Property:Data analysis objective

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Revision as of 10:23, 15 February 2014

This is a property of type Text.

The allowed values for this property are:

  • test1
  • test2
Showing 5 pages using this property.
Analysis & Visualisation of data  +
Experimentation/observation  +
Analysis & Visualisation of data  +, Planning/scheduling/monitoring  +, Providing feedback for supporting instructors  +,
Analysis & Visualisation of data  +, Providing feedback for supporting instructors  +, Social Network Analysis (SNA)  +
Student modelling  +

Showing 1 related entity.

The request is being processed and may take a moment. Preparing ...
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "Analysis & Visualisation of data", "Providing feedback for supporting instructors", "Predicting student performance", "Recommendations for students", "Student modelling", "Grouping students", "Social Network Analysis (SNA)", "Developing concept maps", "Constructing courseware", "Planning/scheduling/monitoring", "Experimentation/observation" ] } }