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ModKit is a visual programming language to program Arduino electronic boards.

An unsuccessful Kickstarter project described Modkit as “event driven and multi-threaded programming language for the Internet of Everything for Everyone - Inspired by Scratch.” is a new kind of programming language for the Internet of Everything for Everyone. It has a rich, yet surprisingly intuitive, multithreaded and event oriented syntax that will be familiar to millions of young students and educators who have been exposed to Scratch. And it works with Wiring, the microcontroller framework used in the Arduino IDE as well as development tools from TI, Particle, and Intel.

Multithreading is traditionally thought of and introduced as an advanced programming concept, but it just means you can have multiple things going on at the same time. Event-oriented simply means things can alert other things when something interesting happens. Unlike most programming languages, both of these concepts are built-in to, not introduced as a complicated afterthought

( - The Internet of Everything for Everyone, retrieved Feb 2020)

As of Feb 2020, the website is partially broken, and the Modkit Micro page annonces that “We're working on a new graphical editor for Microcontrollers based on Modkit Micro is no longer supported but is still available below”. In our opinion this software may have a chance of becoming popular, since the better known MakeCode environment does not interact with Lilypads and the standard Arduino boards. So far we did not test this - Daniel K. Schneider (talk) 19:07, 6 February 2020 (CET)

See also:

  • MakeCode, a (for now) more successful project
