Kanban board
“Items on a list are each treated as "cards." Offline versions often use Post-It Notes moved across a series of bins. It's based on a process developed for manufacturing, but widely adopted by the lean software development community. Cards might represent a feature, which is moved across a board to represent its flow through development, review, testing, and deployment. Digital tools often allow attachments to these cards: images, links, additional lists, a person assigned to the task, etc., and many have additional tools for giving you a fuller picture of how tasks are moving across a workflow.” ([https://opensource.com/alternatives/trello 5 open source alternatives to Trello] (retr. Jan 16 2019).
Bibliography and links
Kanban Guide: Demand Scheduling for Lean Manufacturing, Compiled by Nilesh R Arora. Add ValueConsulting Inc., India 2001, S. 11.
J. M. GrossKenneth, R. McInnis: Kanban Made Simple—Demystifying and Applying Toyota's Legendary ManufacturingProcess. Amacom, USA 2003, S. 50. ISBN 0-8144-0763-3