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Revision as of 21:19, 9 February 2008 by Aaronjay (talk | contribs)
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About Aaron Tyo-Dickerson

I am a teacher and professional developer currently living in the Netherlands. I work with amazing students and teachers every day at the American School of The Hague. I am keenly interested in free, open-source software and the impact that it can have on education.


  • Diploma with Honors in German from the Defense Language Institute, San Francisco, California (USA), received July 1985
  • Bachelor of Science in Education (cum laud), Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (USA), conferred May 1992
  • Bachelor of Arts in German (cum laud), Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (USA), conferred May 1992
  • Post-graduate Fulbright Scholarship study of topics related to Pädagogik, Universität Wien, Wien (Österreich), academic year 1992-1993
  • Master of Science in Educations (Curriculum Development and Instructional Technology), University at Albany, Albany, New York (USA), conferred in May of 2005

Conference presentations, PD sessions, and follow-up

ECIS IT 2007, Düsseldorf, Deutschland

   * ECIS IT 2007:
   * Continuing the Discussion: Teachers from Marymount International School of Paris have reposted my CC-licensed presentation on an IT wiki hosted on WikiSpaces.

ELMLE Conference 2008, Wien, Österreich

   * Alternatives to Copyright: New audience, updated presentation.