CAS Digital Learning in Emergencies (2022-23)/module4-Bashour

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Module 4 - Fida's page

Introduction This page is part of CAS Digital Learning in Emergencies (module 4) and is prepared by Fida Bashour

2. Learning outcomes • Open learning education and the advantages of adopting OER and Open Education approaches in crisis context. • Recognize relevant concepts such as OER, Open Educational Practices, open content, open pedagogy, open assessment. 3. Time necessary: 40 hours 4. Detailed description

The project is composed of five steps:

The project, i.e. describing the resources; setting objectives; specifying target audience; designing learning activities; choosing learning environment; specifying assessment. Finding relevant OER for the project Scripting activities with Open Educational Practices Reflecting and designing evaluation criteria to create an Open Badge. Publishing and sharing the project on an Open platform.