Semantic Form demo page

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field_text Text by default
field_screenshot Semantic forms edit form example.png
field_text_autocomplete Yaron Koren
field_textarea Anything goes said Feyerabend
field_textarea_autocomplete Does it make sense to use autocomplete for textareas ? (not implemented so far)
field_category Felix 3D printer
field_categories Category:Digital libraries Category:E-book Category:E-learning tools
field_dropdown cold
field_combobox I won't tell
field_radiobutton Linux
field_checkbox Yes
field_checkboxes Hard Bop, Be Bop, Latin Jazz
field_datetime 2013/07/13 12:13:00 PM
field_listbox Computer gaming, Alcohol
field_datepicker 2013/07/09
field_timepicker 12:15
Field_datetimepicker: 2013/07/18 20:00
Field_menuselect: Item 22
Field_two_listboxes: Coffee, Computer gaming, Alcohol, Sex, Gambling, Loud Rock Music
Field_regexp: 4321123412341234


This form demonstrates Semantic Forms. If you aim to understand how this form was designed, please look at Form:Semantic_Form_demo and the Template:Semantic_Form_demo, i.e. both the user input form definition page and the template definition page.

On top of the page, click on Edit with Form or View Form to see the input form

In order to avoid "data pollution" in this wiki, the Form is not "semantic", i.e. it demonstrates input types that are not linked to semantic properties.

This form probably will remain ugly. It's a code demonstration and not for real world use....


Ok ... but can and probably will be improved sometimes - Daniel K. Schneider (talk) 13:25, 24 July 2013 (CEST)