Flash CS4 motion tweening with AS3 tutorial

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While you'd rather would use AS3 TweenLite tweening engine, there are ways of doing simple motion tweens with official Adobe classes.

Hand crafted example

Here is a simple example that shows

  • how to automatically move a circle
  • how to create a button that will move another circle with the same kind of motion path

To make it work, you need to create:

  • A sun symbol. Put two instances on the stage, one called sun1 and the other sun2
  • A component button, called go_button
CS4 motion tween made with ActionScript 3

ActionScript code

Copy the following AS3 code:

// modules required to support the motion tween
import fl.motion.Motion;
import fl.motion.MotionBase;
import fl.motion.AnimatorFactory;
import flash.geom.Point;


function go_sun_go(ev:Event):void {
	animFactory_sun.addTarget(sun2, 1,true,1,false);

var sun_motion:MotionBase;

if (sun_motion==null) {
	sun_motion = new Motion();

	// Motion array 
	sun_motion.addPropertyArray("x", [0, 30, 50, 80, 120, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400]);
	sun_motion.addPropertyArray("y", [0, 30, 50, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 180, 160]);

	// Not needed here
	sun_motion.addPropertyArray("scaleX", [1.0]);
	sun_motion.addPropertyArray("scaleY", [1.0]);
	sun_motion.addPropertyArray("skewX", [0]);
	sun_motion.addPropertyArray("skewY", [0]);

	// Create an AnimatorFactory instance, which will manage
	// targets for its corresponding Motion.
	var animFactory_sun:AnimatorFactory =
	                 new AnimatorFactory(sun_motion);

	// Call the addTarget function on the AnimatorFactory
	// instance to target a DisplayObject with this Motion.
	// The second parameter is the number of times the animation
	// will play - the default value of 0 means it will loop.
	animFactory_sun.addTarget(sun1, 1,true,1,false);

Using Copy Motion as AS3

  • Create a symbol on the stage
  • Give it a useful instance name, e.g. sun
  • Create a motion tween (normal, not "classic")
  • Right-click in the motion tween and "Copy Motion as ActionScript 3"
  • Paste into an editor (or directly the CS4 AS Actions window).
Copy Motion as ActionScript 3

Tip: There are two ways of doing this:

(1) If you already got a Flash file with drawings

  • create a new layer, called junk
  • create an instance of the Movie clip symbol you would like to animate.
  • Then make sure that you will have another instance of the same symbol somewhere on the stage
  • Create a Script layer and copy/paste the code.
  • After completion, kill the layer, called junk

Alternatively do it with a new *.fla file (same as above), but simply don't save this file ...
