Roger Andrews, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Definitions and background
The advance of social networking sites (SNS) has been one of the most significant phenomena in digital technology in recent time (Ranieri, Mamca, & Fini, 2012). According to Aydin (2012), an SNS is an online site that provides users with the platform where they can construct social relations with other members who have the same interests and are involved in similar activities. Facebook is an SNS that enables individuals to make connections and form communities without the worry of temporal or spatial constraints (Lin, Hou, Wang, & Chang, 2013). Facebook was developed by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, and is now the most prevalent SNS with the largest quantity of global Internet traffic (Wang, Lin, Yu, & Wu, 2013). Throughout the world, the number of Facebook users is astronomical with 179 million active monthly users in North America, 229 million in Europe, and 212 million in Asia (Wang et al. 2013). Users over the age of 13 are able to create and modify personal profiles, add members, exchange messages and chat online (Aydin, 2012). Aydin (2012) observed that this SNS offers the possibility for its members to organize themselves into groups based on personal and professional connections which can include such things as education, occupation, interests, hobbies, or political and religious beliefs.
Facebook and Education: Pros and Cons
The Ultimate Guide for using Facebook in the classroom
Facebook In The Classroom. Seriously.
100 Ways to Use Facebook in Education By Category
Pros & Cons of Facebook in Education
Works Cited
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