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In education, a foldable usually refers to student-created graphic paper, scissors and glue based organisers.

For Dinah Zike (retrieved Feb 8 2019), a foldable is a kind of Graphic organizer, “Graphic organizeres combine written words (often concepts) with symbols and arrows to represent relationships between the concepts. There are multiple formats for organizing information in graphic organizers. Most graphic organizers are two-dimensional, simply printed on paper; Foldables are three-dimensional graphic organizers that allow learners to interact with the concepts and other content by moving the individual parts or tabs of the Foldable.”.

For Erika Zimpritsch (retr. Feb 2019), “Teaching middle school has many challenges, and one I seem to face often is getting unmotivated students to do their work. [...] Foldables were my answer. Foldables are 3-D interactive graphic tools that help teachers and students organize and master complex information. They are a fun and engaging way for students to create a learning tool for themselves. Paper is folded, stapled or cut in a certain way and information is written inside or outside so that topics can be practiced and learned as the paper is manipulated.”

In Teacher Foldable Fun (retr. Feb 2019), “Foldables can be used for any subject and have many different uses. They give students an opportunity to create something that they can then refer back to. Foldables can be as simple or as complicated as you want them to be.”

Mariana Garcia prefers “to find opportunities for students to create digitally.” That is until [she is] absent from the classroom, and [needs] to find an activity that ties into what we are doing and that will not need the use of devices.}}

Foldable forms

To create a simple foldable concept map, the following steps are suggested by Zike (wording slightly changed by us):

  • Fold a sheet of paper leaving a smaller (2.5cm) tab band uncovered.
  • Fold in the other direction, e.g. thirds or quarters
  • Unfold that, and cut along the inside fold lines to create tabs.
  • Have students identify the concept by writing key words or using pictures on the 2.5cm tab. Draw arrows from the central idea to the tabs, where students record data underneath.

Besides the basic form introduced above, one can image any type of form that allows organizing ideas both horizontally and vertically (by unfolding)

Foldables also can be organized into interactive notebooks.


  • Dinah. Commercial foldable/notebooking and other products