Autodesk 123D Catch

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Autodesk 123D Catch is an application that can take a set of ordinary photos and turn them into 3D models.

Unfortunately there is no official manual/tutorial, but you will have to look a several video tutorials in order to learn (I resent that).

How to make a model of your head


  • The object cannot move, i.e. do not try to take delayed pictures from yourself rotating on a swivel chair !
  • The final object will be assembled using areas that are identified as identical. If you model an object with a uniform surface, paint some markers on it.
  • Use consistent lightning, do not use a flash.
  • Having other objects in the picture is ok (even good) since the algorithm seems to rely on a camera going around an object that you wish to model.


  • Sit still on a chair without moving
  • Have a friend take between 20-30 pictures
  • Start with front face, then move the camera down 30 cm, then move up 60cm (3 pictures)
  • Move left (or right) and take three pictures again and repeat.

Alternatively, move around the object at same height, then again from above and below.

