Conole and Fill learning taxonomy: Difference between revisions

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<graphviz renderer='neato' caption='Hello Neato'>
<graphviz renderer='sfdp' caption='Learning taxonomy' format='svg'>
graph GCF {
learning activity -- context;
Conole, Conele & Fill Learning and pedagogy taxonomy
learning activity -- tasks;
Reloaded by Daniel K. Schneider, TECFA, University of Geneva, i.e. I put this together
learning activity -- learning and teaching approaches;
from a variety of resources (papers, PPTs, Cloudworks, and DialogPlus + a tiny bit of my own
learning activity -- outputs;
context -- aims;
context -- difficulty;
sfdp layout model
context -- environment type;
context -- learning outcomes;
Optimized for the following dot command:
context -- "pre-requisites";
dot -s72 -Ksfdp -Tsvg > learning-taxonomy-sfdp-2.svg
context -- skills;
context -- subject;
context -- time;
# -- start of the graph
skills -- key skills;
skills -- study skills;
digraph GCF2 {
tasks -- task types;
tasks -- task technique;
# A0 landscape page size - should print fine as poster
tasks -- interaction;
# Size in inches of an A0 page is 48.8x33.1
tasks -- roles;
# Size in points would be "3355,2383" points (1 inch = 72 points);
tasks -- resources;
# Positions don't seem to work with sdfp :(
tasks -- tools;
# size="46.8,33.1";
tasks -- assessment;
# A0 portrait page size
tasks -- sequence;
task types -- adaptive;
task types -- assimilative;
# CRUCIAL - either fill or expand will extend the graph to the size defined above, else you will get a thrown together mess
task types -- communicative;
task types -- experiential;
# ratio="expand";
task types -- information handling;
task types -- productive;
# --- other global parameters to play with (some not working/useful)
adaptive -- modelling;
# width/height ratio
adaptive -- simulation;
# aspect=0.7;
assimilative -- read;
# other sizes and ratios
assimilative -- write;
# K=2;
assimilative -- listen;
# len=1;
information handling -- gather;
# rankdir=LR;
information handling -- order;
# overlap=prism;
information handling -- classify;
# overlap_scaling=2;
information handling -- select;
information handling -- analyse;
# --- node and edge params
information handling -- manipulate;
communicative -- discuss;
node [fontsize=14,fontname="Arial",shape=none,nodesep=2];
communicative -- present;
edge [arrowhead=normal,arrowsize=0.3]
communicative -- debate;
productive -- compose;
# #################################### the nodes and links ##########################################3
productive -- create;
# Arranged in some sort of depth first, since this allows to insert color tags
productive -- criticise;
productive -- critique;
# -- learning activity - THE ROOT
productive -- draw;
"learning\n activity" [label="Learning Activity\n(Conole and Fill\nreloaded by DKS)",shape=ellipse,fontcolor=black,style=filled,color=yellow];
productive -- produce;
"learning\n activity"->"environment\n type";
productive -- remix;
"learning\n activity"->"learning\n and teaching\n approaches";
productive -- sythesize;
"learning\n activity"->"learning\n outcomes";
productive -- write;
"learning\n activity"->"other\n context";
experiental -- apply;
"learning\n activity"->"outputs";
experiental -- experience;
"learning\n activity"->"resources";
experiental -- explore;
"learning\n activity"->"roles";
experiental -- investigate;
"learning\n activity"->"tasks";
experiental -- mimick;
"learning\n activity"->"tools";
experiental -- perform;
experiental -- practice;
# -- -- environment type
task technique -- answering;
node [fontcolor="green"];
task technique -- asking;
"environment\n type" [shape=ellipse,style=filled,color="green"];
task technique -- brainstorming;
"environment\n type"->"audio-based";
task technique -- buzz words;
"environment\n type"->"computer-based";
task technique -- crosswords;
"environment\n type"->"field-based";
task technique -- debating;
"environment\n type"->"laboratory-based";
task technique -- demonstrating;
"environment\n type"->"lecture-based";
task technique -- discussing;
"environment\n type"->"seminar-based";
task technique -- drill and practice;
"environment\n type"->"simulator";
task technique -- exercise;
"environment\n type"->"video-based";
task technique -- experiment;
"environment\n type"->"work-based";
task technique -- experimenting;
"environment\n type"->"toilet-learning";
task technique -- fishbowl;
task technique -- game playing;
# -- -- learning and teaching approaches
task technique -- ice breaker;
node [fontcolor="magenta"];
task technique -- investigating;
"learning\n and teaching\n approaches"  [shape=ellipse,color=magenta,style="filled",pos="200,-200"];
task technique -- journaling;
task technique -- pair dialogues;
"learning\n and teaching\n approaches"->"associative\n models";
task technique -- panel discussion;
"learning\n and teaching\n approaches"->"cognitive\n models";
task technique -- peer exchange;
"learning\n and teaching\n approaches"->"situative\n models";
task technique -- practising;
"associative\n models"->"behaviourist";
task technique -- presenting;
"associative\n models"->"didactic";
task technique -- puzzles;
"associative\n models"->"elaboration\n theory";
task technique -- "question/answer";
"associative\n models"->"instructional\n system\n design";
task technique -- reflecting;
"associative\n models"->"intelligent\n tutoring\n systems";
task technique -- role play;
"associative\n models"->"training\n needs\n analysis";
task technique -- rounds;
"cognitive\n models"->"active\n learning";
task technique -- scavenger hunt;
"cognitive\n models"->"case\n study";
task technique -- snowball;
"cognitive\n models"->"conceptual";
task technique -- snowballing;
"cognitive\n models"->"constructivist";
task technique -- structured debate;
"cognitive\n models"->"enquiry-led";
task technique -- studying;
"cognitive\n models"->"experiment model";
task technique -- tutorial;
"cognitive\n models"->"field\n trip";
task technique -- voting;
"cognitive\n models"->"goal-based\n scenario";
task technique -- web search;
"cognitive\n models"->"procedural";
tools -- adaptive;
"cognitive\n models"->"project-based";
tools -- communicative;
"cognitive\n models"->"resource-based";
tools -- productive;
"cognitive\n models"->"role play\ model";
tools -- narrative;
"situative\n models"->"action\n research";
tools -- interactive;
"situative\n models"->"activity\n theory";
assessment -- assessment type;
"situative\n models"->"collaborative";
assessment -- assessment technique;
"situative\n models"->"dialogic";
assessment type -- diagnostic;
"situative\n models"->"experiential";
assessment type -- formative;
"situative\n models"->"problem-based";
assessment type -- summative;
"situative\n models"->"reflective\n practitioner";
assessment type -- not assessed;
"situative\n models"->"vicarious\n learning";
assessment technique -- artifact;
assessment technique -- assignment;
# -- -- learning outcomes
assessment technique -- contribution to discussion;
node [fontcolor="red"];
assessment technique -- defence;
"learning\n outcomes" [shape=ellipse,style=filled,color="red"];
assessment technique -- "dissertation/thesis";
"learning\n outcomes"->"affective\n outcomes";
assessment technique -- electronic;
"learning\n outcomes"->"cognitive\n outcomes";
assessment technique -- essay;
"learning\n outcomes"->"psychomotor\n outcomes";
assessment technique -- exercise;
"affective\n outcomes"->"Aesthetic\n appreciation";
assessment technique -- face to face;
"affective\n outcomes"->"Appreciate";
assessment technique -- field work;
"affective\n outcomes"->"Awareness";
assessment technique -- game;
"affective\n outcomes"->"Commitment";
assessment technique -- lab work;
"affective\n outcomes"->"Ethical\n awareness";
assessment technique -- MCQ;
"affective\n outcomes"->"Listen";
assessment technique -- notes;
"affective\n outcomes"->"Moral\n awareness";
assessment technique -- objective structure clinical examination;
"affective\n outcomes"->"Responsive";
assessment technique -- off lab records;
"cognitive\n outcomes"->"analysis\n outcomes";
assessment technique -- oral;
"cognitive\n outcomes"->"application\n outcomes";
assessment technique -- peer assessment;
"cognitive\n outcomes"->"comprehension\n outcomes";
assessment technique -- performance;
"cognitive\n outcomes"->"evaluation\n outcomes";
assessment technique -- portfolio;
"cognitive\n outcomes"->"knowledge\n outcomes";
assessment technique -- practical;
"cognitive\n outcomes"->"synthesis\n outcomes";
assessment technique -- presentation;
"analysis\n outcomes"->"Analyse";
assessment technique -- product;
"analysis\n outcomes"->"break\n down";
assessment technique -- role play;
"analysis\n outcomes"->"compare";
assessment technique -- self assessment;
"analysis\n outcomes"->"compare\n and\n contrast";
assessment technique -- short answer;
"analysis\n outcomes"->"critique(2)";
assessment technique -- simulation;
"analysis\n outcomes"->"differentiate\n between";
assessment technique -- "small-scale research/enquiry";
"analysis\n outcomes"->"distinguish\n between";
assessment technique -- summary;
"analysis\n outcomes"->"list\n components\n of";
assessment technique -- test;
"analysis\n outcomes"->"predict";
assessment technique -- viva;
"analysis\n outcomes"->"select(2)";
learning and teaching approaches -- associative models;
"application\n outcomes"->"apply(2)";
learning and teaching approaches -- cognitive models;
"application\n outcomes"->"assemble";
learning and teaching approaches -- situative models;
"application\n outcomes"->"calculate";
associative models -- behaviourist;
"application\n outcomes"->"construct";
associative models -- didactic;
"application\n outcomes"->"demonstrate";
associative models -- elaboration theory;
"application\n outcomes"->"hypothesise";
associative models -- instructional system design;
"application\n outcomes"->"infer";
associative models -- intelligent tutoring systems;
"application\n outcomes"->"investigate(2)";
associative models -- training needs analysis;
"application\n outcomes"->"produce";
cognitive models -- active learning;
"application\n outcomes"->"select(3)";
cognitive models -- case study;
"application\n outcomes"->"solve";
cognitive models -- conceptual;
"application\n outcomes"->"translate";
cognitive models -- constructivist;
"application\n outcomes"->"use";
cognitive models -- "enquiry-led";
"application\n outcomes"->"write(3)";
cognitive models -- experiment;
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"clarify";
cognitive models -- field trip;
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"describe\n reasons\n for";
cognitive models -- "goal-based scenario";
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"explain";
cognitive models -- procedural;
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"identify";
cognitive models -- "project-based";
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"identify\n causes of";
cognitive models -- "resource-based";
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"illustrate";
cognitive models -- role play;
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"question";
situative models -- action research;
"comprehension\n outcomes"->"understand";
situative models -- activity theory;
"evaluation\n outcomes"->"criticise(2)";
situative models -- collaborative;
"evaluation\n outcomes"->"evaluate";
situative models -- dialogic;
"evaluation\n outcomes"->"feedback";
situative models -- experiential;
"evaluation\n outcomes"->"give\n arguments\n for and against";
situative models -- "problem-based";
"evaluation\n outcomes"->"judge";
situative models -- reflective practitioner;
"evaluation\n outcomes"->"reflect";
situative models -- vicarious learning;
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"draw(2)";
roles -- "Assessor - peer/other";
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"find out/discover";
roles -- Coach;
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"list";
roles -- Deliverer;
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"pronounce";
roles -- Facilitator;
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"recall";
roles -- Group leader;
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"recite";
roles -- Group participant;
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"recognise";
roles -- "Group spokesperson (rapporteur)";
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"reproduce";
roles -- Individual Learner;
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"select(4)";
roles -- Mentor;
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"specify";
roles -- Moderator;
"knowledge\n outcomes"->"state";
roles -- Pair person;
"synthesis\n outcomes"->"argue";
roles -- Presenter;
"synthesis\n outcomes"->"design";
roles -- Supervisor;
"synthesis\n outcomes"->"explain\n reasons for";
roles -- skill type;
"synthesis\n outcomes"->"generalise";
skill type -- Ability to learn;
"synthesis\n outcomes"->"organise";
skill type -- Computer literacy;
"synthesis\n outcomes"->"summarise";
skill type -- Creativity;
"psychomotor\n exercise"->"jump";
skill type -- Critical analysis;
"psychomotor\n exercise"->"run";
skill type -- Critical reading;
"psychomotor\n exercise"->"swim";
skill type -- Criticism;
"psychomotor\n exercise"->"throw";
skill type -- Data modelling;
"psychomotor\n outcomes"->"draw(3)";
skill type -- Decision making;
"psychomotor\n outcomes"->"make";
skill type -- "E-literacy";
"psychomotor\n outcomes"->"perform";
skill type -- Foreign languages;
"psychomotor\n outcomes"->"play";
skill type -- "Group/team work";
"psychomotor\n outcomes"->"psychomotor\n exercise";
skill type -- Information technology;
skill type -- Inference;
# -- -- the other\n context
skill type -- Information handling;
# various other stuff, btw. could be developed by looking a LOM
skill type -- Information literacy;
node [fontcolor="black"];
skill type -- Interpersonal competence;
"other\n context" [shape=ellipse,color=lightgrey,style=filled,fontcolor="black"];
skill type -- Library;
"other\n context"->"aims";
skill type -- Listening and comprehension;
"other\n context"->"difficulty";
skill type -- Literacy;
"other\n context"->"pre-requisites";
skill type -- Logical argument;
"other\n context"->"skills";
skill type -- Making notes;
"other\n context"->"subject";
skill type -- Management of change;
"other\n context"->"time";
skill type -- Negotiating;
"skills"->"key\n skills";
skill type -- Numeracy;
"skills"->"study\n skills";
skill type -- Oral communication;
skill type -- Oral presentation;
# -- -- outputs
skill type -- Planning and organising;
node [fontcolor="red"];
skill type -- Practical;
"outputs" [shape=ellipse,style=filled,color="red"];
skill type -- Problem solving;
skill type -- Reading;
skill type -- Referencing;
skill type -- Research;
skill type -- Selecting and prioritising information;
skill type -- Self management;
skill type -- Self reflection;
skill type -- Summarising;
skill type -- Synthesis;
skill type -- Time management and organisation;
skill type -- Written communication;
interaction -- 1 to 1 student to student;
interaction -- 1 to 1 student to tutor;
interaction -- 1 to many;
interaction -- Class based;
interaction -- Group based;
# -- -- resources
interaction -- Individual;
node [fontcolor="orange"];
environment type -- "Audio-based";
environment type -- "Computer-based";
"resources"->"annotated\n bibliography";
environment type -- "Field-based";
"resources"->"content\n in blogs";
environment type -- "Laboratory-based";
"resources"->"content\n in wikis";
environment type -- "Lecture-based";
"resources"->"course\n information";
environment type -- "Seminar-based";
"resources"->"course\n reading\n materials";
environment type -- Simulator;
"resources"->"discussion\n forum\n content";
environment type -- "Video-based";
environment type -- "Work-based";
"resources"->"grey\n literature";
learning outcomes -- affective outcomes;
"resources"->"interactive\n CD ROM";
learning outcomes -- cognitive outcomes;
learning outcomes -- psychomotor outcomes;
"resources"->"peer-generated\n resource";
affective outcomes -- Aesthetic appreciation;
"resources"->"peer-recommended\n sites";
affective outcomes -- Appreciate;
"resources"->"previous\n cohort\n resources";
affective outcomes -- Awareness;
"resources"->"research\n journal\n articles";
affective outcomes -- Commitment;
"resources"->"schedule/course\n calendar";
affective outcomes -- Ethical awareness;
"resources"->"subject-based\n web sites";
affective outcomes -- Listen;
affective outcomes -- Moral awareness;
affective outcomes -- Responsive;
# -- -- roles
cognitive outcomes -- analysis outcomes;
cognitive outcomes -- application outcomes;
node [fontcolor="grey"];
cognitive outcomes -- comprehension outcomes;
"roles" [shape=ellipse,style=filled,color="lightgrey"];
cognitive outcomes -- evaluation outcomes;
"roles"->"Assessor\n -\n peer/other";
cognitive outcomes -- knowledge outcomes;
cognitive outcomes -- synthesis outcomes;
analysis outcomes -- Analyse;
analysis outcomes -- break down;
"roles"->"Group\n leader";
analysis outcomes -- compare;
"roles"->"Group\n participant";
analysis outcomes -- compare and contrast;
"roles"->"Group\n spokesperson\n (rapporteur)";
analysis outcomes -- critique;
"roles"->"Individual\n Learner";
analysis outcomes -- differentiate between;
analysis outcomes -- distinguish between;
analysis outcomes -- list components of;
"roles"->"Pair\n person";
analysis outcomes -- predict;
analysis outcomes -- select;
cognitive outcomes -- application outcomes;
"roles"->"skill\n type";
application outcomes -- apply;
"skill\n type"->"Ability\n to\n learn";
application outcomes -- assemble;
"skill\n type"->"Computer\n literacy";
application outcomes -- calculate;
"skill\n type"->"Creativity";
application outcomes -- construct;
"skill\n type"->"Critical\n analysis";
application outcomes -- demonstrate;
"skill\n type"->"Critical\n reading";
application outcomes -- hypothesise;
"skill\n type"->"Criticism";
application outcomes -- infer;
"skill\n type"->"Data\n modelling";
application outcomes -- investigate;
"skill\n type"->"Decision\n making";
application outcomes -- produce;
"skill\n type"->"E-literacy";
application outcomes -- select;
"skill\n type"->"Foreign\n languages";
application outcomes -- solve;
"skill\n type"->"Group/team\n work";
application outcomes -- translate;
"skill\n type"->"Information\n technology";
application outcomes -- use;
"skill\n type"->"Inference";
application outcomes -- write;
"skill\n type"->"Information\n handling";
comprehension outcomes -- clarify;
"skill\n type"->"Information\n literacy";
comprehension outcomes -- describe reasons for;
"skill\n type"->"Interpersonal\n competence";
comprehension outcomes -- explain;
"skill\n type"->"Library";
comprehension outcomes -- identify;
"skill\n type"->"Listening\n and\n comprehension";
comprehension outcomes -- identify causes of;
"skill\n type"->"Literacy";
comprehension outcomes -- illustrate;
"skill\n type"->"Logical\n argument";
comprehension outcomes -- question;
"skill\n type"->"Making\n notes";
comprehension outcomes -- understand;
"skill\n type"->"Management\n of\n change";
evaluation outcomes -- criticise;
"skill\n type"->"Negotiating";
evaluation outcomes -- evaluate;
"skill\n type"->"Numeracy";
evaluation outcomes -- feedback;
"skill\n type"->"Oral\n communication";
evaluation outcomes -- give arguments for and against;
"skill\n type"->"Oral\n presentation";
evaluation outcomes -- judge;
"skill\n type"->"Planning\n and\n organising";
evaluation outcomes -- reflect;
"skill\n type"->"Practical";
knowledge outcomes -- draw;
"skill\n type"->"Problem\n solving";
knowledge outcomes -- "find out/discover";
"skill\n type"->"Reading";
knowledge outcomes -- list;
"skill\n type"->"Referencing";
knowledge outcomes -- pronounce;
"skill\n type"->"Research";
knowledge outcomes -- recall;
"skill\n type"->"Selecting\n and\n prioritising\n information";
knowledge outcomes -- recite;
"skill\n type"->"Self\n management";
knowledge outcomes -- recognise;
"skill\n type"->"Self\n reflection";
knowledge outcomes -- reproduce;
"skill\n type"->"Summarising";
knowledge outcomes -- select;
"skill\n type"->"Synthesis";
knowledge outcomes -- specify;
"skill\n type"->"Time\n management\n and\n organisation";
knowledge outcomes -- state;
"skill\n type"->"Written\n communication";
synthesis outcomes -- argue;
synthesis outcomes -- design;
# -- -- the tasks
synthesis outcomes -- explain reasons for;
node [fontcolor="blue"];
synthesis outcomes -- generalise;
"tasks" [shape=ellipse,color=blue,style=filled,fontcolor="white"];
synthesis outcomes -- organise;
"tasks"->"task\n types";
synthesis outcomes -- summarise;
"tasks"->"task\n technique";
psychomotor outcomes -- draw;
psychomotor outcomes -- psychomotor exercise;
psychomotor outcomes -- make;
# "tasks"->"sequence";
psychomotor outcomes -- perform;
psychomotor outcomes -- play;
# -- -- -- tasks types
psychomotor exercise -- jump;
"task\n types"[fontcolor="blue"];
psychomotor exercise -- run;
"task\n types"->"adaptive\n tasks";
psychomotor exercise -- swim;
"task\n types"->"assimilative\n tasks";
psychomotor exercise -- throw;
"task\n types"->"communicative\n tasks";
resources -- Annotated bibliography;
"task\n types"->"experiental\n tasks";
resources -- content in blogs;
"task\n types"->"information\n handling";
resources -- content in wikis;
"task\n types"->"productive\n tasks";
resources -- course information;
"adaptive\n tasks"->"modelling";
resources -- course reading materials;
"adaptive\n tasks"->"simulation\n task";
resources -- discussion forum content;
"assimilative\n tasks"->"read";
resources -- faqs;
"assimilative\n tasks"->"write";
resources -- interactive CD ROM;
"assimilative\n tasks"->"listen";
resources -- mcq;
"information\n handling"->"gather";
resources -- previous cohort resources;
"information\n handling"->"order";
resources -- "schedule/course calendar";
"information\n handling"->"classify";
resources -- "peer-generated resource";
"information\n handling"->"select";
resources -- "peer-recommended sites";
"information\n handling"->"analyse";
resources -- "subject-based web sites";
"information\n handling"->"manipulate";
resources -- template;
"communicative\n tasks"->"discuss";
resources -- research journal articles;
"communicative\n tasks"->"present";
resources -- grey literature ;
"communicative\n tasks"->"debate";
outputs -- artefact;
"productive\n tasks"->"compose";
outputs -- assignment;
"productive\n tasks"->"create";
outputs -- book;  
"productive\n tasks"->"criticise";
outputs -- report;
"productive\n tasks"->"critique";
outputs -- concept;
"productive\n tasks"->"draw";
outputs -- map;
"productive\n tasks"->"produce\n task";
outputs -- dissertation;
"productive\n tasks"->"remix";
outputs -- essay;
"productive\n tasks"->"sythesize";
outputs -- paper;
"productive\n tasks"->"write(2)";
outputs -- performance;
"experiental\n tasks"->"apply";
outputs -- portfolio;
"experiental\n tasks"->"experience";
outputs -- presentation;
"experiental\n tasks"->"explore";
outputs -- product;
"experiental\n tasks"->"investigate";
outputs -- report;
"experiental\n tasks"->"mimick";
outputs -- review;
"experiental\n tasks"->"perform\n task";
"experiental\n tasks"->"practice";
# -- -- -- tasks techniques
"task\n technique"->"answering";
"task\n technique"->"asking";
"task\n technique"->"brainstorming";
"task\n technique"->"buzz\n words";
"task\n technique"->"crosswords";
"task\n technique"->"debating";
"task\n technique"->"demonstrating";
"task\n technique"->"discussing";
"task\n technique"->"drill\n and practice";
"task\n technique"->"exercise";
"task\n technique"->"experimenting";
"task\n technique"->"fishbowl";
"task\n technique"->"game\n playing";
"task\n technique"->"ice\n breaker";
"task\n technique"->"investigating";
"task\n technique"->"journaling";
"task\n technique"->"pair\n dialogues";
"task\n technique"->"panel\n discussion";
"task\n technique"->"peer\n exchange";
"task\n technique"->"practising";
"task\n technique"->"presenting";
"task\n technique"->"puzzles";
"task\n technique"->"question/answer";
"task\n technique"->"reflecting";
"task\n technique"->"role\n play";
"task\n technique"->"rounds";
"task\n technique"->"scavenger\n hunt";
"task\n technique"->"snowball";
"task\n technique"->"snowballing";
"task\n technique"->"structured\n debate";
"task\n technique"->"studying";
"task\n technique"->"tutorial";
"task\n technique"->"voting";
"task\n technique"->"web\n search";
# -- -- outputs
"outputs"  [shape=ellipse,color=red];
"assessment"->"assessment\n type";
"assessment"->"assessment\n technique";
"assessment\n type"->"diagnostic";
"assessment\n type"->"formative";
"assessment\n type"->"summative";
"assessment\n type"->"not\n assessed";
"assessment\n technique"->"artifact";
"assessment\n technique"->"assignment";
"assessment\n technique"->"contribution\n to discussion";
"assessment\n technique"->"defence";
"assessment\n technique"->"dissertation/thesis";
"assessment\n technique"->"electronic";
"assessment\n technique"->"essay";
"assessment\n technique"->"exercise(2)";
"assessment\n technique"->"face\n to face";
"assessment\n technique"->"field\n work";
"assessment\n technique"->"game";
"assessment\n technique"->"lab\n work";
"assessment\n technique"->"MCQ";
"assessment\n technique"->"notes";
"assessment\n technique"->"objective\n structure\n clinical\n examination";
"assessment\n technique"->"off lab\n records";
"assessment\n technique"->"oral";
"assessment\n technique"->"peer\n assessment";
"assessment\n technique"->"performance";
"assessment\n technique"->"portfolio";
"assessment\n technique"->"practical";
"assessment\n technique"->"presentation";
"assessment\n technique"->"product";
"assessment\n technique"->"role\n play ass.";
"assessment\n technique"->"self\n assessment";
"assessment\n technique"->"short\n answer";
"assessment\n technique"->"simulation";
"assessment\n technique"->"small-scale\n research/enquiry";
"assessment\n technique"->"summary";
"assessment\n technique"->"test";
"assessment\n technique"->"viva";
# -- -- -- (tasks) interaction
"interaction"->"1 to 1 student\n to\n student";
"interaction"->"1 to 1 student\n to\n tutor";
"interaction"->"1 to many";
"interaction"->"Class\n based";
"interaction"->"Group\n based";
# -- -- tools
node [fontcolor="green"];
"tools" [shape=ellipse,style=filled,color="green"];
"tools"->"bibliographic\n software";
"tools"->"caa\n tools";
"tools"->"digital\n audio";
"tools"->"digital\n video";
"tools"->"discussion\n board";
"tools"->"electronic\n library";
"tools"->"graphic\n package";
"tools"->"instant\n messaging";
"tools"->"ipod/mp3\n player";
"tools"->"image\n software";
"tools"->"memory\n stick";
"tools"->"mind map";
"tools"->"modelling\n nvivo";
"tools"->"online\n assessment";
"tools"->"project\n manager";
"tools"->"search\n engine";
"tools"->"simulation\n software";
"tools"->"statistical\n software";
"tools"->"text image\n audio or\n video viewer";
"tools"->"video\n conferencing";
"tools"->"virtual worlds";
"tools"->"voice\n over IP";
"tools"->"Voting system";
"tools"->"word processor";
# "tools"->"adaptive";
# "tools"->"communicative";
# "tools"->"productive";
# "tools"->"narrative";
# "tools"->"interactive";

Revision as of 18:32, 25 May 2010


This article or section is currently under construction

In principle, someone is working on it and there should be a better version in a not so distant future.
If you want to modify this page, please discuss it with the person working on it (see the "history")