CAS Digital Learning in Emergencies (2022-23)/module4-ibrahimkhatip88
This page is part of CAS Digital Learning in Emergencies (module 4) and is prepared by Ibrahim and Abed.
Learning outcomes
- Recognize the advantages of Open Education and Open Educatinal Resources in crisis affected contexts and different contexts.
- Recognize concepts of (1) open content, (2) open assessment approaches, (3) open resources education (4) open pedagogy and (5) open contents.
- Apply Open Licenses to the content.
- Recognize initiatives and best practices of open education.
Time necessary
16 Hours
Detailed description
The project is composed of 10 steps:
- Describing the learning resources
- Setting learning objectives
- Targeting the audience
- Designing learning activities.
- Choosing learning environment.
- Identifying learning assessments.
- Finding relevant OER for the project
- Scripting activities with Open Educational Practices, specifying the roles of the different stakeholders.
- Designing evaluation criteria to create an Open Badge.
- Sharing the project on an Open platform.
Activity | Duration | Date | Product / output |
Define the project, i.e. describe the resources; set objectives; specify target audience; design learning activities; choose learning environment; specify assessment | 3 h | 20-21 Dec 2022 | Project designed |
Project Open Education Resources | 6 h | 22-23 Dec 2022 | OER for the project chosen |
Script 1 activity with OEP | 10 h | 25-29 Dec 2022 | Script activities prepared |
Design evaluation criteria | 5 h | 30-31 Dec 2022 | Evaluation criteria identified |
Create an Open badge | 5 h | 2-4 Jan 2023 | Open badge created |
Publish and share the project on the chosen Open platform | 4 h | 5-6 Jan 2023 | Project published |
Project Open Educational Resources
For the project, the following Open Education Resources OER were chosen:
Project Description
The aim of Safe Schools learning program is to improve the safety and protection of children in and around the schools in which attendees are working through inquiry-based learning, which in turn will provide concrete inputs into existing School Improvement Plans. In addition, successful work at the school level will support advocacy efforts to replicate and scale up the approach through national policies and systems.
The project – Safe Schools learning program -targets humanitarian workers in the education sector in civil society organizations, local authorities, and school principals in northwest Syria. The project meets INEE 2nd domain “access learning environment” -standard 2 protection and well-being – which aims to present that learning environments are secure and safe and promote the protection and the psychosocial well-being of learners, teachers, and other education personnel. Also, the project will contribute to achieving SDG4 -Quality Education-, target 4. a “ Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all”.
The modules are:
- Mod 1: Build a Safe Schools Team
- Mod 2: Welcome Safe School Team
- Mod 3: What is Risk
- Mod 4: Reduce and Mitigate Risks
- Mod 5: Take Action
The whole training will be conducted digitally and materials in this training will be available online, open, and will benefit education practitioners who find themselves working in crisis-affected environments.
Target audience
Education practitioners in NWS including representatives of Education Directorate, NGOs and Schools principal. Participants age group is between 25-60. All participants have experience in education sector in NWS and they are decision makers in their contexts. Participants are workers in Education Directorate and NGO who implementing/supervising projects.
Project's objective
Global objective
Global goal 1 : Education facilities built and upgraded that were child, disability, and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all”. (SDG4 / Target 4. a)
Global goal 2: Learning environments are secure and safe and promote the protection and psychosocial well-being of learners, teachers, and other education personnel. (INEE/domain 2 / standard 2)
Specific objective
By the end of the training, 20 education practitioners will be able to list key activities for safe schools, explain how to contextualize Safe Schools activities in NWS, and develop a plan for advancing Safe Schools in NWS.
Learning outcomes
Learners will be able to:
- Identify protection activities in school
- List protection activities in safe school
- Integrate protection activities in their school/projects
- Generate plans of safe schools to react if a dangerous event occurs
Project design
With the main 5 modules identifies along with their learning objectives. The training consists of modules 5, based on 3 theoretical approach and 2 practical approach, 11 sessions with 16 hours of instructions that will be divided into 2 training days, 8 hours per day including breaks. The modules are:
- Mod 1: Build a Safe Schools Team (1 Sessions; 3 hrs)
- Mod 2: Welcome Safe School Team (2 sessions; 3 hrs)
- Mod 3: What is Risk (2 sessions; 3 hrs)
- Mod 4: Reduce and Mitigate Risks(3 sessions; 3 hrs)
- Mod 5: Take Action(2 sessions; 4 hrs)
Each module is made up of 2 sessions designed to introduce educational practitioners to key concepts and tools by modeling participatory, interactive, learner’s centered pedagogies that they can experience and then try in their schools/projects. The training modules will be delivered remotely in synchronous on Zoom and asynchronous on Google doc and Google Drive. Participants will be requested to complete homework assignments in between modules and all homework's, materials and tasks will be uploaded on Google Drive.
Example of activities using OEP
Sessions | Activity | Activity outcome | Steps and tasks | Work modalities | Duration | Actors and roles | Tools | Materiel / supports | Ressources / contenus | Productions / artefacts | Feedback / évaluation | Indicateurs de réussite |
Child Protection in Safe schools |
Activity1: Why do we need an integrated response for Safe Schools in NWS?
What does Child Protection bring to the table? What are Key actions taken to integrate Child Protection |
Learners will be able to:
- Identify protection activities in safe schools. - List protection activities in safe school |
• Learners will look at a clock on padlet digital tool and try to answer 6 questions in groups:
Do you / your NGO integrate Child Protection in schools / projects? Why do we need Child protection in our schools? What are the actions you conducted to integrate Child protection in schools /projects? These questions will be also presented in the padlet • Learners will discuss among each other in 10 minutes to find answers to these questions. • Learners share their answers on the padlet online. |
Remote Synchronous |
25 minutes | Peer groups
Trainers role is to guide the activity, present the questions and divide learners in breakout rooms |
Padlet | Computer with internet support for download or watching online | Learners will be provided with participants manual. No handouts for this activity.
The padlet will be presenting the 3 questions |
Learners will share motivations for integrating child protection in their schools and projects | None | Constructive participation.
Learners provide answers to 3 questions. Example answers: 1- yes we integrated CP in our schools 2- to provide safe environment and increase enrolment in schools 3- Signing CoC, Building gender sensitive WASH facilities in camps. |
Evaluation criteria
- Learners will be assessed based on a criteria-based reference and summative assessment model
- Each learner will be asked to submit assignments (individual work) by the end of each module that will summarise the skills and strategies attained by the end of each module. A holistic rubric with 4 criteria and weight scales will be used for grading. The assistance will be grading the learners' assignments.
- Learners will be asked to submit group[ work assignment at the end of module.
- Learners will conduct summative pre and post test to assess the gab that learning program covered
- Learners will be asked to submit a final project by the end of the training and will be assessed according to a grading system. An aanalytic rubric with 4 criteria and 4 levels will be used for grading. The trainer will grading the learners assignments.
- Assessments will be used to provide diagnostic analysis of learning. It will also be used as verification for certification at the end of the whole training.
- Feedback and evaluation will be given to learners after each submission and all throughout the training during group activities.
Individual performance in group works Assessment Sample
Criteria | seldom | sometimes | often |
Contributed good ideas | Example | Example | Example |
Contributed meaningfully to group discussions. | Example | Example | Example |
Listened to and respected the ideas of others | Example | Example | Example |
Compromised and cooperated | Example | Example | Example |
Completed assigned tasks on time | Example | Example | Example |
Prepared work in a quality manner. | Example | Example | Example |
Took initiative where needed | Example | Example | Example |
Came to class prepared | Example | Example | Example |
Contributed significantly to the success of the project. | Example | Example | Example |
Had a good knowledge of technical requirements and how to implement them | Example | Example | Example |
Found appropriate solutions to technical problems | Example | Example | Example |
Saw tasks through to completion | Example | Example | Example |
Individual Assessment Sample
Criteria (example for module 4: Unit 4.1: Child Protection in Safe schools | Score scale |
Importance of Child protection in School well defined | 0 - 4 |
Child Protection activities listed | 0 - 4 |
Children rights identified | 0 - 4 |
Main components of CoC are identified | 0 - 4 |
Total | X / 16 |
Generic Technical Assessment
No | Question | Options |
1 | Which of the following are considered hazards?
(Correct: D) |
A. A medical center in the school premises
B. Earthquake C. Location of the school next to a busy road D. B&C |
2 | A code of conduct should only list unacceptable behaviors for the members of the school community
(Correct: B) |
A. True B. False C. Don’t Know/No Response |
3 | In which category will you place ‘Standard Operating Procedures for building evacuation in case of an emergency’?
(Correct: C) |
A. Hazard
B. Risk C. Competency/Capacity D. Vulnerability |
4 | A school risk assessment should be conducted at least annually
(Correct: A) |
A. True
B. False C. Don’t |
5 | Which of the following will contain information about Alternative School Location in the event of an emergency?
(Correct: C) |
A. School Improvement Plan
B. Code of Conduct C. School Continuity Plan D. Risk and Capacity Assessment |
6 | A code of conduct is only meant to provide behavior guidelines for the following:
(Correct: D) |
A. Students
B. Teachers C. Non-teaching staff in school D. All of the above |
7 | Members of the complaint committee related to the referral mechanism must not tell the accused of the individual who made the complaint against them.
(Correct: A) |
A. True
B. False C. Don’t Know/No Response |
8 | The Safe Schools team will be more successful if there are more adults in the team than children
(Correct: B) |
A. True
B. False C. Don’t Know/No Response |
9 | Which of the following is makes a child more vulnerable?
(Correct: D) |
A. Separating children from their caregiver
B. Abduction C. Houses in low lying area in a during heavy rains D. All of the above |
10 | A School Improvement Plan should only identify mitigation actions that involve construction or civil work. (Eg: construction of school fence, gender separated bathrooms)
(Correct: B) |
A. True
B. False C. Don’t Know/No Response |
11 | A child who cannot see should not be a part of the Safe Schools team since their experiences do not apply to the wider school community
(Correct: B) |
A. True
B. False C. Don’t Know |
12 | The School Improvement Plan should identify different risk mitigation actions for adults and children
(Correct: A) |
A. Agree
B. Disagree C. Don’t Know/No Response |
13 | Which of the following can we plan for to reduce harm caused?
(Correct: E) |
A. Natural hazards
B. Technological hazards C. Health hazards D. Conflict & violence hazards E. All of the above |
14 | A hazard can only have natural causes.
(correct: B |
A. True
B. False C. Don’t Know |
Create an open badge
An open badge will be created based on the following:
Image |
Name | Example |
Alignment | Example |
Criteria | Example |
Badge outcomes | Example |
Evidence | Example |
Description | Example |
Issued to | Example |
Assessment method | Example |
Date of issue | Example |