Journal management software

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Journal management software is used by all publishing companies.

As of 2018, several journal management software and online services are used to create open access journals.


Notice: Some links below need to be tested and sorted. Some software is available as service, others are used to create online services that you could use and some can be installed on your own servers.

Online services

Some are also available as software that you can install on your own server.

(not tested, no endorsement)

  • Ambra. {{quotation|... is an innovative Open Source platform for publishing Open Access research articles. It provides features for post-publication discussion and versioned articles that allows for a “living” document around which further scientific discoveries can be made. The platform is in active development PLOS (Public Library of Science)].
    • Another technology worth look at
  • OpenEdition. See "lodel" in the list of software for creating your own.
  • Scholastica. “...has all the tools your editorial team needs to speed up peer review at your journal and improve the experience of the authors and reviewers you work with.” (1/2018).
  • JMS. “Set up your own e-journal portal and start making money by connecting research professionals with editors.”
  • UbiJournal. Quote (1/2018) “... is easy to use online Journal publishing and management system. It is designed for rapid publishing of international, open access journal systems dedicated to various allied sciences. Get specialized high impact, top online journal websites.”

List of open source software

(not tested, no endorsement)

  • Ambra. Formerly part of Topaz (below), but forked.
  • Annotum. A WordPress theme for a JATS-based workflow.
  • DPubS. From Cornell University Library and Pennsylvania State University Libraries and Press. Read also [1] (Wikipedia)



The list of open source software was started from Free and open-source journal management software (2015), Open Access Directory.