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Peer-Net stands for Peer Exchange Network in Teacher Education and is a project led by the PHZH with the support of SERI.

The project's goal is about bringing teachers and students from two different countries to develop a course together, including two mobilities with students and teachers in both countries, i.e. peer-teaching and learning in action.

ERDIE / FPSE / UNIGE together with ISEFC / UVT develop a course on research method in education, equivalent to 3 ECTS. Students from ISEFC are students from the Master professionnel en Sciences de l’Education, Parcours : Technologies Educatives and students from UNIGE are Master students enrolled in the course Research on Basic Education in the Global South.

Modules developed

The content that was foreseen to be developed jointly represented 7 modules as follows:

Module 1: Researcher's stance, positionality and epistemology (BC)

Module 2: Documentary search (MR)

Module 3: Literature review and theoretical framework (AA)

Module 4: Problematising (AA)

Module 5: Researcher's tools and data collection (AN & ZT)

Module 6: Data analysis (AN & ZT)

Module 7: Scientific writing (BC)

These modules are oriented towards research in education in the Global South and developed in French or English and are also used, with some adaptation, in other courses.

Initial output: each module designer produces: i) content and related resources for upfront autonomous on-line learning leading to a two-hours face-to-face group session to apply knowledge on students's projects and ii) a pedagogical scenario with activities for a two-hours face-to-face group session. At the end of the module and of the Peer-net project, each module designer will provide a reflexive assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the module for future improvement.

Current output: due to contextual constraints - e.g. students are also professionals, research methodologies are very different, rather oriented towards experimental or quasi-experimental design at ISEFC - resources are provided on-line to address individual needs.

Resources on experimental and quasi experimental design in educational technologies can be found here (in French):érimentaux ;

In addition, within regular courses, some content are also being developed and slides developed as open educational resources are shared below:

11.12.2023: Cadre théorique - Padlet - Slides

15.12.2023: Positionality - Slides

09.02.2024: Data collection - Slides


At UNIGE, students are expected to write a detailed research design, choosing from the following list of topics:

  • Difficultés d'apprentissage et échec scolaire au primaire
  • Alternatives éducatives pour lutter contre le décrochage scolaire
  • Qualité de la formation initiale des enseignants du primaire
  • Compétences professionnelles des enseignants du primaire
  • L'impact du stage pratique et l 'analyse réflexive sur les compétences professionnelles
  • Education en situation d'urgences
  • Education à la citoyenneté mondiale
  • TICE

Those topics that have actually been chosen are the following ones and students are working in groups of four:

  • Le décrochage scolaire en Tunisie
  • Qualité de la formation initiale des enseignants du primiaire
  • Alternatives éducatives pour les jeunes
  • Difficulté d'apprentissage et échec scolaire au primaire
  • Développement du préscolaire

At ISEFC, students are developing their Master's thesis on the following topics (some working in duos):

  • Impact de l'utilisation du numérique à travers la stratégie de la classe inversée (mathématiques, 2e année du secondaire)
  • Robotique pédagogique pour apprendre le français en tant que FLE
  • Impact du numérique sur l'attention des élèves de première année du primaire
  • Impact des outils du numérique sur l'apprentissage de la phonétique
  • Transformation de l'énergie solaire en énergie électrique: comprendre la transformation en utilisant la robotique
  • Influence de la robotique éducative sur la communication orale

Students' tasks

MA students of ISEFC: consolidate their research methods' skills to advance their thesis.

MA students of FPSE: get observations from the field within the programme of the course, Research on Basic Education in the Global South, to complete their research design.

Both groups provide informal peer feedback and play a role of "information provider" during mobilities: connections, resources, explanations, etc. are shared in peer-to-peer format.

Group of students for the Methodo module: 13 students from FPSE and 10 students from ISEFC.


Mobility in Tunisia: 11-16 February 2024

This week was dedicated to field research.

The trip to Tunisia was jointly led with the Module Interculturality and Life skills (an other PEER-Net module between HEP BEJUNE (5 students) and ISEFC (5 students) with some workshops conducted separately).


12.02.2024: Tunis

Official welcome by ISEFC director, ECOTIDI director and PEER-Net organisers

Conference: La formation initiale des enseignants du primaire en Tunisie : retour sur l’expérience de la Licence Appliqueé en éducation et enseignement

Conference: La recherche collaborative en Tunisie

ISEFC students: Presentation of the different master thesis

Visit: Ecole de la deuxième chancede Tunis

Cultural visit: Medina of Tunis

Tunisian dinner at Restaurant le Sfaxien, 5mn walk from the hotel we stayed at.

13.02.2024: Tunis and region

Visit and workshop / conference by Nedra Essid Achouch (access slides) at the Centre National de Formation et de Perfectionnement

Workshop on sustainability from the perspective of an "inspectrice" who participated in an international project (see for example the personas of Boufran, Jem and Baya)

Cultural visit of the Thermes d'Antonin

Visit of a Lycée secondaire public in La Marsa

Cultural visit of Sidi Bou Saïd

14.02.2024: Bizerte region

Visits: two primary schools with class attendence

Cultural visits of Cap Zbib, Ghar el Melh fort and Utique

15.02.2024: Bizerte

Visits: one collège and one professional school

Cultural visit: Cap Angela and Bizerte

Mobility in Switzerland: 5-10 May 2024

The visit to Switzerland will be led only within the Methodo module participants due to agenda constraints but we will do our best to arrange some time together among all those PEER-Net students who will be in Switzerland at the same time.

Preliminary programme for this week to discover how teaching and learning is happening in schools in Geneva and to reinforce research method capacities :

May 5: Travel day

May 6: Welcome; University course on feedback and emotion; Conference on the education system in Canton Geneva; Visit of Piaget Archives

May 7: School visits ; PeerNet project presentations developed within the course Research on Basic Education in the Global South

May 8: Faclab; School visit

May 9: Public holiday - cultural visits

May 10: Travel day

Presentations and thoughts

September 25, 2023: Presentation of the PEER-Net project to FPSE students.

Mobility remains the most valuable tool "pour aller à la rencontre de l'autre". It is a lever to discover unforseen aspects of interculturality in a teaching and learning setting as for instance the zagharit ;)