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  • create animations with GSAP
  • use jQuery to get a handle on elements


  • create animations with GSAP
  • use jQuery to get a handle on elements


The GSAP library

The GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP) is a powerful and relatively easy to use suite of animation libraries for HTML5. As of April 2018, it includes:

  • TweenLite -handles animating just about any property of any object.
  • TweenMax - adds some extras.
  • TimelineLite a container for tweens to control them as a whole and precisely manage their timing in relation to each other
  • TimelineMax - adds some extras.

In this class, we will work with TweenMax.

  • Either download it from here or
  • include the library as CDN, like this:
<script src=""></script>

Creating animations with TweenMax and TweenLite

There are are two ways of creating animations:

  • Use a simple static method like . e..g, 2, {left:"542px"});
  • Create a tweening object that you then can control with various methods.
var tween = new TweenLite (thing, 2, {left:"542px"});;

Hands on

Also on codepen

Simple example


<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>GreenSock: Animate Multiple Properties</title>

        body {
            background-color: #000;

        #demo {
            width: 692px;
            height: 70px;
            background-color: #333;
            padding: 8px;

        #logo {
            position: relative;
            width: 150px;
            height: 60px;
            /* background: #90E500 url(img/logo_transparent.png) no-repeat; */
            background-color: green;
            color: #000;
            font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
            border-bottom: solid #000 10px;

        #logo p {
            margin-top: 0px;
            margin-left: 50px;
            line-height: 60px;


    <div id="demo">
            <input id="btn" type="button" value="click" />
            <input id="btn2" type="button" value="back" />
        <div id="logo">
            <p>COAP 3000</p>

        <script src=""></script>

            //we'll use a window.onload for simplicity, but typically it is best to use either jQuery's $(document).ready() or $(window).load() or cross-browser event listeners so that you're not limited to one.
            window.onload = function() {
                var logo = document.getElementById("logo");
                var btn = document.getElementById("btn");
                var btn2 = document.getElementById("btn2");
                btn.onclick = animate;
                btn2.onclick = animateback;

            function animate() {
      , 2, {
                    left: "542px",
                    backgroundColor: "black",
                    borderBottomColor: "#90e500",
                    color: "white"

            function animateback() {
                // using object syntax
                var motion = new TweenLite(logo, 2, {
                    left: "0px",
                    backgroundColor: "red",
                    borderBottomColor: "#90e500",
                    color: "white",
                    rotation: "180"
                var motion2 = new TweenLite(logo, 2, {
                    rotation: "360",
                    backgroundColor: "green"
                // add motion 2 after motion 1



  • GSAP continued
  • Midterm (1hour)

Project 5

Create an animation with the GSAP library.


  • At least three animations
  • A start and a stop button for at least one animation.


  • Wednesday, week 6 before class
  • Upload to the worldclassroom