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Week 6 learning goals

  • Migrating from a development server to a hosting company
  • The REST protocol


Local preparation

In order to migrate you will have to:

  • copy all the WordPress files using an FTP or SFTP client or a WebClient (depending on the hosting company)
  • dump the whole database to a *.zip file, e.g.
  • Create a copy of the wp-config.php file and edit some settings (see below)

On the new host

Frequently, the hosting company will not let you create random database names since a same MySQL server is shared with many many users. You will have to use a specific tool from the control panel to create databases and database users.

(1) Create a new database

  • Write down its full name, database user name, database user password, machine name

(2) Create a new wp-config.php file (but do not erase the old version yet)

  • Create a backup copy of wp-config.php, e.g. wp-config.local.php
  • Create a new copy of wp-config.php, e.g.
  • Edit and configure it with the parameters for the new host.

(3) import the file, using PhPMyAdmin or another client

(4) Copy the file and rename it to wp-config.php

Example taken from

as you can see the hosting organization may force you to adopt some prefix, i.e. the a3966289 would represent your user id.

define('DB_NAME', 'a3966289_w');

/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'a3966289_user');

/** MySQL database password */

/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', '');


  • You provide may use an old mysql version that does not support the extend utf8mb4 caracter set. Open the *.sql file in a text editor and replace utf8mb4 by utf8