Skeinforge for RapMan: Difference between revisions

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mNo edit summary
Line 87: Line 87:
| Base Temperature||Base temperature||200||This is much too low
| Base Temperature||Base temperature||200||This is much too low
| Interface Temperature|???||200||not enough||
| Interface Temperature||???||200||not enough||
| Object First Layer Infill Temperature||???||200||
| Object First Layer Infill Temperature||???||200||

Revision as of 01:33, 11 March 2010


Some mission critical stuff is missing. For now, I just verify and edit the g-code, in particular to adapt the raft for larger pieces, or to slow down printing/augment extrusion rate for pieces that I want "smooth".


Skeinforge is a tool chain for printing 3D objects.

The purpose of this entry is to write down the most important parameters and settings for the RapMan V3.1 as installed at TECFA (each Rapman may be a different)

Some parameters



Turn off





Allows to define how an object should be filled.

  • Default: OFF
Parameter Explanation Default Comments
Solid Surface Thickness Defines the number of solid layers that are at the bottom, top, plateaus and overhang 3


Purpose: Rounding of corners

  • Default: OFF


The flow script sets the flow rate by writing the M108 gcode.

Default: 210


Jitter jitters the loop end position to a different place on each layer to prevent the a ridge from forming.


Raft is a script to create a raft, elevate the nozzle and set the temperature.

Parameter Explanation Default Comments
Base Feed Rate Multiplier Defines the base flow rate multiplier. The greater the 'Base Flow Rate Multiplier', the thicker the base, the lower the 'Base Flow Rate Multiplier', the thinner the base. 1 Maker it greater than the default


Speed is a script to set the feed rate, and flow rate.

Parameter Explanation Default Comments
Add Flow Rate Will add g-code On If nothing comes out of nozzle check this.
Feed Rate Defines the feed rate for the shape 16 millimeters/second seems a bit too much.
Flow Rate Defines the operating flow rate 210 This may be too little. I often use 400
Perimeter have higher build quality on the outside at the expense of slower build speed 0.5
Travail feed rate Defines the feed rate when the extruder is off 16 slow down for figures with lots of little pieces.


Parameter Explanation Default Comments
Base Temperature Base temperature 200 This is much too low
Interface Temperature ??? 200 not enough
Object First Layer Infill Temperature ??? 200
Object First Layer Perimeter Temperature ??? 220
Object Next Layers Temperature ??? 230
Support Layers Temperature ??? 200




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