Game jam

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GameJams are a kind of hackaton dedicated to develop games.



Buttfield-Addison, P., Manning, J. and Nugent, T. 2015. A better recipe for game jams: using the Mechanics Dynamics Aesthetics framework for planning.Proceeding GJH&GC '16 Proceedings of the International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons, and Game Creation Events, p. 30-33

Chatham, A., Mueller, F., Bernhaupt, R., Khot, P., Pijnappel. S., Toprak, C., Deen, M. and Schouten, B. 2013. Game jam. In CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p. 3175-3178.

Deen, M., Cercos, R., Chatham, A., Naseem, A., Fowier, A., Bernhaupt, R. Schouten, B and Mueller, F. 2014. Game jam [4research]. In CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p. 25-28

Eberhardt, R. 2016. No One Way to Jam: Game Jams for Creativity, Learning, Entertainment, and Research. Proceedings of the International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons, and Game Creation Events, p. 34-37.

Goddard, W., Byrne, R., and Mueller, F. 2014. Playful Game Jams: Guidelines for Designed Outcomes.In Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Interactive Entertainment, p. 1-10.

Jaffa, V. 2016. In a Jam Between Community and Capitalism: A Critical Look at Game Jams. Available at:

Petri, A., Schindler, C., Slany, W., and Spieler, B. 2015. Pocket Code Game Jams: a Constructionist Approach at Schools.In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services Adjunct, p. 1207-1211.

Preston, J., Chastine, J., O’Donnell, C., Savannah, D. and MacIntyre, B. 2012. Game Jams: Community, Motivations, and Learning among Jammers. International Journal of Game-Based Learning, 2(3), p. 51-70.

Smith, P. and Bowers, C. 2016. Improving Social Skills through Game Jam Participation. Proceeding GJH&GC '16 Proceedings of the International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons, and Game Creation Events. p. 8-14

Spieler, B., Petri, A., Schindler, C., Slany, W., Betran, M., Boulton, H., ... & Smith, J. (2018). Pocket Code: a mobile app for game jams to facilitate classroom learning through game creation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.04461.


Initial bibliography from pieler, B.and Petri, A. and Schindler, C. and Slany, W. and Beltràn, M.E. and Bouldon, H., 2016.