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A blog or weblog is a web-based application where authors write regularly some articles. Generally a weblog ic composed by different elements:

  • The main page displays the articles sorted into a reverse chronological order
  • Into a sidemenu, different kind of links are showed: month archives, category archives and a blogroll
  • Search form
  • RSS links

Generally a weblog engine enable the possibility to enter a new article via a web formular. User can write a title, an excerpt and the body of the article. He can also choose the categories in wich he will fill its article.


Main page

Each article (or post) is generally composed by different elements:

  • date of the writing
  • author
  • title
  • content
  • categories
  • number of comments
  • number of trackbacks
  • permalink


Generally, depending on the layout choosen, we can find several navigational links:

  • monthly archives
  • category archives
  • search form
  • blogroll (list of blog that the author read)
  • RSS

How To

If you have a hosting, you can install a standalone plateform (we have dressed a small list of the most important Open Source blogging tools). If you prefer to open a blog choosing an easier way, you can use a commercial solution or a freely solution (Google is your friend).

Educational Usages

Open Source Softwares

  1. WordPress: based on PHP/MySQL is one of the best blog engines. The new version of WordPress integrates a small CMS
  2. MU WordPress: based on WordPress this version enhance some functionalities. The administrators can create more blogs with one installation. WordPress permits to have only one blog at time
  3. TextPattern: based on PHP/MySQL
  4. DotClear: french blog engine
  5. b2evolution: like MU WordPress
  6. Roller Weblogger: like MU WordPress but based on Java

Other softwares

Articles and resources

  1. Blogging? It's Elementary, My Dear Watson!
  2. Personal Webpublishing as a reflective conversational tool for self-organized learning (PDF document)
  3. Communication dynamics: Discussion boards, weblogs and the development of communities of inquiry in online learning environments (PDF document)
  4. Blogging as a Dynamic, Transformative Medium in an American Liberal Arts Classroom (Word document)
  5. Blogging as a Dynamic, Transformative Medium in an American Liberal Arts Classroom (PDF document)
  6. In the Classroom, Web Logs Are the New Bulletin Boards
  7. Educational blogging as a research tool
  8. Remediation, Genre, and Motivation: Key Concepts for Teaching with Weblogs