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cognitive learning model (Engeström 1988), constructivism (eg. Duffy & Jonassen 1992), Self-Directed Learning, Open and Contextual Learning Environments (Kauppi 1995, Manninen 2000), Web-based Learning Environments and Computer Mediated Communication (eg. Paulsen 1995, Matikainen & Manninen 2000), Collaborative Learning (Johnson & Johnson 1987), Problem Based Learning (Hakkarainen & al. 1999), Transformative Learning (Mezirow 1991), Developmental work research and Activity Theory (eg. Engeström 1999), Project Based Learning (Miettinen & al. 1999), Learning at Work -approaches, and models based on Cognitive and Collective Development of Expertise (Bereiter & Scardamalia 1993, Lave & Wenger 1991).}}
cognitive learning model (Engeström 1988), constructivism (eg. Duffy & Jonassen 1992), Self-Directed Learning, Open and Contextual Learning Environments (Kauppi 1995, Manninen 2000), Web-based Learning Environments and Computer Mediated Communication (eg. Paulsen 1995, Matikainen & Manninen 2000), Collaborative Learning (Johnson & Johnson 1987), Problem Based Learning (Hakkarainen & al. 1999), Transformative Learning (Mezirow 1991), Developmental work research and Activity Theory (eg. Engeström 1999), Project Based Learning (Miettinen & al. 1999), Learning at Work -approaches, and models based on Cognitive and Collective Development of Expertise (Bereiter & Scardamalia 1993, Lave & Wenger 1991).}}

and then present the following table which in our opinion also can be used to measure "innovative" constructivist learning in other settings than vocational training.
The authors of this report then present the following table which in our opinion also can be used to measure "innovative" constructivist learning in other settings than vocational training.

<table border="1">
<tr><td>Criteria </td><td> Ordinary vs. </td><td> Innovative</td></tr>
<tr><td>Criteria </td><td> Ordinary vs. </td><td> Innovative</td></tr>
<tr><td>Constructiveness</td><td> Teaching does not pay much attention to how the subject matter is integrated in the existing knowledge structures of the student</td><td>Teaching and learning are clearly based on the learners active construction process and on the creation of higher level knowledge structures</td></tr>
<tr><td>Constructiveness</td><td> Teaching does not pay much attention to how the subject matter is integrated in the existing knowledge structures of the student</td><td>Teaching and learning are clearly based on the learners active construction process and on the creation of higher level knowledge structures</td></tr>
<tr><td>Activeness</td><td>Learning environment does not support nor require the learner\u2019s own active role in the learning process</td><td>Learning environment is based on the learner\u2019s active role and commitment</td></tr>
<tr><td>Activeness</td><td>Learning environment does not support nor require the learner's own active role in the learning process</td><td>Learning environment is based on the learner's active role and commitment</td></tr>
<tr><td>Cooperativeness</td><td>Learning takes place mainly alone</td><td>Learning is based on cooperative and collaborative principles and takes place in groups</td></tr>
<tr><td>Cooperativeness</td><td>Learning takes place mainly alone</td><td>Learning is based on cooperative and collaborative principles and takes place in groups</td></tr>
<tr><td>Contextuality</td><td>Learning takes place in an institution and/or is separated from the concrete situation of application of the knowledge</td><td>Learning takes place in a simulated or real-life situation, which equals the actual context where the knowledge will be applied</td></tr>
<tr><td>Contextuality</td><td>Learning takes place in an institution and/or is separated from the concrete situation of application of the knowledge</td><td>Learning takes place in a simulated or real-life situation, which equals the actual context where the knowledge will be applied</td></tr>
<tr><td>Problem based</td><td>Study objectives are based on study subjects in a traditional way, and cut into separate units in the curriculum</td><td>Learning approach is problem based and investigative</td></tr>
<tr><td>Problem based</td><td>Study objectives are based on study subjects in a traditional way, and cut into separate units in the curriculum</td><td>Learning approach is problem based and investigative</td></tr>
Ruokamo et al. (2002) in their article on pedagogical models in the design and assment of network-based university education came up with a similar list of criteria. The following list is a slightly amputated and modified copy (''plase read the orginnal and from which we also removed references in Finish since not many people are fluent in that language. [[User:DSchneider|DSchneider]] also will adapt this list to the terminology used in various other articles in this wiki'')
1. Constructive and Cumulative. Students build new knowledge upon the basis of their earlier knowledge (de Corte 1995; Jonassen 1995; Lehtinen 1997; Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1999; Mannisenmäki 2000; Nevgi & Tirri 2001). The teacher should construct learning and studying situations and contexts (Tella et al. 2001) in such a way that a student can build on his or her prior knowledge.
2. Active and Self-Directed. The roles of the students and other members of the learning community are active. The students commit themselves to objective-oriented (Uljens 1997) and sensible processing, for which they are responsible. (Jonassen 1995; de Corte 1995; Lehtinen 1997; Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1999; Mannisenmäki 2000; Nevgi & Tirri 2001.)
2b. Sharing and Community. [''category split off from 2. by [[User:DSchneider|DSchneider]]'']: A learning and studying environment enables a new kind of teacher-student relationship, which emphasizes communalism and the personal expertise of the students. (Sinko & Lehtinen 1998; Manninen et al. 2000.) Students are encouraged to express new ideas and models of thinking. This way the entire community can see and profit from the 'media traces' born during the process of learning (Sharan & Sharan 1992; Vahtivuori, Wager & Passi 1999; Mannisenmäki 2000; Tella et al. 2001).
3. Cooperative and Communal. Students work together and build new knowledge in cooperation with one another while benefiting from the knowledge and skills of others (de Corte 1995; Jonassen 1995; Lehtinen 1997; Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1999; Mannisenmäki 2000; Nevgi & Tirri 2001). Communalism is embedded in dialogic thought (cf. Vygotsky 1934/1962; Vahtivuori, Wager & Passi 1999; Tella et al. 2001). Based on the theory of shared expertise, social interaction and communal modes of learning and studying are emphasized. The teacher is expected to maintain dialog and contact with the students in NBE (Passi & Vahtivuori 1998; Sinko & Lehtinen 1998; Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1999; Manninen et al. 1999; 2000.)
4. Conversational and Interactive. A central element of the TSL process on the net is dialog (Jonassen 1995; Tella & Mononen-Aaltonen 1998; Mannisenmäki 2000). Dialog and dialogic communication, i.e., comprehensive understanding of and respect for one another as well as interaction and interactivity are at the core of NBE (Tella & Mononen-Aaltonen 1998). Many different channels of communication should be used in learning and studying environments (Lintula 1999). The well-designed environment includes, among other things, common and shared conversation and working spaces in which documents can be worked on together.
5. Contextual and Situational. According to the features of meaningful learning and studying, learning tasks support meaningful solutions to the problems of the real world, or are simulated through certain case-specific or problem-based examples of the real world (Sharan & Sharan 1992; de Corte 1995; Jonassen 1995; Lehtinen 1997; Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1998; Mannisenmäki 2000). Gaining experiences in NBE is at least as important as in the face-to-face TSL process (Ackermann 1994; Boud & Feletti 1999; Vahtivuori 2001). The links with school are essential in the professional practices of working life and the rest of society (Sinko & Lehtinen 1998; Manninen et al. 2000). In teaching we should find examples and connections to the real world and to the personal world of the students through questions touching on their interests.
5b Simulations and Microworlds [''split off from 5 by DKS'']] Among other things, simulations, videos, Internet links, implementations in the microworlds and applied problem-based situations are used in the learning and studying environment (Mannisenmäki 2000). Especially promising are on-line strategic and role games that include the principles and criteria linked to the community and experience (Vahtivuori 2001).
6. Transferable. Students know how to use their knowledge and skills in other situations and how to learn, adopt and benefit from them when learning new topics (Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1999; Mannisenmäki 2000; Nevgi & Tirri 2001). A learning and studying environment supports emerging learning skills, problem solving skills and the skills of self-directed learning. (Sinko & Lehtinen 1998; Manninen et al. 2000.) A learning and studying environment includes cognitive tools, hypertext, professional systems, and databanks that underpin meaningful learning (Mannisenmäki 2000).
7. Goal-Oriented and Purposive. Students achieve a cognitive goal proactively. They can define and set objectives of their own (de Corte 1995; Jonassen 1995; Lehtinen 1997; Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1999; Mannisenmäki 2000). The guidance and support given by the teacher are related to goal-oriented and purposive studying (Uljens 1997; Mononen-Aaltonen 1999). Self-guidance and a genuine attempt to learn also contribute to creating a learning and studying environment (Sinko & Lehtinen 1998; Manninen et al. 2000). A learning environment includes various tools for planning and monitoring one's learning process. Here, a teacher helps to support the materialization of his or her own curriculum (Manninen et al. 1999; Mannisenmäki 2000).
8. Guided. Learning itself as well as the learner's assessment of his or her own skill are promoted by the teacher and by the feedback and support from other students and actors (cf. Vygotsky 1934/1962; Nevgi & Tirri 2001). The need for guidance increases rather than decreases in NBE. On the other hand, the roles of the teacher and the student gain new dimensions and emphases in that in NBE they alternate and, at the same time, they enrich the TSL process. Students and teachers take turns in acting as guides and experts. (Tella et al. 2001.) The learning and studying environment has such tools for cooperation and discussion that enable feedback and support for both the individual and the studying community. The most important characteristics of the learning and studying environment are functional interaction, the opportunity to communicate informally, and to get immediate (synchronous) and delayed (asynchronous) feedback.
9. Individual. Humans have individual learning styles and strategies. Learning and studying are always influenced by the students' prior knowledge, concepts of learning, foci of interest and motivation (de Corte 1995; Lehtinen 1997). A learning and studying environment is basically individual (Nevgi & Tirri 2001), that is, it is never the same to all students. Learners can construct their own individualized interpretation of the challenges and opportunities posed by the environment. Each learner constructs his or her own learning and studying environment, where the immediate feedback given by the teacher supports the learner's individual process of handling and coping with information. (Lehtinen 1997, 20.) Here, the individualized guidance given by a teacher is of primary importance.
10. Reflective. Learners express what they have learnt and they examine the thinking processes and decisions required by the learning process (Jonassen 1995; Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1999, Mannisenmäki 2000; Nevgi & Tirri 2001). Information retrieval and processing as well as the skills of critical assessment are emphasized in the modern learning environment (Sinko & Lehtinen 1998; Manninen et al. 2000). A learning environment includes the tools, such as diaries and the tools for a portfolio, necessary to support the assessment of one's learning and active output (Mannisenmäki 2000). The environment should also include the tools that the teacher can use when guiding students to assess their own studying process.
11. Abstract. Learning can be defined as the construction of new ideas at an abstract level; the development of theoretical ideas reaches from practical experience to the deeper level (Lehtinen 1997). The learning and studying environment enables students to review the socio-constructive process of abstract scientific theories and ideals (Lehtinen 1997). Here, the support given by the teacher is the more important the younger the students are.

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* Tella, S. & Tirri, K. 1999. Educational Innovations in Finnish and European Contexts. An analysis of the Aims and Outcomes of 'The European Observatory' of the European Commission. (1994-1998). Department of Teacher Education. University of Helsinki. Research Report 200.
* Tella, S. (1998). The Concept of Media Education Revisited: From a Classificatory Analysis to a Rhizomatic Overview. In Tella, S. (ed.) Aspects of Media Education: Strategic Imperatives in the Information Age. Media Education Centre. Department of Teacher Education. University of Helsinki. Media Education Publications 8, 85-150. []
* Tella, S., Nurminen, O., Oksanen, U. & Vahtivuori, S. (eds.) (2001). Verkko-opetuksen teoriaa ja käytäntöä. (Practice and Theory of Net-Based Education) Helsingin yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitos ja Vantaan täydennyskoulutuskeskus. Studia Paedagogica 25.
* Teoksessa A. Eteläpelto & P. Tynjälä (toim.), Oppiminen ja asiantuntijuus.

* Theoretical Corner-Stones and Applications of Socio-Constructivism in Virtual Learning. [ HTML]
* Theoretical Corner-Stones and Applications of Socio-Constructivism in Virtual Learning. [ HTML]
* Työelämän ja koulutuksen näkökulmia. Porvoo: WSOY.
* Uljens, M. (1997). School didactics and learning. Hove, East Sussex: Psychology Press.
* Vahtivuori, S. & Masalin, T. (2000). Designing Communal Web-Based Learning Environments: Case GLOBE Project. In Tella, S. (ed.) Media, Mediation, Time and Communication: Emphases in Network-Based Media Education. University of Helsinki. Department of Teacher Education. Media Education Centre. Media Education Publications 9, 59-82.
* Vahtivuori, S., Wager, P. & Passi, A. (1999). 'Opettaja, opettaja teletiimi 'Tellus' kutsuu...' Kohti yhteisöllistä opiskelua virtuaalikoulussa. (Teacher, Teacher, Teleteam Tellus Calling...' Towards Communal Studying in a Virtual School) Kasvatus 30 (3), 265-278.|
* Vahtivuori, S. (2001). Kohti kokemuksellisen ja yhteisöllisen verkko-opetuksen suunnittelua. (Towards the Experiential and Collaborative Designing of Network-Based Education.) In Tella, S., Nurminen, O., Oksanen, U. & Vahtivuori, S. (eds.) Verkko-opetuksen teoriaa ja käytäntöä. Studia Paedagogica 25, 79-113.
* Viteli, J. (toim.) 1998. Esimerkkejä ja kokemuksia korkeakoulumaailmasta. Sitran teknologia arviointihanke: Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka opetuksessa ja oppimisessa. Osaraportti 2. Sitra 190. Helsinki: Suomen itsenäisyyden juhlarahasto.
* Viteli, J. (toim.), Collan, S., Kauppi, A., Niemi, H. & Vainio, L. 1998. Yliopistojen ja ammattikorkeakoulujen tilanne ja tulevaisuuden näkymät. Sitran teknologia-arviointihanke: Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka opetuksessa ja oppimisessa. Osaraportti 1. Sitra 189. Helsinki: Suomen itsenäisyyden juhlarahasto.
* Vygotsky, L. S. (1934/1962). Thought and Language. Cambridge, MIT Press.

* Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
* Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Revision as of 15:57, 19 September 2006


Socio-constructivism are variants of constructivist learning theory. The term is also used to design certain pedagogic strategies, instructional design models, etc.

This article is a very short overview piece that should at some point be expanded quite a lot ... On the other hand, writing an introduction for educational technologists is almost meaningless, since there are so many variants both in learning theory and pedagogical designs.

Socio-constructivist learning theory

Incorporating influences traditionally associated with sociology and anthropology, socio-constructivism emphasizes the impact of collaboration, social context (situatedness), and negotiation on thinking and learning. A central notion in socio-constructivism is assisted learning (See below).

Socio-constructivism can be defined as an approach according to which interpersonal knowledge can only be achieved by social construction of it. Especially relevant in this respect are the communication processes occurring in the situations where there are at least two persons trying to solve a problem. The social world of a learner is central concept in socio-constructivism. It includes the people that directly affect that person, including teachers, friends, students, administrators, and participants in all forms of activity. This takes into account the social nature of both the local processes in collaborative learning and in the discussion of wider social collaboration in a given subject, such as science.

Many of the authors that identify with social constructivism trace their ideas back to Vygotsky (1978), who focussed on the roles that society played in the development of an individual. Assisted learning for example, occurs in the now-familiar zone of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1978) where more able others actively scaffold the individual's performance at a level beyond which the individual could perform alone. Contemporary cognitive theorists have expanded this notion to give nonsocial aspects of the environment an active role in the individual's learning as well. Rather than a solitary process, these newer perspectives assume that effective learning occurs via interaction with and support from people and objects in the world.

Cobb (1994) examines whether the "mind" is located in the head or in social action, and argues that both perspectives should be used in concert, as they are each as useful as the other. What is seen from one perspective as reasoning of a collection of individuals mutually adapting to each other's actions can be seen in another as the norms and practices of a classroom community (Cobb, 1998). This dialectic is examined in more detail by Salomon and Perkins (1998), who suggest ways that these "acquisition" and "participation" metaphors of learning interrelate and interact in synergistic ways. They model the social entity as a learner (for example, a football team, a business or a family), compare it with the learning of an individual in a social setting, and identify three main types of relations:

  • Individual learning can be less or more socially-mediated learning.
  • Individuals can participate in the learning of a collective, sometimes with what is learned distributed throughout the collective more than in the mind of any one individual.
  • Individuals and social aspects of learning in both of these senses, can interact over time to strengthen one another in a 'reciprocal spiral relationship'.

Research on collaborative learning is particularly interested in learning mechanisms that are triggered by specific collaborative activities.

Pedagogic models

Teaching strategies using social constructivism as a referent include teaching in contexts that might be personally meaningful to students, negotiating taken-as-shared meanings with students, class discussion, small-group collaboration, and valuing meaningful activity over correct answers (Wood et al, 1995). Cobb (1994) contrasts the approach of delivering mathematics as "content" against the technique of fostering the emergence of mathematical ideas from the collective practices of the classroom community. Emphasis is growing on the teacher's use of multiple epistemologies, to maintain dialectic tension between teacher guidance and student-initiated exploration, as well as between social learning and individual learning.

Key functionalities of a socio-constructivist learning environment are:

  • Reflection & Exchange
  • Scaffolding & Storyboarding
  • Facilitation & Content
  • Monitoring & Assessment
  • Production, Investigation etc.
  • Psychological support & Community.

In the last few years, socio-constructivism is often associated with scandinavian pedagogical reform. E.g. Manninen defines criteria for innovations (in vocational training) on the basis of "good learning" defined in “cognitive learning model (Engeström 1988), constructivism (eg. Duffy & Jonassen 1992), Self-Directed Learning, Open and Contextual Learning Environments (Kauppi 1995, Manninen 2000), Web-based Learning Environments and Computer Mediated Communication (eg. Paulsen 1995, Matikainen & Manninen 2000), Collaborative Learning (Johnson & Johnson 1987), Problem Based Learning (Hakkarainen & al. 1999), Transformative Learning (Mezirow 1991), Developmental work research and Activity Theory (eg. Engeström 1999), Project Based Learning (Miettinen & al. 1999), Learning at Work -approaches, and models based on Cognitive and Collective Development of Expertise (Bereiter & Scardamalia 1993, Lave & Wenger 1991).”

The authors of this report then present the following table which in our opinion also can be used to measure "innovative" constructivist learning in other settings than vocational training.

Criteria Ordinary vs. Innovative
Constructiveness Teaching does not pay much attention to how the subject matter is integrated in the existing knowledge structures of the studentTeaching and learning are clearly based on the learners active construction process and on the creation of higher level knowledge structures
ActivenessLearning environment does not support nor require the learner's own active role in the learning processLearning environment is based on the learner's active role and commitment
CooperativenessLearning takes place mainly aloneLearning is based on cooperative and collaborative principles and takes place in groups
ContextualityLearning takes place in an institution and/or is separated from the concrete situation of application of the knowledgeLearning takes place in a simulated or real-life situation, which equals the actual context where the knowledge will be applied
Problem basedStudy objectives are based on study subjects in a traditional way, and cut into separate units in the curriculumLearning approach is problem based and investigative

Ruokamo et al. (2002) in their article on pedagogical models in the design and assment of network-based university education came up with a similar list of criteria. The following list is a slightly amputated and modified copy (plase read the orginnal and from which we also removed references in Finish since not many people are fluent in that language. DSchneider also will adapt this list to the terminology used in various other articles in this wiki)

1. Constructive and Cumulative. Students build new knowledge upon the basis of their earlier knowledge (de Corte 1995; Jonassen 1995; Lehtinen 1997; Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1999; Mannisenmäki 2000; Nevgi & Tirri 2001). The teacher should construct learning and studying situations and contexts (Tella et al. 2001) in such a way that a student can build on his or her prior knowledge.

2. Active and Self-Directed. The roles of the students and other members of the learning community are active. The students commit themselves to objective-oriented (Uljens 1997) and sensible processing, for which they are responsible. (Jonassen 1995; de Corte 1995; Lehtinen 1997; Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1999; Mannisenmäki 2000; Nevgi & Tirri 2001.)

2b. Sharing and Community. [category split off from 2. by DSchneider]: A learning and studying environment enables a new kind of teacher-student relationship, which emphasizes communalism and the personal expertise of the students. (Sinko & Lehtinen 1998; Manninen et al. 2000.) Students are encouraged to express new ideas and models of thinking. This way the entire community can see and profit from the 'media traces' born during the process of learning (Sharan & Sharan 1992; Vahtivuori, Wager & Passi 1999; Mannisenmäki 2000; Tella et al. 2001).

3. Cooperative and Communal. Students work together and build new knowledge in cooperation with one another while benefiting from the knowledge and skills of others (de Corte 1995; Jonassen 1995; Lehtinen 1997; Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1999; Mannisenmäki 2000; Nevgi & Tirri 2001). Communalism is embedded in dialogic thought (cf. Vygotsky 1934/1962; Vahtivuori, Wager & Passi 1999; Tella et al. 2001). Based on the theory of shared expertise, social interaction and communal modes of learning and studying are emphasized. The teacher is expected to maintain dialog and contact with the students in NBE (Passi & Vahtivuori 1998; Sinko & Lehtinen 1998; Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1999; Manninen et al. 1999; 2000.)

4. Conversational and Interactive. A central element of the TSL process on the net is dialog (Jonassen 1995; Tella & Mononen-Aaltonen 1998; Mannisenmäki 2000). Dialog and dialogic communication, i.e., comprehensive understanding of and respect for one another as well as interaction and interactivity are at the core of NBE (Tella & Mononen-Aaltonen 1998). Many different channels of communication should be used in learning and studying environments (Lintula 1999). The well-designed environment includes, among other things, common and shared conversation and working spaces in which documents can be worked on together.

5. Contextual and Situational. According to the features of meaningful learning and studying, learning tasks support meaningful solutions to the problems of the real world, or are simulated through certain case-specific or problem-based examples of the real world (Sharan & Sharan 1992; de Corte 1995; Jonassen 1995; Lehtinen 1997; Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1998; Mannisenmäki 2000). Gaining experiences in NBE is at least as important as in the face-to-face TSL process (Ackermann 1994; Boud & Feletti 1999; Vahtivuori 2001). The links with school are essential in the professional practices of working life and the rest of society (Sinko & Lehtinen 1998; Manninen et al. 2000). In teaching we should find examples and connections to the real world and to the personal world of the students through questions touching on their interests.

5b Simulations and Microworlds [split off from 5 by DKS]] Among other things, simulations, videos, Internet links, implementations in the microworlds and applied problem-based situations are used in the learning and studying environment (Mannisenmäki 2000). Especially promising are on-line strategic and role games that include the principles and criteria linked to the community and experience (Vahtivuori 2001).

6. Transferable. Students know how to use their knowledge and skills in other situations and how to learn, adopt and benefit from them when learning new topics (Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1999; Mannisenmäki 2000; Nevgi & Tirri 2001). A learning and studying environment supports emerging learning skills, problem solving skills and the skills of self-directed learning. (Sinko & Lehtinen 1998; Manninen et al. 2000.) A learning and studying environment includes cognitive tools, hypertext, professional systems, and databanks that underpin meaningful learning (Mannisenmäki 2000).

7. Goal-Oriented and Purposive. Students achieve a cognitive goal proactively. They can define and set objectives of their own (de Corte 1995; Jonassen 1995; Lehtinen 1997; Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1999; Mannisenmäki 2000). The guidance and support given by the teacher are related to goal-oriented and purposive studying (Uljens 1997; Mononen-Aaltonen 1999). Self-guidance and a genuine attempt to learn also contribute to creating a learning and studying environment (Sinko & Lehtinen 1998; Manninen et al. 2000). A learning environment includes various tools for planning and monitoring one's learning process. Here, a teacher helps to support the materialization of his or her own curriculum (Manninen et al. 1999; Mannisenmäki 2000).

8. Guided. Learning itself as well as the learner's assessment of his or her own skill are promoted by the teacher and by the feedback and support from other students and actors (cf. Vygotsky 1934/1962; Nevgi & Tirri 2001). The need for guidance increases rather than decreases in NBE. On the other hand, the roles of the teacher and the student gain new dimensions and emphases in that in NBE they alternate and, at the same time, they enrich the TSL process. Students and teachers take turns in acting as guides and experts. (Tella et al. 2001.) The learning and studying environment has such tools for cooperation and discussion that enable feedback and support for both the individual and the studying community. The most important characteristics of the learning and studying environment are functional interaction, the opportunity to communicate informally, and to get immediate (synchronous) and delayed (asynchronous) feedback.

9. Individual. Humans have individual learning styles and strategies. Learning and studying are always influenced by the students' prior knowledge, concepts of learning, foci of interest and motivation (de Corte 1995; Lehtinen 1997). A learning and studying environment is basically individual (Nevgi & Tirri 2001), that is, it is never the same to all students. Learners can construct their own individualized interpretation of the challenges and opportunities posed by the environment. Each learner constructs his or her own learning and studying environment, where the immediate feedback given by the teacher supports the learner's individual process of handling and coping with information. (Lehtinen 1997, 20.) Here, the individualized guidance given by a teacher is of primary importance.

10. Reflective. Learners express what they have learnt and they examine the thinking processes and decisions required by the learning process (Jonassen 1995; Ruokamo & Pohjolainen 1999, Mannisenmäki 2000; Nevgi & Tirri 2001). Information retrieval and processing as well as the skills of critical assessment are emphasized in the modern learning environment (Sinko & Lehtinen 1998; Manninen et al. 2000). A learning environment includes the tools, such as diaries and the tools for a portfolio, necessary to support the assessment of one's learning and active output (Mannisenmäki 2000). The environment should also include the tools that the teacher can use when guiding students to assess their own studying process.

11. Abstract. Learning can be defined as the construction of new ideas at an abstract level; the development of theoretical ideas reaches from practical experience to the deeper level (Lehtinen 1997). The learning and studying environment enables students to review the socio-constructive process of abstract scientific theories and ideals (Lehtinen 1997). Here, the support given by the teacher is the more important the younger the students are.


See various more specialized entries below for the moment.

See Also

Look at pages that point to this page or pages that point to to constructivism, situated learning, constructionism (most constructivist theories and educational designs do have a social/collaborative, situated/authentic and constructivist flavor).


  • Ackermann, E. (1994). Direct and Mediated Experience: Their Role in Learning. In Lewis, R. & Mendelssohn, P. (eds.) Lessons from Learning. Amsterdam: North Holland.
  • Ahteenmäki-Pelkonen, L. 1994. From self-directedness to interdependence? An analysis of Mezirow's conceptualization of self-directed learning. In: S. Tösse & B. Wahlgren & J. Manninen & M. Klasson (1994) (eds.) Social Change and Adult Education Research - Adult Education Research in Nordic Countries 1992/93. Trondheim: Norsk Voksenpedagogisk Institut.
  • Ahteenmäki-Pelkonen, L. 1997. Kriittinen näkemys itseohjautuvuudesta. Systemaattinen analyysi Jack Mezirowin itseohjautuvuuskäsityksistä. Helsingin yliopiston kasvatustieteen laitoksen tutkimuksia 157. Helsinki: Hakapaino Oy.
  • Ausubel, D. (1968). Educational Psychology: A Cognitive View. New York: Holt, Pinehart & Winston.
  • Bereiter, C. & Scardamalia, M. 1993. Surpassing ourselves: an enquiry into the nature and implications of expertise. Open Court.
  • Bonk, J. & Reynolds, T. (1997). Learner-Centered Web Instruction for Higher-Order Thinking, Teamwork, and Apprenticeship. In Khan, B. (ed.) Web-Based Instruction. New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs, 167-177.
  • Boud, D. & Feletti, G. (eds.) (1999). Ongelmalähtöinen oppiminen. (Problem-Based Learning.) Helsinki: Hakapaino.
  • Brown, A. L., Ash, D., Rutherford, M., Nakagawa, K., Gordon, A. & Campione, J. (1993). Distributed Expertise in the Classroom. In Salomon, G. (ed.), Distributed Cognitions: Psychological and educational considerations. Cambridge University Press, 188-228. de Corte, E. (1995). Fostering Cognitive Growth: A Perspective from Research on Mathematics Learning and Instruction. Educational Psychologist 30 (1), 37-46.
  • Brown, J. S., Collins, A. & Duguid, P. 1989. Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning. Educational Researcher, 1989, 18, pp. 32-42.
  • Cobb, P. (1994) Where is the mind? Constructivist and Sociocultural Perspectives on Mathematical Development, Educational Researcher, 23(7), pp 13-20
  • Cobb, P. (1998) Analyzing the mathematical learning of the classroom community: the case of statistical data analysis, In: Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education 1, pp 33-48, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
  • Dougiamas, M. (1998). A journey into Constructivism, HTML
  • Duffy, T. & Jonassen, D. (1992). Constructivism and theTechnology of Instruction: A Conversation. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Duffy, T. & Jonassen, D. 1992. Constructivism: new implications for instructional technology. In: T. Duffy & D. Jonassen (eds.) Constructionism and technology of instruction: a conversation. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Engeström, Y. 1988. Perustietoa opetuksesta. Valtiovarainministeriö. Helsinki: Valtion painatuskeskus.
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  • Finnconsult 1999. Member state report: Finland. Evaluation of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme in Finland 1995-1999.
  • Goldsworthy, R. (1999). Lenses on Learning and Technology: Roles and Opportunities for Design and Development. Educational Technology, July-August, 59-62.
  • Hakkarainen, K., Ilomäki, L., Lipponen, L. & Lehtinen, E. (1998). Pedagoginen ajattelu ja tietotekninen osaaminen. (Pedagogical thinking and computer skills.) Helsingin kaupungin opetusviraston julkaisusarja A7:1998.
  • Hakkarainen, K., Lonka, K. & Lipponen, L. (2000). Tutkiva oppiminen. Älykkään toiminnan rajat ja niiden ylittäminen. (Exploratory Learning. The Limits of Intelligent Activity and Crossing those Limits.) Helsinki: WSOY.
  • Hakkarainen, K., Lonka, K. & Lipponen, L. 1999. Tutkiva oppiminen. Älykkään toiminnan rajat ja niiden ylittäminen. Porvoo: WSOY.
  • Hein, I. & Larna, R. 1992. Lähellä, kaukana, yksin, yhdessä. Näkökulmia monimuoto-opetukseen. Helsingin yliopisto: Lahden tutkimus- ja koulutuskeskus.
  • Hein, I. (toim.) 1998. Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka elinikäisen oppimisen apuna. Sitran teknologia-arviointihanke: Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka opetuksessa ja oppimisessa. Osaraportti 2. Sitra 192. Helsinki: Suomen itsenäisyyden juhlarahasto.
  • Hickey, D.T. Motivation and Contemporary Socio-Constructivist Instructional Perspectives Vanderbilt University HTML
  • Huovinen (toim.) Peruskoulujen, lukioiden, ammatillisten oppilaitosten ja varhaiskasvatuksen nykytilanne ja tulevaisuudennäkymät. Osaraportti 3. Sitra 191. 218-226.
  • Huovinen, L. (toim.) 1998. Peruskoulujen, lukioiden, ammatillisten oppilaitosten ja varhaiskasvatuksen nykytilanne ja tulevaisuudennäkymät. Sitran teknologia-arviointihanke: Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka opetuksessa ja oppimisessa. Osaraportti 3. Sitra 191. Helsinki: Suomen itsenäisyyden juhlarahasto.
  • Immonen, J. 2000. Kirjeopetuksesta verkko-opiskeluun - etäopetuksen neljä sukupolvea. Teoksessa: J. Matikainen & J. Manninen (toim.) 2000. Aikuiskoulutus verkossa: Verkkopohjaisten oppimisympäristöjen teoriaa ja käytäntöä. Helsingin yliopisto, Lahden tutkimus- ja koulutuskeskus.
  • Johnson, D. W. & Johnson, R. T. 1987. Learning together and alone: Cooperative, competitive and individualistic learning. New Jersey: Prentice- Hall.
  • Jonassen, D. H. (1995). Supporting Communities of Learners with Technology: A Vision for Integrating Technology with Learning in Schools. Educational Technology, July-August, 60-63.
  • Jonassen, D. H. 1995. Supporting communities of learners with technology: a vision for integrating technology with learning in schools. Educational technology 35, (4), 60-63.
  • Kansanen, P., Tirri, K., Meri, M. Krokfors, L., Husu, J. & Jyrhämä, R. (2000). Teachers' Pedagogical Thinking. Theoretical Landscapes, Practical Challenges. American University Studies Series XIV Education, Vol. 47. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Kauppi, A. 1995. Monimutkaiset yritysympäristöt avoimina oppimisympäristöinä. Helsinki: Opetushallitus.
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  • Launis, K. & Engeström, Y. 1999. Asiantuntijuus muuttuvassa työtoiminnassa.
  • Lave, J. & Wenger, E. 1991. Situated learning. Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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  • Lipponen, L. 1997. Tietotekniikka yhteisöllisen oppimisen tukena. Teoksessa S. Tella (toim.) Media nykypäivän koulutuksessa. Osa 1. Ainedidaktiikan symposiumi Helsingissä perjantaina 14.2.1997. Helsingin yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitos. Tutkimuksia 178, 99-106.
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