ICT usage
=== The relation between research and the field ===
* Goal: Discuss an innovation/diffusion model and show how research and practice may influence each other. This may be merged with the previous section

Revision as of 21:42, 29 August 2008

The project was delivered, but the text is for Fernuniversität Hagen only - Daniel K. Schneider 19:42, 29 August 2008 (UTC)

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 9 1.1 Architecture of the unit and its chapters 9 1.2 Chapter architecture 10 1.3 Keywords 11 2 What is educational technology? 12 3 Conceptual Foundations I: Learning 15 3.1 Learning theory 15 3.2 Learning domains, levels and style 20 3.3 Metacognition, reflection and learning strategies 27 3.4 Human information processTable of Contentsing and constraints 28 3.5 Motivation and Affect 31 3.6 Creativity 35 3.7 Summary and conclusion 37 4 Conceptual foundations II: Pedagogy 39 4.1 A very short history of instructional design theories 40 4.2 Pedagogical strategies and methods 40 4.3 Instructional design models 46 4.4 Conclusion 47 5 Technologies in education - an overview 49 5.1 A short history of educational technology 50 5.2 Overview of educational technologies 51 5.3 Instructional design models in educational technology 53 5.4 Standards, formats and design languages 55 5.5 Conclusion 67 6 EduTech 1: Technologies for facts and skills learning 69 6.1 Computer-based training 71 6.2 E-instruction 72 6.3 Simple sequencing and QTI 85 6.4 Text-centered alternatives to IMS/SCORM 87 6.5 Wikis 91 6.6 Conclusion and outlook 93 7 EduTech 2: Technologies for concept learning and reasoning 95 7.1 Hypertext 97 7.2 Multimedia animations 104 7.3 The concept of interactivity and interactive multimedia 110 7.4 Concept maps 112 7.5 Microworlds 117 7.6 Simulation 125 7.7 Intelligent tutoring systems 129 7.8 Learning Design 133 7.9 Conclusion 141 8 EduTech 3: Computer-mediated communication and collaborative learning 142 8.1 The concept of computer-mediated communication 143 8.2 General CMC technology 145 8.3 Interaction forms in main-stream e-learning 152 8.4 Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 158 8.5 Conclusion 163 9 EduTech 4: Technologies for learning in action 165 9.1 Learning in action and project-oriented teaching 166 9.2 Scaffolding, mentoring, coaching and cognitive tools 171 9.3 Activity portals 177 9.4 Social software and web 2.0 services 183 9.5 Learning e-portfolios 187 9.6 Conclusion 190 10 EduTech 5: Tools for Integration 191 10.1 Frameworks to look at integrated learning environments 192 10.2 Integrated and blended learning setups 194 10.3 Learning management systems 197 10.4 Campus portals 200 10.5 Organizing materials and information 200 10.6 Personal learning environments 204 10.7 Conclusion integration tools 208 11 Research and design methodology 210 11.1 Design-based research 211 11.2 Instructional design methods 214 11.3 User-centered design methodology 217 11.4 Development methodology for researchers 218 11.5 Evaluation methodology 219 11.6 Innovation and change management 220 11.7 The relationship between research and practice 224 12 Conclusion 227 12.1 Formats and standards 228 12.2 Authoring tools, microworlds and simulation environments 229 12.3 Delivery systems and on-line productivity tools 229 12.4 Learning types, designs and technologies overview 231 12.5 Further reading 232 12.6 On-line resources 234 13 Glossary 235 14 Index 243 15 Bibliography 249