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Week 1 COAP 2180

Learning goals

On week one we will look at XML in three ways:

  • Where is XML used ?
  • What is XML ? (a formalism)
  • What do we mean by a "document structure" ?
  • How can we hand-code XML "applications" ? You will learn how to use an XML editor and make use of so-called DTDs.

Activities and teaching materials (Monday)

Introduction to XML
  • xml-intro.ppt (slides used on Monday)
  • XML article in this wiki (includes the same information and is somewhat more readable)
Tour de XML

Editing and styling XML

Understanding and editing XML (Wednesday)
XML with CSS style (first contact, again on week 2)
Examples files
  • DTD and XML templates example directory
  • To retrieve these files, I strongly suggest that you "save link as". If you open a file in a navigator like IE and then save, you may loose information ....
  • Also consider taking the archive which should include everything. Before unzipping, create a directory.

Additional documentation

If you find that my lecture notes and slides are incomplete, too short or not good enough, reading either one or both texts is mandatory !

  • XML in a Nutshell, Chapter 1 Introducing XML and Chapter 2 XML Fundamentals
  • Learning XML, Chapter 2 Markup and Core Concepts

Both are available through the world classroom

For the adventurous

Homework 1 - Weeks 1/2

Deadline and submission:

  • Monday week 3 (before start of class)

See week 2