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Keith Pender, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Definitions and background




About YouTube

Official YouTube Blog

Engaging the YouTube Google-Eyed Generation

Educause - 7 Things you should know about YouTube

YouTube Pedagogy: Finding Communities of Practices in Distributed Learning World

Works Cited

Abendroth, M., Golzy, J., O'Connor, E. (2011). Self-created YouTube recordings of microteachings: Their effects upon candidates’ readiness for teaching and instructors’ assessment. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 40(2), 141-159. DOI:

Bromley, B. (2008). Broadcasting disability: An exploration of the educational potential of a video sharing web site. Journal of Special Education Technology, 23(4), 1-13.

Courtois, C., Mechant, P., Ostyn, V., and De Marez, L. (2013). Uploaders' definition of the networked public on YouTube and their feedback preferences: A multi-method approach. Behaviour & Information Technology, 32(6), 612-624. DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2011.586727.

Halpern, D., and Gibbs, J. (2013). Social media as a catalyst for online deliberation? Exploring the affordances of Facebook and YouTube for political expression. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(3), 1159-1168. DOI:

Keegan, H., and Bell, F. (2011). YouTube as a repository: The creative practice of students as producers of open educational resources. European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning. Date of publication 20 December 2011. Retrieved October 3, 2013 from

Koh, C. (2013). Exploring the use of web 2.0 technology to promote moral and psychological development: Can YouTube work? British Journal of Educational Technology. Article first published online 6 June 2013. DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12071.

Krauskopf, K., Zahn, C., and Hess, F. (2012). Leveraging the affordances of YouTube: The role of pedagogical knowledge and mental models of technology functions for lesson planning with technology. Computers & Education, 58(4), 1194-1206. DOI:

Kruse, N., and Veblen, K. (2012). Music teaching and learning online: Considering YouTube instructional videos. Journal of Music, Technology & Education, 5(1), 77-87. DOI:

Lee, D., and Lehto, M. (2013). User acceptance of YouTube for procedural learning: An extension of the technology acceptance model. Computers & Education, 61(2), 193-208. DOI:

O'Connor, E.A. (2011). The effect on learning, communication, and assessment when student-created YouTubes of microteaching were used in an online teacher-education course. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 39(2), 135-154. DOI: 10.2190/ET.39.2.d.

Seilstad, B. (2012). Using tailor-made YouTube videos as a preteaching strategy for English language learners in Morocco: Towards a hybrid language learning course. Teaching English with Technology, 12(4), 31-47. Retrieved October 3, 2013 from

Snelson, C., Rice, K., and Wyzard, C. (2012). Research priorities for YouTube and video-sharing technologies: A Delphi study. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(1) 1, 119–129. Article first published online 4 March 2011. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2010.01168.x.

Snyder, S., and Burke, S. (2008). Students’ perceptions of YouTube usage in the college classroom. International Journal of Instructional Technology & Distance Learning, 5(11). Retrieved October 3, 2013 from

Tan, E., and Pearce, N. (2011). Open education videos in the classroom: exploring the opportunities and barriers to the use of YouTube in teaching introductory sociology. Research in Learning Technology, 19(1). Published: 31 August 2011. DOI: 10.3402/rlt.v19s1/7783.

Tan, E. (2013). Informal learning on YouTube: Exploring digital literacy in independent online learning. Learning, Media and Technology, 38(4), 463-477. DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2013.783594.

Tímár, S., Kárpáti, A., and Kokovay, Á. (2011). Teaching with YouTube: Quality assessment of English and Hungarian videos in physical education. European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning. Date of publication: 29 September 2011. Retrieved October 3, 2013 from