Flash Papervision3D tutorial

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Revision as of 13:25, 25 November 2008 by Daniel K. Schneider (talk | contribs) (using an external editor)
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In principle, someone is working on it and there should be a better version in a not so distant future.
If you want to modify this page, please discuss it with the person working on it (see the "history")

This is part of the Flash tutorials


Learning goals
  • Create a simple 3D scence with Papervison3D
Flash and Papervision3D level
  • Flash 9 / CS3
  • Papervision 2.0
  • Some ActionScript knowledge, e.g.
Moving on
Level and target population
  • Absolute beginners

Download and install


In nov 2008, Papervision 3D can be downloaded from the SVN repository (read the Revision control system tutorial)

The subversion URL can change, e.g.

http://papervision3d.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/as3/trunk/ (nov 2008)
http://papervision3d.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ (before)

So create a new directory somewhere. On windows you can use a GUI client like like, under linux go to the new directory and type:

subversion checkout http://papervision3d.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/as3/trunk/

You then should have a directory "trunk" with a sub-directory structure like this:

CS3 setup
  • CS3 must be able to find the this library. Read Flash using ActionScript libraries tutorial if you want learn more about this.
  • Open the File->Publish Settings - Flash tab
  • Then click on the Settings ... button next to the ActionScript version.
  • Click on the "target" "Browse to Path" icon and select the "src" directory of the Papervison library

E.g. I keep the subversion tree on my linux machine and copy/rename the trunk directory to my laptop. So I entereded this:


The only thing that matters is that Flash can find the contents of the "src" directory

A simple example