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  • The goal of standardization is to improve efficiency of actions and interactions.

There are various degrees of technical standards:

  1. "Real standards" of very high formal quality adopted by bodies such as ISO, IEE, IEC, ITU, etc.
  2. Standards like the W3C "Recommendations" or the IETF "Requests for Comments" (RFCs) or the OASIS document standards.
  3. De facto standards (usually no formalization at all) like Microsoft products.
  • Standards can be open or propriety. Open means publicly available, not necessarily free.

Standards in educational technology

See also educational modeling language that deals in more depth with the question of modeling learning materials and activities

Pedagogical standards

  • In some countries there are quite precise curricula standards, e.g.
    • American Association for the Advancement of Science’s (AAAS, 1993) Benchmarks for Science Literacy
    • National Research Council’s (NRC, 1996) National Science Education Standards,

Data standards

Systems standards

  • The SCORM specifications define some java-script bindings to insure interroperability of simple interactive contents (that is BTW one of the areas where a lot of systems are not Scorm compatible, even if they claim so ...)
  • IMS General Web Services to allow for interoperability of various systems. This is a fairly new standard (Jan 2006) and is an interesting initiative.

Some technical standards of interest

There are various standardization bodies and procedures:

Standardization bodies

This is a list of bodies that create "real" or "de facto" standards

In education

Specialized ICT

  • RFC - Requests for comments (Informal Internet standards, sometimes standardized by an "official body" sometimes not. The most important source for Internet standards.)


(including ICT standards)

  • ECMA (e.g. JavaScript)
