
The educational technology and digital learning wiki
Revision as of 11:52, 30 August 2005 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)
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A wiki is a powerful, collaborative tool that allows user to add and edit content. User can also crate a new page about a new content. Sometimes, you can introduce permission to lock a page.

This website is powered by a wiki. If you want, you can modify this page, changing words or sentences. All modification are stored and you can always undo all the modifications.

Writing content on a wiki is very simple, user has to learn a small syntax (for mediawiki: Guidelines:How_to_edit_a_page) to personnalize and to structure the content. It could be quite difficult at the beginning, because a wiki has a non conventional interface.

Educational usage

  1. wiki as collaborative content management system
  2. wiki as resources repository
  3. wiki as project/class management tool
  4. wiki as website

Open Source Softwares

  1. MediaWiki
  2. Doku
  3. WakkaWiki
  4. Wikini