Video-web learning platforms
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In principle, someone is working on it and there should be a better version in a not so distant future.
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Sugarch0 is presently working here
Video has been used in education for decades already. Introduction in the 1980 and 1990
New technologies allowing live transmission have developed since wikipedie page on streaming media
Develpment of CPU power and bandwidth allow further devpt, allowing
popularity of youtube, now also teachertube
Use of video in the web:Marking of video films (Bargeron 1999, Wong 2006) creating "dives" by editing, zooming/transforming and annotate video (Pea 2004)
Synchronous video, integration on a platform with collaborative text writing and synchronous written communication (chat)
Research today on learning platform integrating live video collaboration, addding of ressources, sharing of text and chat and markings on the video.