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  • MISA is an instructional engineering method describing graphically the instructional design processes and their products which define a learning system completely. MISA supports 35 main tasks or processes and around 150 subtasks. The method has been totally represented within the MOT knowledge editor. [1]
  • MISA = Méthode d'Ingéniérie cognitive de Systèmes de Téléapprentissage

MISA Components

The MISA method identifies four axis

  1. DC: Design of Content (know-that and know-how)
    • Knowledge and Skill Representation
  2. DP: Design of Pedagogical specifications
    • Application of Teaching Methods and Approaches
  3. DM: Design of Materials
    • Specification of Learning Materials
  4. DD: Design of Delivery
    • Delivery Planning

There are 6 phases:

  1. Definition of the project (dossier)
  2. Preliminary analysis
  3. Definition of the course architecture
  4. Design of the various elements
  5. Implementation and validation
  6. Diffusion (field implementation)

Roughly, a timeline for development could look like this:


The 4 components split over the 6 phases lead to the 35 main tasks:

MISA Overview fr.png


MISA MOT Software is free for non-profit organizations we believe) that can be obtained from Cognigraph.




  • Gilbert Paquette, Instructional Engineering in Networked Environments, Wiley, ISBN 0-7879-6466-2
  • (Todo: Add the 2 french books)