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Hello, this is a short page for my course module.

Wed week 3

Mon week 4

  • Short demo of Google body (WebGL capable browser needed)
  • Short presentation of the project (see below)
  • Introduction to Sculptris

Wed week 4

  • Introduction to Google sketchup

Mon week 5

  • Sculptris / Sketchup work on project

Wed week 5

  • Sculptris / Sketchup work on project
  • Presentation of projects

The project

(More details later, I also will discuss it with you)

The project will include two sub-projects + a very short report

(1) Create some kind of persona with Sculptris

  • The object should have a conceptual link with the google earth model. I.e. it might sit somewhere in the Google Sketchup scene.
  • Anything goes. If you can explain to me that a flower would be a persona that's fine.
  • Make it reasonable.

(2) Create a model for Google Earth with Google Sketchup

  • Think about something that you would like to put on Google Earth. Examples: A swimming pool on the parking lot of webster, a bridge that crosses lake of Geneva, A bar on top of K2. Anyhing goes, but keep it simple and use the right proportions
  • Create the model in Google Sketchup. You are allowed reuse copy-right free models made by other people. Your own drawing work should at least represent 25%. Technically speaking, you can import either Collada (.dae) or native .skp files.
  • Export to *.kmz and edit the *.kml file to position and orient your model.

(3) Produce a report

  • State the objectives for both sub-projects
  • Explain what you managed to implement and what further work might be needed

We will discuss how and when you should hand in the project...

Software needed

Optional software that you can install on your own PCs

  • MeshLab A visualization, repair and conversion tool for 3D file formats
  • [kmleditor (only works with Microsoft .Net 4). This tool allows to edit the KML file, but one can as well hand edit the code.
  • I also recommend that you install one modern browser, e.g. Firefox 4.

See also: category:3D