News feed aggregator

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Revision as of 21:15, 20 April 2007 by Ale aia (talk | contribs)
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A news feed aggregator or aggregator or feed reader is a client software or web-based tool used to read RSS, Atom or Rdf files. It's used to check and survey websites' updates and news. What's interesting is that users don't have to open many websites searching for updates because they are collected together. A news feed aggregator is a site where users retrieve information of their favourite websites.

The main advantage is to build a personal newspaper and to gain a lot of time. An old paradigm is included in this new way to get information which is pulled instead of pushed e.g. with email.

Users can organize subscribtions: group feeds into folders, delete, move, export to a OPML format (to share subscriptions with others)...

Educational usages

  • students can collect favourite sites when working on their papers
  • teachers can check students' homework when working online
  • see RSS (under Educational usages)


News readers
Browser extensions

Online tools