Digital learning in emergencies

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Digital learning in emergencies, also often referred to as distance learning in emergencies, refers to research, methods, tools and practices related to a rapid transformation of educational practices and modalities as a result of sudden and far-reaching disruptions in organizational or social structures, as seen during the COVID pandemic, but also occurring in disaster and war impacted regions throughout the world where educational structures and resources are scarce or unstable.

Digital learning, also known as E-learning [1] is utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. E-Learning as “electronically mediated asynchronous and synchronous communication for the purpose of constructing and confirming knowledge. [2]) . define E-Learningas the appropriate organization of ICT for advancing student oriented, active, open, collaborative and life-long teaching-learning processes [3] . According to Nycz and Cohen (2007) E-Learning is important for building a technologically well-educated workforce. The learning is also good for achieving society’s need for continuous and lifelong learning which is possible to deliver in more convenient ways. As such, E-Learning is viewed as an opportunity and an effective way of delivering materials to previously unreachable students with previously unavailable access and presentation methods, [4] such as the refugees scattered all over the world.


  1. Jenkins and Hanson, (2003)
  2. Garrison (2011
  3. Uys, Kiravu, and Mothibi (2004)
  4. (Horton, 2000)