Practice scaffolding interactive platform

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Practice Scaffolding Interactive Platform (PracSIP) was coined by Bundsgaard to describe advanced learning environments that favor authentic (situated) learning in settings that are collaborative, project-based and include a simulation/gaming component

“A Practice Scaffolding Interactive Platform (PracSIP) is a social learning platform which supports students in collaborative project based learning by simulating a professional practice. A PracSIP puts the core tools of the simulated practice at the students' disposal, it organizes collaboration, structures the students' activity, and interactively supports subject learning. A PracSIP facilitates students' development of complex competencies, and at the same time it supports the students' development of skills defined in the curriculum.” (Bundsgaard 2009: Abstract)

“A PracSIP is a special kind of epistemic game, which is an immersive, technology-enhanced, role-playing [game] where players learn to become - and thus to think like -- [...] members of important practices and professions.” (Bundsgaard, 2008).


A PracSIP (Bundsgaard, should support the development of competencies that can be transferred to other situations.

  • Some kind of simulation of dimensions of a community of practice, i.e. what Wenger would call the shared repertoire of resources including “routines, words, tools, ways of doing things, stories, gestures, symbols, genres, actions, or concepts that the community has produced or adopted in the course of its existence, and which have become part of its practice (Wenger, 2008, p. 83).” (cited by Bundsgaard, 2009:525).
  • Scaffolding through both collaborative learning and structuring activities (workflows).

According to Bundsgaard a PracSIP system would include the following features:

  • Organisation (responsibility for subtasks, deadlines, handling of products and interactions related to products, classroom management),
  • Structure of the workflow,
  • Integration of subject-matter learning,
  • Providing tools necessary or suitable for implementing the work.



  • Bundsgaard, Jeppe (2009), A Practice Scaffolding Interactive Platform, in O’Malley, C., Suthers D., Reimann P., Dimitracopoulou A. (eds.) Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices - CSCL2009 Conference Proceedings, ISLS, 522-526, ISBN 978-1-61584-137-0. PDF Reprint
  • Bundsgaard Jepe (2008). PracSIP: Practice Scaffolding Interactive Platform An Epistemic Game that Organises Collaboration, Structures Activity, and Supports Subject Learning, PDF Preprint
  • Bundsgaard Jeppe (2006 ?), Supporting the Processes of Teaching and Learning, How Digital Learning Platforms Support Progressive Teaching