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Week 1 COAP 2180

On week one we will look at XML in three ways:

  • Where is XML used ?
  • What is XML (a formalism) ?
  • How can we hand-code XML applications ?

Teaching materials

Introduction to XML (Monday)
  • xml-intro.ppt (slides used on Monday)
  • XML article in this wiki (includes the same information and is somewhat more readable)
Tour de XML (Mon/Wed)
Understanding and editing XML (Wednesday)
XML with CSS style
Examples files
  • DTD and XML templates example directory
  • To retrieve these files, I strongly suggest that you "save link as". If you open a file in a navigator like IE and then save, you may loose information ....
  • Also consider taking the archive which should include everything. Before unzipping, create a directory.
Textbook chapters

If you find that my lecture notes and slides are incomplete, too short or not good enough, reading either one or both texts is mandatory !

  • XML in a Nutshell, Chapter 1 Introducing XML and Chapter 2 XML Fundamentals
  • Learning XML, Chapter 2 Markup and Core Concepts

Both are available through the worldclassroom

For the adventurous

Homework 1 - Weeks 1/2

Deadline and submission:

  • Monday week 3 (before start of class)

See week 2