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  • Podcasting is the method of distributing multimedia files, such as audio or video programs, over the Internet using syndication feeds, for playback on mobile devices and personal computers. The term (a portmanteau), was coined in 2004 combining "iPod", a popular portable audio device, and "broadcasting." The term podcast, like 'radio', can mean both the content and the method of delivery. The host or author of a podcast is often called a podcaster. Though podcasters' web sites may also offer direct download or streaming of their content, a podcast is distinguished from other formats by its ability to be downloaded automatically using software capable of reading feeds like RSS or Atom. ([Wikipedia:Podcasting], retrieved 23:14, 13 September 2006 (MEST))


The concept of podcasting was proposed by Tristan Louis in October, 2000 and then it was carried out by Dave Winer, the author of the RSS format. Winer defined a new element called “enclosure” which would pass the address of a media file to the RSS aggregator and he succeeded in enclosing a Grateful Dead song in his weblog on January, 2001. He created the RSS 2.0 specification which is used to give information about podcasts. Rss is an XML format which is used to identify the channels of information which contain audio, video, images, text, PDF or stories. Rss files are usually used to see metainformation about content and generally contain the URL references to web content. So it is possible to use RSS files to give information in a “standard XML based format”."Podcast are simply the application of RSS enclosures to audio files".

The term podcasting was popularized by Adam Curry who created an “Applescript application that automated the process of downloading and syncing audio files to iPods”. In 2003 podcasts started to appear on lots of web sites and other software. "Podcasting" was considered the 2005 word of the year by New Oxford American Dictionary which defines the term as "a digital recording of a radio broadcast or similar program, made available on the internet for downloading to a personal audio player".

Nowadays Podcasting is considered an important tool which allows students to use their technologies based on "entertaiment systems" such as MP players, iPods for educational experiences.

How podcasting works

Podcasting is an important technology which is simple and easy to use. The steps for creating and listening to a podcast are the following:

1.Users have to connect their portable audio devices to their computers and they have to create an audio content. This can involves recording, editing and videos, for example.

2.Users have to post their work to a web server, usually in MP3 format. Then, they have to publish an RSS file which contains meta information about the audio file such as the URL, the file's name and the text.

3.Users have to use a "new version of the newfeed" such as the application called iPodder which identifies the audio file and its URL. Then iPodder downloads the URL and "synch" it to a media player.

4.Users listen to their audio file.

Why is it important?

Podcasting is a significant resource which teachers can use to teach and learn a language. Podcasting is an alternative method of learning which can help to improve your listening skills. Most of producers of podcasts are educators who use this technology to communicate with their students outside the traditional class. Podcasting is also a tool which allows teachers to share their ideas and suggestions in order to improve their method of teaching. Educators who decide to create an educational podcast, have to follow five important steps:

1.It's important to choose an appropriate content. This means that it's better to avoid complex content material which includes lots of images ans descriptions because students generally don't take note, they always keep in mind the content they listen. it's important to not communicate too much content in a single podcast because students could not understand all the message. teachers have to choose the main concepts and help students to learn the meaning, also using some examples or episodes.

2.Teachers have to determine their "instructional goal" and purpose for each podcast they create. For example some of the most important goals are:

-Prepare students for learning something new;

-Elaborate and explain a complex concept;

-provide some alternative strategies for understanding new content.

3.Teachers have to explain their contents through interviews, dialogues or monologues. This is an important passage because the initial message can determine the success or the failure of their podcasts.

4.It's better if teachers produce their podcasts in a personal and informal way because some researches in "educational media" stated that students learn better using this method.

5.Teachers should integrated their podcasts into their course content and learning activities, because this could be very useful for their students.

Podcasting in education

  • Tape courses and distribute the recordings. (that's the cheapest form of distance teaching and has been done for a quite a long time before the term podcasting was invented).
  • It cannot replace the classroom but it provides teachers one more way to meet their students: it allows education to become more portable than ever before.
  • Scenarios where learners record (audio and/or video) things and discuss it in the classroom. Particularly interesting are integrated teaching scenarios in vocational training.
  • Recordings to be used as source materials for learnings (e.g. interviews).
  • It has a huge return for learners: either listening to material or creating resources for the class.
  • It's been up to date. Because neologisms are easily introduced, new words are learned in shorter time.
  • ...

Educational Usage in Language Learning

Podcasting is a good opportunity for improving your conversational foreign language e.g. English because you may not only listen to several audio activities about different topics but also leave your own audio messages and compare your skills in spoken language to others’ ones.

They are also “an ideal tool for students of a foreign language (or who are not native speakers of English) allowing them to review material as often as required to support understanding. Podcasts are also much more effective revision tools than printed notes for students who have preference for an auditory learning style”.

It is an useful tool for language learning because you often find not only audio messages about lessons, activities, etc. but also scripts of the audio content in order to make understanding easier . On the Net there's a lot of websites on developing your language skills through podcasting (see Examples) here you find some that are useful for learning English.

According to Podcasting in Educationpodcasting has also many other interesting applications for learning e.g. student presentations, updates, interviews, evaluation for students work, but also " a record of activities, a way to collect note, or a reflection on what they have learned".

Through podcasts you can interact with other people on the Web and have a more human approach - because of the voice - in using Internet as an educational tool that has to be added to blogs and wikis in order to offer a better resource in online language learning.


  • Podcasting Library from Learning Light e-Learning Centre. (This links to introductory articles)



  • Educause, (2005), 7 Things You Should Know About Podcasting Abstract/PDF (Educause probably has more on this topic).
  • Crofts, Sheri et. al. 2005. Podcasting: A new technology in search of viable business models. First Monday 10(9) (September). HTML
  • G. Philip Rogers, Podcasting and Its Role in Semantic Social Networks, the Web 2.0, and the Semantic Web, School of Library and Information Science, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill [ Word]
  • Maag, Margaret (2006), Podcasting and MP3 Players: Emerging Education Technologies. Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 24(1):9-13, January/February 2006. HTML/PDF (Access restricted)