Reading grid

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A reading grid or grid for reading is list of critera used to summarize the main ideas and supporting details covered in a text. Criteria depend on text genre and use context. E.g. a grid could be made to help pupils understand the structure and the contents of a fairy tale. Another could exist to help journalism students study/understand crime reports. Those reading grids should be adapted to the learner's cognitive level.

Grid for reading also can mean the way in which users scan a text or a webpage. E.g. observation one could make with eye-tracing software.


Part of a reading strategy

Note taking grids, that will help students "digest" a text or a lecture


Evaluation rubrics that will a learner's ability to read a text also exist. E.g Courts et al. (1993) ([1]) define:

  1. Ability to identify central point(s)
  2. Ability to identify X amount of supporting details arguments, etc.
  3. Ability to identify underlying assumptions
  4. Ability to make/explain judgement of article's
  5. sense, truth value, quality Ability to identify implications
  6. Ability to identify relationship of central points to personal experience
  7. Ability to recognize and comment on author's technique, organizing principle, or style


Learning strategies
  • Reading Strategies (Learning strategies database). This text explains "reading grids" besides other strategies like SQ3R, highlighting and summarizing, outlining, and margin notes.
  • Home Reading Grid by Deanna Duray. (broken ?)
In french