Guideline editoriel

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Afin de conserver a ce wiki sa cohérence, voici quelques règles de base qui peuvent vous aider

Adaptation des règles de style du wikipédia
en cours .... 
note pour K : les partie non encore traduites sont en travaillées dans le train et mises en ligne ce soir encore...

Les nouveaux articles

  • Ne pas créer de page sans la mettre en lien avec une autre page.Une page wiki sans lien est perdue
  • Pour nommer les pages, la première lettre est automatiquement mise en majuscule et les espaces transformés en underscores par le wiki (ce que l'utilisateur ne voit pas forcément)

Les liens

  • Ne pas mettre de liens dans les sous-titre, les titres de sections,...
  • Nommer les liens, qu'ils soient internes ou externes.
  • Le wiki est un hypertexte, il est donc bon de mettre un maximum en lien les pages qui doivent l'être par l'intermédiaires de mots clés qui les lient.

Les titres

  • Utiliser les == (deux symboles égal)pour faire les titres et non pas la triple apostrophe qui met en gras.
  • On commence avec "==", puis le titre, puis "==" pour fermer.
  • Mettre uniquement la première lettre d'un titre en majscule, et laisser toutes les autres en minuscules, sauf si l'on a affaire à un nom propre
  • Eviter les liens dans les titres. A la place, répétez le titre en première phrase et mettez celle-ci en lien.
  • Eviter d'abuser des sous-titres
  • Eviter les déterminants (Le, La, Les,...) dans les titre.
  • Eviter les répétitions du nom de l'article dans les titres.
  • Et tant que possible, éviter de modifier les titres, car d'autres articles y font peut-être référence (cela faut pour le nom de l'article comme pour les titres qui le compose).


Eviter d'utiliser des majuscules pour appuyer l'effet de la phrase, préférez l'italique


  • Utiliser la double apostrophe '' pour faire de l'italique: ''This is italic.'' devient This is italic.
  • L'italique est utilisé pour appuyer, mettre l'accent sur certains mots. Il faut donc l'utiliser avec modération
  • Mais on utilise également pour comparer des mots, mot à mot, ou des lettres.
    • écrire se dit aussi rédiger.
    • La lettre la plus utilisée en français est le e.


  • les citations ne se mettent pas en italique, sauf dans le cas des points cités ci dessus
  • Pour Citer, commencer la ligne par un double point  :
  • si vous relevez une partie du texte en le mettant en italique, mentionnez le sous la citation. P.ex.
A vaincre sans périls, on triomphe sans gloire
(italique rajouté)

Le double point

Le double point ( : ) ne devrait pas avoir d'espace avant lui :

  • Il le tenta deux fois: en 1941 et en 1943(correct)
  • Il le tenta deux fois : en 1941 et en 1943(incorrect)

Acronymes et abbréviations

  • Ne jamais supposer que le lecteur comprend les acronymes et les abbréviations que vous utilisez.
  • L'usage veut que vous mettiez la première référence en toute lettre (voire pointant vers une page de définition le cas échéant) et montriez l'acronyme ou l'abréviation juste après. Par exemple :
le Problem-Based Learning (PBL) est utilisé dans l'éducation pour...
  • Il peut être utile de ré-inscrire l'acronyme ou l'abbréviation en toute lettre plusieurs fois par articles longs, lorsque le lecteur peut se perdre ou oublier ce à quoi cela se rapportait

Tabulation Simple

Chaque ligne débutant avec un espace vide devient une police de taille fixe et peut être utilisée pour une tabulation simple.

un      deux  trois
alpha   beta  gamma

Une ligne qui commence avec un espace et ne contient rien d'autre devient une ligne blanche

Usage and spelling


  • Abbreviations of Latin terms like "i.e.", "e.g.", or "n.b." should be avoided and English terms such as "that is", "for example", or "note" used instead.

Avoid self-referential pronouns

Wikipedia articles must not be based on one person's opinions or experiences. Thus, "I" and "you" can never be used except, of course, when it appears in a quotation. For similar reasons, avoid the use of "we" and "one." A sentence such as "We/One should note that some critics have argued in favor of the proposal" sounds more personal than encyclopedic.

Nevertheless, it might sometimes be appropriate to use "we" or "one" when referring to an experience that anyone, any reader, would be expected to have, such as general perceptual experiences. For example, although it might be best to write, "When most people open their eyes, they see something", it is still legitimate to write, "When we open our eyes, we see something", and it is certainly better than using the passive voice: "When the eyes are opened, something is seen".

It is also acceptable to use "we" in mathematical derivations; for example: "To normalize the wavefunction, we need to find the value of the arbitrary constant A."


Articles with a single picture are encouraged to have that picture at the top of the article, right-aligned, but this is not a hard-and-fast rule. Portraits with the head looking to the right should be left-aligned (looking into the article).

The current image markup language is more or less this:

[[Image:picture.jpg|120px|right|thumb|Insert caption here]]


Photos and other graphics should have captions unless they are "self-captioning", as in reproductions of album or book covers, or when the graphic is an unambiguous depiction of the subject of the article. For example, in a biography article, a caption is not needed for a portrait of the subject pictured alone; however, most entries use the name of the subject and the birth and death years and an approximation of the date when the image was taken: "John Smith (1812–95) circa 1880" or "John Smith (1812–95) on January 12, 1880 in Paris". If the caption is a single sentence or a sentence fragment, it does not get a period at the end. If the caption contains more than one sentence, then each sentence should get a period at the end. Captions should not be italicized unless they are book titles or related material. The caption always starts with a capital letter. Remember the full information concerning the image is contained in the image entry, so people looking for more information can click on the photo to see the full details.

Bulleted items

The following are rules for using lists of bulleted items:

  • When using complete sentences, always use punctuation and a period at the end.
  • Incomplete sentences don't need terminal punctuation.
  • Do not mix sentence styles; use all complete sentences, or use all sentence fragments.
  • Each entry begins with a capital letter, even if it is a sentence fragment.


Make only links relevant to the context. It is not useful and can be very distracting to mark all possible words as hyperlinks. Links should add to the user's experience; they should not detract from it by making the article harder to read. A high density of links can draw attention away from the high-value links that you would like your readers to follow up. Redundant links clutter up the page and make future maintenance harder. A link is the equivalent of a footnote in a print medium. Imagine if every second word in an encyclopedia article were followed by "(see:)". Hence, the links should not be so numerous as to make the article harder to read.

Not every year listed in an article needs to be wikilinked. Ask yourself: will clicking on the year bring any useful information to the reader?

Do, however, wikilink years, using the [[As of XXXX]] form, when they refer to information that was current at the time of writing; this allows other editors to ensure that articles are kept up to date as time passes. Dates including a month and day should also be linked in order for user preferences on date formatting to work properly. Modèle:See also

Check links after they are wikified to make sure they direct to the correct concept; many dictionary words lead to disambiguation pages and not to complete articles on a concept.

Miscellaneous notes

When all else fails

If this page does not specify which usage is preferred, use other resources, such as The Chicago Manual of Style (from the University of Chicago Press) or Fowler's Modern English Usage (3rd edition) (from the Oxford University Press). Also, please feel free to carry on a discussion on Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style, especially for substantive changes.

Even simpler is to look at an article that you like and open it for editing to see how the writers and editors have put it together. You can then close the window without saving changes if you like, but look around while you are there. Almost every article can be improved.

Keep markup simple

Use the simplest markup to display information in a useful and comprehensible way. Markup may appear differently in different browsers. Use HTML and CSS markup sparingly and only with good reason. Minimizing markup in entries allows easier editing.

In particular, do not use the CSS float or line-height properties because they break rendering on some browsers when large fonts are used.

Formatting issues

Formatting issues such as font size, blank space and color are issues for the Wikipedia site-wide style sheet and should not be dealt with in articles except in special cases. If you absolutely must specify a font size, use a relative size, that is, font-size: 80%; not an absolute size, for example, font-size: 4pt.

Using color alone to convey information should not be done, but if necessary, try to choose colors that are unambiguous when viewed by a person with color blindness. In general, this means that red and green should not both be used. Viewing the page with Vischeck can help with deciding if the colors should be altered. It is acceptable to use color as an aid, but the information should still be equally accessible without it.

Make comments invisible

Avoid highlighting that the article is incomplete and in need of further work.

Similarly, there is little benefit to the reader in seeing headings and tables without content.

If you want to communicate with other potential editors, make comments invisible to the ordinary article reader. To do so, enclose the text which you intend to be read only by editors within <!-- and -->.

For example, the following:

hello <!-- This is a comment. --> world

is displayed as:

hello world

So the comment can be seen when viewing the HTML or wiki source.


Consider the legibility of what you are writing. Make your entry easy to read on a screen. Make judicious use of devices such as bulleted lists and bolding. For more on this, see "How Users Read on the Web" by Jakob Nielsen.

External links

Links to articles outside of Wikipedia appear as internal footnotes and can appear in a list at the bottom of the article. They should not appear as their native URLs, but should be formatted to describe the website and the topic. Not written as: See link for an examination of evidence supporting both sides of the argument []. But should be written as: [ Anne Boleyn handwriting] . When wikified, it will appear as: Anne Boleyn handwriting.