EduTech Wiki:About

The educational technology and digital learning wiki
Revision as of 17:51, 28 February 2006 by Daniel K. Schneider (talk | contribs) (using an external editor)
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  1. This Wiki has been created within the Swiss Virtual Campus project [ eTeach-net], a joint project involving 9 higher education institutions in Switzerland (UniGE, UniSG, UniBS,USI, ETHZ, SUPSI, BFH, FHNW, ZFH) and also training organizations. This Wiki has been set up for the Module 7 "Virtual Projects" course. Projects have become the common element of almost any work activity. The module introduces methods and tools for the efficient organization and management of project-based teaching. The principal role of this Wiki is to support "learning by writing scenarios". Although we do prepare some texts regarding major concepts related to project-oriented learning, other contents will be added by students and existing contents will be altered and/or annotated by students.

This module will be offered in different forms in different settings:

    • 6 crédit course - Conception et technologies de l'enseignement par projets (Summer semester 2006 / TECFA's Master MALTT in Educational Technologies)
    • 2 credit course - Certificat de formation continue en technologies éducatives TECFA/UniFR/Montréal/Mons (Planned start: Fall 2006)
    • Short module - IGIP Summer School on Engineering Education (summer 2006)
  1. In addition, we decided to use the same platform to prepare a larger project on educational technology that also will lead to a 100-page introductory text on educational technology.
  1. Warning: This Wiki is in principle open to larger public for writing. However, for the moment we can not guarantee any sort of organizational stability, e.g, page names, categories etc. will change. Once we reached a certain level of stability we will let you know.