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StatMediaWiki is a project that creates tools to collect and aggregate information available in a MediaWiki installation. StatMediaWiki is free software under the GPL v3 or higher license. There are currently two versions of this software: Classic (stable software) and Interactive (currently Beta).

Classic StatMediaWiki

Results are static HTML pages including tables and graphics that can help to analyze the wiki status and development.


(under Ubuntu/Debian)

Get the software

This will retrieve the whole archive

svn checkout

Other software needed

(for now, we assume that you already have python installed)

You may have to install some or all of the following:

apt-get install python-gnuplot
apt-get install python-MySQLdb
apt-get install python-NumPy
apt-get install python-SciPy
apt-get install python-Matplotlib

In addition (optional) you may need Graphviz

Create a database user with read-only access to the wiki database

Add a user to the MySQL server
  • E.g. user="analysis" password="xxx" with a SELECT priviledge for database "MyWiki"
Add a .my.cnf configuration file to your home directory
user = analysis
password = xxx
host = localhost

Command line example for the classic version

$ python statmediawiki/trunk/ --outputdir="/web/analysis/test" --sitename=DeWiki --siteurl= --subdir="/dewiki/" --dbname=dewiki

/export/home/schneide/statmediawiki/trunk/ DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
  import md5
Welcome to StatMediaWiki 1.1. Web:
Loaded 14 categories

