Lhystudios M2 Nano
Unlike most devices the Lhystudios M2 Nano is a lasercode streaming device. Most laser cutters controllers are mini-computers that execute all the commands send it as a large file. Then proceeds to do the real work in making these these commands execute. This requires a beefier processor and memory to store the program being executed. The M2 Nano runs a different scheme. The actual commands it uses control exactly one hardware switch which when changed stays changed in hardware. Each command has a meaning that directly translates to hardware operations and changes. It doesn't for example have a line drawing algorithm programmed on the chip or anything else. All state changes are done directly in Lhymicro-gl, and reflected on the stepper motor chips or timers selected in the CPU. But, this firmware is
The Lhystudios M2 Nano consists of two core chips a CH341A that does the communications and is put directly in PARALLEL mode for EPP 1.9, and the LHY730318 chip that does the code processing. Communication wise the K40 uses a USB at idVendor=0x1a86, and idProduct=0x5512, reading at address 0x82 and writes at address 0x2.
The data is written data typically in 2 packets of 34 bytes of data. An 0xA6 packet send command followed by 0x00 and the data, which is ended with 0x00 and the CRC code.
The CRC is onewire CRC coded data across the payload, bytes[2-32).
A packet may also consist of just 0xA0 (HELLO or mCh341_PARA_CMD_STS). When this happens the read will return six bytes of data. The second byte (Byte #1) contains the EPP pins of the data.
206: OK. Everything is fine, we're ready. 238: BUSY. Cannot accept a packet just now. 207: CRC_ERROR. The CRC of that packet was wrong, and it was not processed. 236: TASK_COMPLETE. The 'F' command was sent and the stuff the K40 was doing has finished. 239: POWER. The board is just booting up or shutting off and doesn't have enough power. 204: UNKNOWN_ERROR. This can be produced by sending FNSENSE to the machine.
The USB plug on the board is connected directly to the CH341A or CH341B communications chip (pins 9-12) configured in parallel port (EPP19) mode. The CH341A/B chip's parallel port is connected to pins 30-37 of the 44 pin LHY730318 microcontroller; running a MCS-51 instruction sets using an 8051 processor. The small chip near the LHY730318 is a simple HC14 schmitt trigger. The Active port (which may or may not be populated with header pins) is from top to bottom: GND, Tx (micro pin 7), Rx (micro pin 5), and +5V (verified on recent M2:9 board from 2019).
It is believed all the usb communications deal directly with the CH341A/B and the data is merely sent to the processor to perform the microcontroller's programmed actions.
The 8051 processor has 128 bytes of memory. With 30 byte packets this is enough to send 4.2667 packets of data. Which is why it properly bottoms out during a raster. If high in pixel changes and moving quite quickly. It can bottom out before it getting new data.
Good resource to understand the CH341 chip. https://www.onetransistor.eu/2017/09/ch341a-usb-i2c-programming.html For the undersanding of the chip interactions know that the only operations done directly on this chip is requiresting
The main purpose of the LHY-chip is to convert Lhymicro-gl code into state changes of the various elements. See firmware for technical understanding of this scheme.
Stepper Motor Drivers
The M2 Nano board is equipped with a pair of Allegro A4988 stepper motor driver chips. The chips are configured in 1/16th step mode by holding MS1, MS2, and MS3 (A4988 pins 9, 10, 11) high from a combined trace on the PCB. Both X and Y axis drivers share the same 0.70 Volt REF input trace on the circuit board (routed to A4988 pins 17); but the individual chips are connected to different value sense resistors. The X axis uses R360 (0.36 Ω) sense resistors, and Y axis R470 (0.47 Ω). That drives the X axis motor at 0.33A per phase, and the Y axis motor 0.44A per phase.
Firmware, Lhymicro-GL
Unlike command rich formats like Gcode, lhymicro-gl is developed specifically for lasers and is maximally basic for that. All commands in the format do only one of 12 things.
- Changes the on-state of the laser
- Changes the direction-state of the x-axis stepper motor chip
- Changes the direction-state of the y-axis stepper motor chip
- Changes whether the ticks are suppressed to x-axis
- Changes whether the ticks are suppressed to y-axis
- Appends values to a distance magnitude register
- Sets the tick rate to the stepper motor
- Executes the current command state
- Change the state of whether the programmed tick rate is sent to the stepper motor chips.
- Resets the board
- Pause device
- Home device
The commands used can be completed in a single command routine. Which is on an 8051 chip (see Hardware) is 12 ticks long, on a 22 mhz processor. And ends up being fast enough to raster at 400mm/s on a 40 year old processor.
There are primarily two different modes for the M2 board: default and compact (可压缩). These modes share some of the same commands and states, but work in some fundamentally different ways. One of the main differences is that it changes the stepper motor ticks to the set tick rate, which means it runs at set speed. It also changes when the command state is executed. In default you need a N command to commit the distance magnitude to the get ticked out
The encoding uses uppercase values as commands and lowercase values as units of magnitude. The magnitude values are always summed together and are positive values in a flagged direction. The direction flags are T, B, R, and L these are likely top, bottom, right, and left for their namesakes, however they correspond to Left (T), Right (B), Bottom (R), and Top (L). This is weird, and getting the command meaning right in your head means rotating by 90 degrees and flipping horizontally.
Default Mode
In default, we can set the speed, laser operation, and direction flags. The things we need for compact mode, while not in compact mode. We cannot unset the speed without a calling I in default mode or @ in compact mode. Calling I will kill any processes, or states, and reset the chip. All commands and states execute at the end of a block, this in default mode is, usually the command N. The final flagged states and magnitudes are executed when entering compact mode. The X magnitude and Y magnitude are independent of each other. Magnitudes in either direction are added together.
Note that in default mode, the last flagged direction gets the magnitude so RzzzzL assigns the 1021 mils (4 * 255) of distance to the L command (Top / -Y direction). Setting the laser D in default can leave the laser on without the head moving. Sending IDS1P will simply turn the laser on. Sending IUS1P will turn the laser off. It is best to execute anything remaining in a command states before switching modes, doing something else might get weird results if some left over magnitude is somewhere, since it will get assigned to some direction. In default mode different directions also combine and trigger as a block, so RzzTzzN is a diagonal move, but RzzNTzzN since it's two blocks, is bottom (+y) move followed by a left (-x). If the magnitudes are different it performs diagonal then linear moves so RzTzzN is a diagonal move for 255 mils of distance and an exclusively left move for the remaining 255. All moves in default-mode are performed at full default speed.
Switching to compact mode uses S1E or S0E. Compact mode will always utilize the speed value and step values set with C, V and G. Within compact, the permitted commands are D,U,L,R,T,B,M,F,@ as well as the lowercase magnitude values, anything else will likely cause the mode to stop and often can result in non-understood behaviors. When exiting compact mode with SE we usually end with a mode exit command (F or @) and that command will be relevant only after doing command SE in default mode. The N command exit compact mode and SE triggers the end. If we ended compact with a F command, then the state should be considered locked until the queue finishes and querying the device returns a status with PEMP (empty) signal. If we send an @ command, it resets the device as part of the command stream. We reset our speeds and other modes and can set our desired modes again. These changes only apply after calling SE. Since these are taken together we usually end a mode with @NSE or FNSE. Simply exiting compact mode requires an N command. But, this will not clear the G, V, or C values. If 'C' is set twice it put you in 1/12th speed mode. (The 8051 takes 12 clock cycles to process a command so there's a internal clock for that). So if we are expecting to use a different speed, or are unsure, we should just reset (@) or finish (F).
Do note, however, that if we reset, the machine may still be doing things and we cannot know whether or not these are finished. The @ command resets as part of the stream. But, commands like I and P commands execute out of stream. Calling I causes the system to immediately reset the board, losing the current buffer and state. Calling P causes it to pause. A packet of PN causes the system to halt until resumed with another PN packet.
Within compact mode, every command is executed as soon as it's sent. So D turns the laser on. Rzz moves +Y zz (512 mils) immediately. To perform a diagonal, the M command is added (in default_mode M does the same as no command, causing the momentum to be assigned to the default R (+Y) and executed). In compact, diagonal M is the in the x-direction set on the stepper chip and y-direction set on the other stepper chip. So RRLTB is LB and goes (+x,-y).
It is customary to set these directions just before S1E when initializing the compact made. So usually we enter compact mode with something NRBS1E this sets the initial states to RB when M is executed. For raster-mode this sets the R state on the stepper chip but the direct direction mode of B (right) for any values. So NRBS1EDzzU will set the R direction then the B direction. Setting the R there means if we're in harmonic mode, when we go from B to T the step will be made in the R direction. Here we set the initial compact direction to be B last direction command set. So the laser will be turned on D and the zz (510 mils of distance) will execute their state at the U, going in the last set direction B.
The commands in default mode apply any magnitude assigned at the next command. So the command state will always be executed before processing any command.
- Let's look at another example: IV2241553G003RcNRBS1EiDzzzzzz111TmD...
We reset the device with I command and apply the V with the value 2241553. The setting for G is set to 003. Since there isn't a second G command this applies to both the switch from B->T and T->B. We set the R flag (bottom, +y) and assign c (3) magnitude. This is triggered by N command because it's still in default mode. Then we assign flags RB, the B flag being assigned last sets that as the ordinal direction and enter into compact mode S1E. A magnitude of i (9) is assigned and executes at the D going B direction (since it was the last direction set). The D makes the laser down. And zzzzzz111 (6 * 255 + 111) units of additional B direction with the laser down are triggered at the T flag. However, since G is set, the switch from B to T triggers the step. The laser to turn off, and a step in the 'R' (Bottom) direction is 3 units (assigned by G) and the direction reverses. In the T direction with the laser off m (13) units are travelled in the T direction (Left), executed at the D command which then turns the laser again.
With this in mind, the chinese software generally rasters with code like UcDcUiDcUiDiUcDiUcDiUc while flickering the laser.
Compare this example with the original to the same for x-step rastering:
- Y-Step: IV2241553G003RcNRBS1EiDzzzzzz111TmD...
- X-Step: IV2221554G003BcNBRS1EiDzzzzzz111LmD...
Here we start the same except the speedcode acceleration/deceleration value is 4 instead of 3. Likely owing to the fact that vertical rastering is moving more stuff for and need more time to decelerate it. But, the other notable difference is that we use RB rather than BR This makes R (Bottom +y) the last flag set and thus the direction we travel for the i units assigned by the D command (which turns the laser on). Here though, we trigger the shift to L which steps in the x direction rather than the y direction since we switched from going from Bottom to going Top. This step is done in the last flagged x-direction which is B (right, +x) as set between the N command and S1E
Harmonic Steps
While we can set directional flags within the compact mode block, this is problematic because the G mode steps on each reversal. The harmonic motion G trigger on direction change within compact mode. So, if we change modes within the compact block, it can trigger a harmonic step. So these mode changes are done outside compact blocks initially.
The G settings operates only within compact mode and triggers a step between 0-63 mils at the transition. Two G codes can be concatenated to implement unidirectional rastering by stepping by units at one end and no units on the other end G000G002 means step down two units on a right-to-left transition and zero units on a left-to-right transition. The C setting causes G to become void and there's no way to unset C without calling reset @ or I. It's not strictly clear what it does. The G parameter triggers when we switch directional modes. So if we're going B (+X, Right) and trigger a T command (-X, Left). The step is triggered. If we gave a magnitude during this step, sometimes it gets weirdly applied, to the step, and is performed diagonally like an M command with that particular distance. If we wish to just make the given step set by the G we should always change direction flags without a distance. During the raster step the laser state is always set to off. It has an implicit U command.
The step is the same in each flagged direction, so if we do an L or R commands to change the vertical we will invoke the step operations (moving in the X direction, and turning off the laser) when we change the Y-direction currently set in G mode. This means we should be careful to set all the desired modes before entering the S1E because in compact mode as all direction state changes trigger steps. If C is set, the value of G is ignored and the direction state changes. The direction changes might also get ignored if we enter compact mode with S0E.
Distance Magnitude
The distance magnitude can be a 3 digit number 255 and below, a lowercase letter, or a few different symbol which kinda qualify as letters and aren't found in the original Chinese software. The letter z is a special case being equal to +255 unless it is directly preceded by |. So all | commands are worth 25 which is equal to the value of y. However, when | is just before a z the z is 26 units rather than 255. Which combined with the | gives a distance of 51. The only other way to hit this number would be something like ~t however that doesn't appear in the original software. The original software use | for all values from 26 to 51.
- a, 1
- b, 2
- c, 3
- d, 4
- e, 5
- f, 6
- g, 7
- h, 8
- i, 9
- j, 10
- k, 11
- l, 12
- m, 13
- n, 14
- o, 15
- p, 16
- q, 17
- r, 18
- s, 19
- t, 20
- u, 21
- v, 22
- w, 23
- x, 24
- y, 25
- |, 25
- |z, 51
- [000-255], value
- z, 255
- `, 0
- {, 28
- }, 30
- ~, 31
Note, these values are all added up, so you can slap anything together and it'll just be added to the magnitude, usually this is something like "zzzzzzzzzzzz" and a remainder like "|g". The only difference that matters is |z is 51 since the | causes the 255 power of z to be 26. But this only applies for the character immediately after the | for the next character, so |az is 25+1+255 and |za is 25+26+1. So if you send the word 'laser' it adds up to 55. And will go a distance of 55 mils.
Calling S1P triggers instant execution ignoring any commands that occur after that. This maybe because the P command causes the system to pause. This kind of suffix is usually used for one-off commands like move right IR<distance>S1P After the P, rest of commands in the packet don't matter unless there is another P. Whenever there are two P commands in the same packet the device rehomes. Unless the second P command was flushed out with an I command. IPP will rehome the device, but PIP will not. If the P commands are in different packets they won't cause a rehome. S2P works like S1P but unlocks the rail so that it move more freely. This can be done as a single trigger like IRzzzNS2P it will release the rail and cause it to jump back with the tension losing registration. Doing IRzzzS2P will break the Rzzz command and fail to execute.
- I: Initialize. Set the machine to initial state. Deletes the buffer. Any commands currently in the stack are deleted. This includes all commands preceding the I within the same packet. This is executed out of sequence. This does not necessarily reset modes set on other chips. Turning the laser on with IDS1P then sending any additional I commands does not turn the laser off.
- P: Pause. Triggers a machine pause. If in compact mode and doing stuff a PN packet will pause the machine, a second such packet will resume the machine.
- R,L: +Y, -Y direction flags. Set the direction flags for execution of the directional magnitude. This is set on the Y stepper motor chip. Suppresses X stepper chip.
- B,T: +X, -X direction flags. Set the direction flags for execution of the directional magnitude. This is set on the X stepper motor chip. Suppresses Y stepper chip.
- M: In compact mode, performs a 45° move in the direction of the last set direction flags. (Does nothing in default, R (+Y) gets the magnitude, doing L<distance>T<distance>N in default will do an angle in that mode)
- D,U: Laser On and Laser Off. Can be done in default or compact. Leaving or entering compact mode turns the laser off. When a G-raster step is invoked within compact, the laser is also disabled.
- C: Cut. Can be set in default mode (in any order at any point in default), but C overrides the G value, a second C value causes the speed to be cut to 1/12th the typical value. Likely by using the command ticks rather than the ticks from the crystal.
- G: Raster_Step. Can be set in default mode. A single set G value sets the step amount for both directions. Two set G values eg, G000G003 sets different step values for the other transitions.
- V: Speedcode. Differs by controller board, making some EGV files and commands not compatible since they differ with the board used. See Speedcode breakdown for specific. This is a long bunch of numbers that set several different things.
- @: Resets modes. Set all the set modes to the default values. Behaves strangely in default mode. Usually this is invoked while in compact mode, calling @ which resets, then N which exits compact mode, then SE which sends the resets. The reset is issued in sequence so more commands can easily follow, setting new values and returning to compact mode. Since there's no way to tell where the system is in execution, you cannot follow this up with any I commands since that could destroy a expected set of commands. For this reason the final exit is usually finish which does eventually signal if the queue is empty with a PEMP flag.
- F: Finishes. In compact, requires we exit N then call SE to take effect. Then the device waits until all tasks are complete then signals a status with PEMP flag set, meaning the queue is empty this is usually 236.
- N: Executes in default mode, in compact mode, causes the mode to end. We can then issue rapid moves and return to compact mode with S1E. Without a reset, we could exit compact mode but without clearing the speed V or G or C values, thing could go weird.
- S1E: Triggers Compact Mode.
- S1P: Executes command, ignores rest of packet. Locks rail.
- S2P: Works like S1P but does not lock the rail.
- PP: If within the same packet, causes the device to rehome and all states are defaulted.
- S2E: Goes weird, but sometimes returns the device just to the left (might be rehomed device with an unlocked rail).
- E: Enters compact mode.
- S0: Unknown. Seen in chinese software retrace feature: IV2282554G000G001R|nS0B|nEaD|kUrDrU070DrU (400mm/s) nano
MeerK40t specific characters
Some codes are included in MeerK40t but are not part of Lhymicro-GL
These are:
- \n: carriage return means to pad the packet when you send it. Since it only processes complete packets.
- -: carryout wait sequence where you wait for the P_EMP flag from the system to say the codeblock is empty.
- *: abort. EVerything that sees this should flush their buffers, and do not process anything already located in their buffers.
- &: resume the controller.
- !: pause the controller.
Several of these are used with regard to realtime commands which get promptly applied to the front of the buffer rather than the end. The reason for these is a paused controller can't resume if it doesn't process the data. Even an unpause command to the controller PN can't really work unless we are told that we should resume to read that code. So the resume code ends up being PN& and pause code is PN! which sends the PN to the controller but processes the & and ! as realtime commands to change its current state. The same is true for * which is used with I for emergency stop so I* sends the I to the controller but the * is processed to mean all the data already queued here should also be purged.
Speed Codes
The units in the LHYMICRO-GL speed code have particular acceleration values that tend to give slightly different equations. Doing real-world physical timing the device speed finds the stated code values are 8.9% slower than the requested code. However, as is, these equations can be used to convert between values and speeds.
In suffix C notation the values are scaled down by a factor of 1/12th and sometimes the initial value changes. The typical formatting of the speed codes is CV<speedcode>1C where the appended C may or may not be present. Stepped down speeds only use acceleration value of 1.
The K40 Laser is controlled with a pair of stepper motors. Stepper motors work by moving 1 unit per tick. In this case the unit is 1/1000th of an inch. The speed a stepper motor travels is the result of the time between ticks. The smaller the time between ticks, the faster it moves. We are dealing with a 1000 dpi stepper motor, so, for example, to travel at 1 inch a second requires that the device tick at 1 kHz. This speed requires a delay 1 ms between ticks. The delay between ticks is controlled with a counter that counts the number of smaller ticks from the 21.1184 MHz processor until it reaches a threshold and sends the tick. This is the fundamental unit of the speedcode.
In the value for the speed code the value is subtracted from the maximum ticks of 65536. Since the processor treats negative number the same as positive numbers in binary. This is likely just a negative 16 bit number. For the diagonal correction value the encoded value is multiplied by the stepping and added to the count threshold. When going diagonal we requires some number of additional ticks, since we are technically travelling a longer distance.
The speed codes are in the form CV<SpeedCode><Accel><Stepping><Diagonal Correction>C? for boards M1, M2, B1, B2.
Speed codes are in the form CV<SpeedCode><Accel> for boards A, B, M, as these later boards do not require diagonal corrections.
The speed code values are encoded as a 16 bit number which is broken up into two 3-digit ascii strings between 0-255. For example to get a value of 36176, we encode this as 141 for the high bits and 80 for the low bits. In hex, 36174 equals 0x8D50 and 0x8D is 141 and 0x50 is 80 So the resulting speed code is 141080. Keep in mind this seems weird to convey a 5 digit number with 6 digits of bytes but keep in mind, the processor does no work itself. It's flipping switches and doesn't do fancy math like division.
The stepping is a 3-digit ascii number between 0 and 128 which is used as a factor for the diagonal corrections.
The diagonal correction values are encoded just as the 16 bit number of the speed code is encoded (two 3-digit ascii numbers, denoting a 16 bit value). It denotes an added delay amount that is appended to the orthogonal delay amount, when the device moves diagonally.
Speed Equations
The calculated gearing equations where T is the millisecond delay between ticks: When encoded they are sent as 65536 - V
- A, B, B1
* 784 + 2000T * 784 + 2000T * 896 + 2000T * 1024 + 2000T
- B2:
* C: 784 + 2020T * 784 + 24240T * 784 + 24240T * 896 + 24240T * 1024 + 24240T
- M, M1
* 5120 + 12120T * 5120 + 12120T * 5632 + 12120T * 6144 + 12120T
- M2:
* C: 8 + 1010T * 5120 + 12120T * 5120 + 12120T * 5632 + 12120T * 6144 + 12120T
The initial values fall into concrete patterns:
- 2 * 8 * 7 * 7
- 2 * 8 * 8 * 7
- 2 * 8 * 8 * 8
- 2 * 10 * 256
- 2 * 11 * 256
- 2 * 12 * 256
Speeds for accel
The typical breakdown of which accel/decel braking is used when depends on the speed requested. Some equations cannot logically denote some speeds. In some cases the value created will be negative. The Chinese software has a bug where it bitshift the value anyway and put it in the higher-bit value as 1677???? as a negative 24 bit number. These are not actually accepted by the boards as correct values. Using some gearing at some speeds cause the device to be louder. The Chinese software used the following speeds to determine the correct braking to use. However, it is possible to use a different braking for many other valid speeds.
- [0 - 25.4]
- (25.4 - 60]
- (60 - 127)
- [127 - max)
- [0 - 25.4]
- (25.4 - 127]
- [127 - 320)
- [320 - max)
It is known however, that the chinese software uses a different brake value for x-stepping rasters than for y-stepping rasters. A speed of 128 in normal rastering gets a value of 3, but in x-step rastering gets a value of 4.
The optional suffix-C notation is used when values fall below a given minimum, this minimum value changes between board utilized.
- B2: [0 - 7)
- M2: [0 - 7)
The B2 board does not have valid values between [7 - 9.50853] as using the first equation there causes negative values.
The M and M1 boards do not have suffix-C notation and simply go negative below a certain point. In both cases it should be 5.0955mm/s.
- M: [0 - 6)
- M1: [0 - 6) or with raster [0 - 7)
The values for A, B, and B1 have a slope of 2000 and that can properly denote low values correctly and does not appear to use the C notation. The minimum value permitted with those values is 30Hz which is stated in an FAQ by the Chinese manufacturer to be the minimum allowed speed about 0.76 mm/s. The relationship here is still unknown.
Speedcode Values
The speedcode value is converted into two 3-digit ascii strings, but the value itself is derived from using a T value in terms of millisecond delay, in the correct gearing for the correct board. See the Examples section for examples.
Step Values
The step value only given when there are diagonal corrections used by the speedcode is between 0 and 128 and usually it is the rounded-up value of the speed as expressed in mm/s so if we are going 1 inch a second, that's 25.4 mm/s which would give us a step value of 26. Which would be encoded as 026. The step value is used as a factor which divides the diagonal correction.
Diagonal Corrections
Since there is a horizontal and vertical stepper motor, they will, if given the same step-ticks, go at diagonal with the same delay as an orthogonal move. However this is a problem, a step of 1 mil horizontal and 1 mil vertical is actually a step of not 1 mil, but sqrt(2) mils. If both steps are made we have travelled 1.4142... mils rather than 1 mil. This means since laser's cut depth is a product of the time spend firing a lasering a particular point, diagonals will travel further over the same time and thus natively cut less deeply.
The speed codes add in a factor to correct for this in the M1, M2, B1, and B2 boards. This value adds in an additional delay when moving in a diagonal move. This value is added on top of the orthogonal delay value denoted by the speedcode.
This diagonal correction is calculated with the equation diagonal_correction = R * -m * period_in_ms / S where R is the ratio constant used and m is the slope in the gearing equation and period_in_ms is the amount of delay in the orthogonal value and S is the step value.
If we want a speed of 0.5 inches a second, on an M2 board. That's is 12.7 mm/s which inside the first gear. So we are going to use the first gearing equation. We need 500 ticks a second, since we are moving 500 mils / second, so 0.5kHz gives us 2ms delay between ticks. Our use a T value is 2 ms so we plug that into the first gearing equation 5120 + 12120T so 5120 + 12120 * 2, 29360 which is subtracted from the max ticks of 65536 65536 - 29360 meaning we should encode the value 36176.
In hex, 36174 equals 0x8D50 and 0x8D is 141 and 0x50 is 80 So the resulting speed code is 141080 we used accel of 1 so we'd encode 1 for that value. With 1 set, it will not bother with accel/decel.
Since M2 boards use horizontal corrections, we have to calculate that.
We're going at 12.7 ms/s that'll give us a step value of 13 encoded as '013' since it's rounded up.
We need to calculate the value of the diagonal correction so use the equation diagonal_correction = R * -m * period_in_ms / S which is 0.4142 * 12120 * 2 / 13 or 772.32369... which we'll call 772 which is 0x0304 in hex, 0x03 is 3 and 0x04 is 4 so this gets encoded as 003004 giving us a final speed code of: CV1410801013003004.
The value I used as the constant to calculate the horizontal correction here is sqrt(2) - 1 which is how much longer a diagonal is from a orthogonal. The chinese software uses an automatic amount in the chinese software uses a ratio of 0.261199033289, this minimizes the error for series of different angles being cut and thus different mixtures of diagonal and orthogonal cuts.
Known Errors
There are several known errors from the Chinese software which are duplicated and explained. The gaps in speed codes can be corrected by calling validate_speed(mm_per_second, board, uses_raster_step=False) with a proposed speed. This will return the nearest valid speed in mm_per_second for that particular Nano board, also since the negative values are what causes the error, a simple change is to make those values simply equal 0 rather than any negative value.
Some speedcode values produced by Chinese software are negative. The boards cannot and does not validly permit negative values. The negative values produced by the chinese software are 24 bit numbers in the upper bits of the ascii string. These values will be reversed into speeds if converted that way. However the control boards do not accept these values.
The value calculated for B2 at a speed of 9mm/s uses the equation 768 + 24240T. 9mm/s is 0.35433 in/s (mm/25.4), thus we get a T value (1/speed) of 2.8222... which gives us 768 + 68410.67 which is beyond the max 65536 delay. The calculated value in the Chinese software for a B2 board at 9mm/s is invalid. This produces a speedcode CV167772011821010006250 which is wrong. However a value of 2mm/s for a B2 board produces a valid value with suffix-C notation. The B2 numbers become invalid after the end of suffix-C at 7mm/s until the first gear equation becomes valid at 9.50853mm/s. Extending the C notation above that limit may fix that problem.
M and M1 boards do not have suffix-C notation (or no examples are produced by the chinese software) and the value zeroes out at 5.0955mm/s. So speed below this are not permitted, without becoming negative (which aren't allowed).
The codes produced when using G harmonic movement at very low speeds where suffix-C notation would be required are not permitted. As such, if the software needs to use the suffix-C notation, the chinese software would try to do this without the suffix, the code is in error. This will result in significantly faster speeds than are actually than are requested. Since it doesn't apply the suffix-C notion but gives values as if it had.
EGV file format.
The EGV file format contains lhymicro-gl but is not the code itself. The main block is Lhymicro-gl but the other elements are:
Document type : LHYMICRO-GL file File version: 1.0.01` Copyright: <copyright name>` Creator-Software: <software creating file>`
%<x>%<y>%<width>%<height>% <LHYMICRO-GL CODE>
The header info there with the % stuff is the dimensions of the file. The location in X and Y matters since the code starts at that as a zero point. So you would issue a move command to that position and then start the code from there.
Other Software
- MeerK40t MeeK40t - Hackable Laser software for the K40 Stock-LIHUIYU laser boards.
- K40 Whisperer - Control software for the stock K40 Laser controller
- Visicut - A userfriendly tool to prepare, save and send Jobs to Lasercutters