LAMS installation and configuration: Difference between revisions

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REVOKE PROCESS,SUPER ON *.* from lams@localhost;
REVOKE PROCESS,SUPER ON *.* from lams@localhost;
update patches set patch_in_progress = "f";

=== Dowload, configure and build LAMS ===
=== Dowload, configure and build LAMS ===

Revision as of 20:28, 9 November 2018


This page contains installation tips for a fresh install of LAMS. Mostly LAMS 2.2 for Solaris 10.

LAMS is a JAVA/JBOSS-based application and needs some installation skills on Windows and good installation skills for Unix.

Note: I put the legacy stuff in the discussion page, e.g. LAMS 2.x for Ubuntu, LAMS 2.1RC for Solaris

LAMS 3.0

As of November 2018, the current system is LAMS 3.x. You can test this with a demo version. Below, we started documenting an installation on Ubunt 18x, but we did not yet have time to complete the installation.


LAMS 2.5 was initially promised for 2014. Then, after a funding cut, the LAMS team was mostly disbanded and the core team found a new "home" in Singapour. Sometimes in 2016 the version number was changed to LAMS 3.0.

Status as of Nov 2018

  • The old LAMS community pages are still online, but no longer maintained.
  • LAMS 3.x is available as commercial offering through Lams International and also through content services (to be verified).


Usually, this is installed. Check it. In principle, the Open JDK should work, however we do not know if that is true for older version. If it does not (we have to test) this, then it should be replaced with Oracle one. This is very likely the case.
java -version

gives something link:

openjdk version "10.0.2" 2018-07-17
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 10.0.2+13-Ubuntu-1ubuntu0.18.04.1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 10.0.2+13-Ubuntu-1ubuntu0.18.04.1, mixed mode)

Installation did not work with java 11, so I tried OpenJDK version 8. If you don't have Java 8 (it already was on my system), install it first.

udo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
To use Java 8 by default, you can do the following. Most software seems to use Java 8 anyhow ....
sudo update-alternatives --config java

SASS (some kind of CSS pre-processor)
sudo apt install sass
sudo apt install ant
If exists, stop your old LAMS, e.g.
/etc/init.d/lams2 stop

Kill old LAMS

We did not try to upgrade an old LAMS installation since we did not have many sequences that were worthwhile keeping and since there are no instructions on how to do this. So, export sequences that are worth keeping ...

Remove the startup script for old lams (or similar if it exists)
grep -R lams /etc
For example
rm /etc/rc6.d/K02lams2
rm /etc/rc5.d/S02lams2
rm /etc/rc4.d/S02lams2
rm /etc/rc3.d/S02lams2
rm /etc/rc2.d/S02lams2
rm /etc/rc1.d/K02lams2
rm /etc/rc0.d/K02lams2

Install and configure Wildfly

# cd /src
tar xvfz wildfly-8.2.1.Final.tar.gz 
sudo mv /src/wildfly-8.2.1.Final /opt/wildfly
sudo chown you:you /opt/wildfly
cd /opt/wildfly
more README.txt   
#Now test
cd /opt/wildfly/bin
# If your X server works and if you got Firefox installed on the server machine
firefox --new-instance

Create a new MySQL database and user

(1) Check what you got

mysqlshow -p -u root

(2) Create a new database and user

mysql -u root -p

and copy/paste an adapted version of the following

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON lams3.* TO lams@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'real_secret_pw'; 
REVOKE PROCESS,SUPER ON *.* from lams@localhost;


update patches set patch_in_progress = "f";

Dowload, configure and build LAMS

In order to find these files again, we decided to put them in /opt but any place can do.

sudo chown you:your_group /opt/lams 
cd /opt/
git clone

Edit the configuration files

cd /opt/lams/lams_build
  • Make a copy of the *.properties files

Edit file

Edit file

# Maybe not the best place for you, but at TECFA we always create a /data directory for data that must be kept, e.g. portalware, web server files, etc.
#JBoss deploy directory (Unix)
#Sass executable. 

Build LAMS

It is not clear to me if one should build various components. In principle, lams-cruise alone should do the trick.

# go to the build directory
cd /opt/lams/lams_build
# Optional: build some stuff
ant build-db
ant deploy-ear    
ant deploy-tools
# build lams (ant will read the build.xml file and "cruise" is a "target" that should build the whole thing)
ant lams-cruise

At the end you should see something like:

Total time: 3 minutes 35 seconds

Now, in principle, LAMS is deployed in the Wildfly sever and could launch it again.

Compilation errors with OpenJDK 11

Some library is missing with openjdk and something else is wrong. I probably will try again using the Oracle java.

   [echo] LAMS Common: Compiling Java sources
   [javac] Compiling 469 source files to /opt/lams/lams_common/build/classes/java
   [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8
   [javac] /opt/lams/lams_common/src/java/org/lamsfoundation/lams/policies/dao/hibernate/ error: package com.sun.webkit does not exist
   [javac] import com.sun.webkit.PolicyClient;
   [javac]                      ^
   [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
   [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
   [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
   [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
   [javac] 1 error
   [javac] 1 warning

I did not get these errors with Java 8, but then I might have installed some extra libraries in the past. I cannot remember.

Test running LAMS with WildFly

Make sure that the port that you plan to use with WildFly is free.

#Now test
cd /opt/wildfly/bin

This will take some time since it will have to digest LAMS.

# If your X server works and if you got Firefox installed on the server machine
firefox --new-instance

Documentation and using LAMS

Attention: This wiki page is not a resource for end users like course designers or learners. Instead see:

Official LAMS 2 installation documentation
Lams Moodle integration
Trouble shooting