Student perception of learning experience/Study Process Questionnaire

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Biggs , J.B. (1999) Teaching for Quality Learning (Buckingham, Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press).

Original version

Includes six sub-scales and a total of 42 items


Revised Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ, 2001) =

This version was created by P. Zeegers and published in:

  • Zeegers, P. (2002). A revision of the Biggs' study process questionnaire (R-SPQ). Higher Education Research & Development, 21(1), 73-92.

It includes 7 dimensions that can be groupe into two dimensions

M1 Extrinsic motivation (7)
M2 Intrinsic motivation (7)
M3 Motivation to succeed (5)
M4 Test anxiety (2)
S1 Surface strategy (7)
S2 Deep strategy (5)
S3 Strategies to succeed (9)

Deep: M2, M3, S2, S3 Surface: M1, M3, M4, S1

(M3 is both deep and surface)

List of items:

1. I chose my present course largely with a view to securing a good job when I graduate rather than out of its intrinsic interest to me.

2. I find that studying can give me a feeling of deep personal satisfaction.

3. I want top grades in most of my courses so that I will be able to select from amongst the best jobs or positions available when I graduate.

4. I think that spending time looking for further information is a waste of time, so I only study seriously that material covered in class or in the course outlines.

5. When I am studying, I think of real life situations in which the material that I am learning would be useful.

6. I summarise suggested readings and include these as part of my notes on a topic.

7. I am discouraged by a poor mark on a test or exam and worry about how I will do on the next assessment.

8. I want to understand the subject material in my courses, not just pass the exams.

9. I have a strong desire to excel in all my studies.

10. I learn some things by going over them again and again until I know them by heart.

11. When reading new material I find that I am reminded of material I already know and this helps me see what I already know in a new light.

12. I work consistently on my studies throughout the term and review things regularly when the exam times are close.

13. Whether I like it or not, I can see that further study is a possible way to get a well-paid or secure job.

14. I feel that virtually any academic topic can be very interesting once I get into it.

15. I see myself basically as an ambitious person and want to do very well, whatever I do.

16. I tend to choose subjects with more factual content material rather than those that rely more on theories and ideas.

17. I work hard enough on a study topic to enable me to develop my own understanding of it before I am satisfied.

18. I try to do all of my assignments as soon as possible after they are given out.

19. Even when I have studied hard for a test or exam, I worry that I may not be able to do well in it.

20. I find that studying academic topics can at times be as exciting as a good movie, a novel or some activity I really enjoy.

21. I see academic success as the most important factor motivating me in my studies.

22. I generally restrict my study to that specifically set in the course, as I think it is unnecessary to do anything extra.

23. I try to relate what I have learned in one subject to the things that I have learned in another subject.

24. After a lecture, tutorial or lab class I read my notes to make sure they are legible and that I understand them.

25. Lecturers should not expect students to spend a significant amount of time studying material that everyone knows will not be examined or assessed.

26. I usually become increasingly absorbed in my work the more I do.

27. One of the most important considerations in choosing a study course is whether or not I think I will do very well in it.

28. I learn best from lecturers who appear to be well organised and who outline their major points clearly, either during the lecture or in the lecture notes.

29. I find new study topics can be interesting and often spend extra time exploring them by looking for more information.

30. I test myself on important topics until I understand them completely.

31. I sometimes resent having to spend a further three or four years studying after leaving school, but feel that the end results will make it all worthwhile.

32. I believe that study at university will give me a deeper understanding of the important issues in life and of myself.

33. I see getting high academic grades as a kind of competitive game in which I like to do well.

34. I find it best to accept the statements and ideas presented by my lecturers and question them only under special circumstances.

35. I spend my study-free time finding out more about the interesting topics that have been presented in class.

36. I make a point of looking at many of the suggested readings that go with the lectures.

37. I am at university mainly because I feel that I will be able to obtain a better job if I have a tertiary qualification.

38. I find that I come to most of my classes with particular questions in mind that I would like to get answers to.

39. I believe that many aspects of our society are based on competition and that universities should reflect this in their approach to their courses.

40. I am very aware that my lecturers know a lot more than I do and so I concentrate on those things that they say are important, rather than rely on my own judgment.

41. I try to relate new material that I come across when I read, to the things I already know about that particular subject.

42. I keep neat, well-organised notes for most of my subjects.