Creative writing

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According to wikipedia (May 2019), “Creative writing is any writing that goes outside the bounds of normal professional, journalistic, academic, or technical forms of literature, typically identified by an emphasis on narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes or with various traditions of poetry and poetics.” But they also state that “Creative writing can technically be considered any writing of original composition. In this sense, creative writing is a more contemporary and process-oriented name for what has been traditionally called literature, including the variety of its genres.”


For Barbot et al. (2012), [1] define writing as “a recursive process involving both cognitive and metacognitive skills (Larkin, 2009) and critical for academic and vocational achievement (e.g., Graham and Perin, 2007, Hirsch, 1987). Ways to develop effective writing instruction from a young age are therefore of great interest.”. In a study to gather different experts' perspectives on the “key ingredients” involved in creative writing by children found that observation, intrinsic motivation, imagination, description are recognized to be critical key elements.

In general education

Creative writing can be used to teach various language skills, such as critical reading or grammar or more high-level skills sets such as creative thinking. It may be a way to engage less motivated students in language learning (Arshavskaya, 2015).

Urlaub (2011), [2] start from the problem that advanced-level learners who can read sophisticated text in their native (L1) language cannot transfer these skills to a second language (L2), German in their case. Their pilot study, implementing a guided writing an critical reading scenario, indicates a mutually supportive relationship between creative writing and literary reading.

Kerr (2010) [3] distinguish between reflective writing typically used in education and literary creative writing. She argues that (literary) creative writing can improve (normal) reflective writing. “In health care educational settings where the goal is to promote self-reflection, critical thinking and growth, reflective and expressive writing are proven and invaluable methods. However, when the goal is to foster empathy by teaching narrative competence or to improve students’ observational abilities, the type of instruction offered in literary creative writing courses can help train students to be highly attentive to textual features.”



Cited with footnotes

  1. Barbot, B., Tan, M., Randi, J., Santa-Donato, G., & Grigorenko, E. L. (2012). Essential skills for creative writing: Integrating multiple domain-specific perspectives. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 7(3), 209–223.
  2. Urlaub, P. (2011). Developing Literary Reading Skills through Creative Writing in German as a Second Language. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German, 44(2), 98–105.
  3. Kerr, L. (2010). More than Words: Applying the Discipline of Literary Creative Writing to the Practice of Reflective Writing in Health Care Education. Journal of Medical Humanities, 31(4), 295–301.


Al-Jarf, R. (2018). Exploring Discourse and Creativity in Facebook Creative Writing by Non-Native Speakers. In M. Danesi (Ed.), Empirical Research on Semiotics and Visual Rhetoric (pp. 1-31). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-5622-0.ch001

Anae N. (2014). Creative writing as freedom, education as exploration: Creative writing as literary and visual arts pedagogy in the first-year teacher-education experience. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 39(8). 10.14221/ajte.2014v39n8.8

Arshavskaya, E. (2015). Creative writing assignments in a second language course: A way to engage less motivated students. InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, 10, 68-78.

Bruno, M. (2002). Creative writing: The warm-up. ERIC Document No. ED464335.

Cheung W. Tse S. Tsang H. (2003). Teaching creative writing skills to primary school children in Hong Kong: Discordance between the views and practices of language teachers.The Journal of Creative Behavior, 37(2), 77–98. 10.1002/j.2162-6057.2003.tb00827.x

Donovan, M. (2015). 14 types of creative writing. Retrieved August 15, 2017 from

Feuer A. (2011). Developing foreign language skills, competence and identity through a collaborative creative writing project.Language, Culture and Curriculum, 24(2), 125–139. 10.1080/07908318.2011.582873

Graham, S. Perin D (2007a) Writing next: Effective strategies to improve writing of adolescents in middle and high school. New York: Carnegie Corporation of New York.

Hirsch Jr, E. D., Kett, J. F., & Trefil, J. S. (1988). Cultural literacy: What every American needs to know. Vintage.

James D. (2008). A short take on evaluation and creative writing.Community College Enterprise, 14(1), 79–82.

Larkin, S. (2009). Socially mediated metacognition and learning to write. Thinking skills and Creativity, 4(3), 149-159.

Racco R. G. (2010). Creative writing: An instructional strategy to improve literacy. Attitudes of the intermediate English student.Journal of Classroom Research in Literacy, 3, 3–9.

Scott V. (1990). Task-oriented creative writing with system-D. CALICO Journal, 7(3), 58–67.

Tin T. (2011). Language creativity and co-emergence of form and meaning in creative writing tasks.Applied Linguistics, 32(2), 215–235. 10.1093/applin/amq050