Use of instructional technologies for medical education
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Medical education is a continuous process, life long learning, deliberate practice (Issenberg 2005) Reaches from undergraduate study of anatomy to a call with a specialist when facing a difficult case. >Needs are multiple and reach for quick, just-in time access to content (text or pictures) to sophisticated "fly-through" Virtual Reality systems inspired by military Bedside education: change in medical practice (shorter stays in hospital, more acutely ill patients and limited instructors time) make teaching and learning more difficult. Advanced simulation technology and other instructional technologies can help address this problem(Issenberg 2001, Choules). Another difficulty is lack of scientific founded and sound comparative studies on educational develoments in medicine > no serious meta study about pbl application could be done for example (Issenberg 2005). Each medical specialty looks only at its own litterature and seldom at other research (eg anaethesiologists look at anaesthesiology litterature etc...), not to speak of research other than in the medical education field (business industry, aviation and military).“There appears to be little awareness of the substantive and methodological breadth and depth of educational science in this field”(of high-fidelity medical simulation) (Issenber 2005).
Repositories, just-in time learning, latest research findings (Choules) Link to some repositories: Medline of the National Library of Medicine in the US, many search sites that help doctors search in medline: eg for Switzerland univadis tellmed.
Multimedia presentations
Multimedia presentations of a patient or a case ("virtual patient", Choules) Could be a video clip showing a particular symptom in image and sound, a flash animation demonstrating a cellular process, or an x-ray with comments on the findings (Choules)
Interactive "virtual patients", simulation of a clinical case (Choules)
Simulation and Virtual Reality
Simulation in medical education reaches from role playing to physical body simulators (dummies) . (Issenberg 2001) Computers and instructional technologies allow to develop them further (example Harvey)(Issenberg 2001)and combine them with Multimedia computer systems including computer and video graphics, sound, real-time digitized videos and sounds (example UMedic)
Synchronous and asynchronous communication
Training in web conferences, specialists advice just in time by phone, chat rooms (written synchronous communication while taking an elearning course), forums (Choules)
Formative assessment, evaluation
e-portfolios for formative assessment MCQ, virtual patients for summative assessment. One difficulty in medicine are the multiple correct scenario(Choules)
Choules, A.P., 2007, The use of elearning in medical education: a review of the current situation.
Issenberg B.S.,Gordon M.S., 2001, Simulation and new learning technologies.
Issenberg B.S., 2005, Features and uses of high-fidelita medical simulations that lead to effective learning: a BEME systematic review.
Petrusa E.R:, Issenberg B.S., 1999, Implementation of a four-year multimedia computer curriculum in cardiology at six medical schools.
Satava, R.M., 1999, Emerging technologies for surgery in the 21st century.