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== References ==
== References ==
; Research project methodology

* Pertti Järvinen: On Research Methods. Tampere: Opinpajan Kirja, ISBN 952-99233-1-7 .  
* Pertti Järvinen: On Research Methods. Tampere: Opinpajan Kirja, ISBN 952-99233-1-7 .  
** Note: This seems to be the only useful (general) methodology book related to design-oriented research. Very dense reading, but worth to buy, directly from here (no other place sells it): ... a small and friendly university bookshop (tested by [[User:DSchneider|me]]).
** Note: This seems to be the only useful (general) methodology book related to design-oriented research. Very dense reading, but worth to buy, directly from here (no other place sells it): ... a small and friendly university bookshop (tested by [[User:DSchneider|me]]).
; Some foundations
* Futon Suri, J. (2004). Design Expression and Human Experience: Evolving Design Practice. McDonagh, E. et al. (Eds)(p. 13-17) Design and Emotion. Taylor and Francis.
* Garfinkel, H. (1967). Studies in Ethnomethodology. Engliwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
* Greenbaum, J. (1993). A Design of One's Own. In D. Schuler & A. Namioka (Eds.), Participatory Design: Principles and Practices (pp. 123-155). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc
* Holtzblatt, K., Beyer, H. (1994). Representing work for the purpose of design. In Lucy Suchman (Ed), Representations of Work.Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) [ HTML]
* Hutchins, E. (1991). The social organisation of distributed cognition. L. Resnick (ed.) Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 283-287.
* Hutchins, E. (1994). Cognition in the Wild. Cambridge, MA. MIT Press.
* Hutchins, distributed cognition in an airline cockpit [ PDF]
* Kuutti, K. (1995). Activity Theory as a potential framework for humancomputer interaction research. In B. Nardi (ed.), Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human Computer Interaction, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1995, pp. 17-44.
* Lave, J., Wenger, I. (1991). Situated Learning : Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
* Leont’ev, A. (1974). The problem of activity in psychology. Soviet Psychology. 13(2): 4-33.
* Nardi, B.A. (1996). Studying Context : A comparison of Activity Theory, Situated Actions Models, and Distributed Cognition.
* Norman, D. (2005). Human-Centered Design Considered Harmful. Interaction. 12(4): 14-19.
* Schon. D.A. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner. London: Temple Smith.
* Scribner, S. (1984). Studying working intelligence. In B. Roboff and J. Lave (eds), Everyday Cognition: Its development in Social Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
* Suchman, L. (1987). Plans and Situated Actions. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.
* Suchman, L., Pea, R., Seely Brown, J., & Heath, C. (1987). Plans and Situated Actions. Cambridge University Press.
* Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in Society. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press.

; User interface design
; User interface design

* Ackroyd, S., J.A. Hughes (1981). Data Collection in Context. Longman, London, NY: 66-98.
* Ackroyd, S., J.A. Hughes (1981). Data Collection in Context. Longman, London, NY: 66-98.
* Becker, R. (1999). Direct observation Techniques. Schuler and Namioka (eds) Jump White Papers. Participatory Design. PP. 123-157.
* Bloomberg, J., Giacomi, J., Mosher, A., & Swenton-Hall, P. (1993). Ethnographic field methods and their relation to design. In D. Schuler & A. Namioka (Eds.), Participatory Design: Principles and Practices. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
* Bodker, S., Gronbaek, K., and Kyng, M. (1993). Cooperative design: Techniques and experiences from the Scandinavian scene. In D. Schuler & A. Namioka (Eds), Participatory Design: Principles and Practices (p. 157-175). Erlbaum, Hillsdale: NJ.
* Bodker, S., Gronbaek, K., and Kyng, M. (1993). Cooperative design: Techniques and experiences from the Scandinavian scene. In D. Schuler & A. Namioka (Eds), Participatory Design: Principles and Practices (p. 157-175). Erlbaum, Hillsdale: NJ.
* Caroll, J.M. (1991). Designing Interactions.
* Caroll, J.M. (1991). Designing Interactions.
* Bloomberg, J., Giacomi, J., Mosher, A., & Swenton-Hall, P. (1993). Ethnographic field methods and their relation to design. In D. Schuler & A. Namioka (Eds.), Participatory Design: Principles and Practices. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
* Carroll, J.M. (1996). Encountering Others: Reciprocal Openings in Participatory Design and User-Centered Design. Human-Computer Interaction 11: 285-290.
* Carroll, J.M. (1996). Encountering Others: Reciprocal Openings in Participatory Design and User-Centered Design. Human-Computer Interaction 11: 285-290.
* Jordan, B A. Henderson (1995). Interaction Analysis: Foundations and Practice. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 4 (1), 39-103.
* Jordan, B A. Henderson (1995). Interaction Analysis: Foundations and Practice. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 4 (1), 39-103.
* Kautz, K. (1996). User Participation and Participatory Design: Topics in Computing Education. Human-Computer Interaction, 11, 267-284.
* Kautz, K. (1996). User Participation and Participatory Design: Topics in Computing Education. Human-Computer Interaction, 11, 267-284.
* Becker, R. (1999). Direct observation Techniques. Schuler and Namioka (eds) Jump White Papers. Participatory Design. PP. 123-157.
* Kensing, F. and J. Simonsen (1997). Using ethnography in contextual design. Communications of the ACM, 40(7), 82-88.
* Kensing, F. and J. Simonsen (1997). Using ethnography in contextual design. Communications of the ACM, 40(7), 82-88.
* Wasson, C. (2000). Ethnography in the Field of Design. Human Organization, 59(4): 377-388.
* Wasson, C. (2000). Ethnography in the Field of Design. Human Organization, 59(4): 377-388.

* For other references, e.g. in education, follow the links (e.g. [[design-based research]] and [[design science]].
* For other references, e.g. in education, follow the links (e.g. [[design-based research]] and [[design science]].

Revision as of 16:32, 26 November 2010



  • Design methodology tells what methodology to use in order to build things.

See also:

Design methodologies

This section needs to be written. For the moment follow links below
Artifacts and design rules
Related subjects and fields
Relevant other disciplines

(actually includes some interesting patterns of bad practice that readers seem to have experienced).


  • Design A series of design templates that will help to design system. From, Open Source Software Engineering Tools.


Research project methodology
  • Pertti Järvinen: On Research Methods. Tampere: Opinpajan Kirja, ISBN 952-99233-1-7 .
    • Note: This seems to be the only useful (general) methodology book related to design-oriented research. Very dense reading, but worth to buy, directly from here (no other place sells it): ... a small and friendly university bookshop (tested by me).
Some foundations
  • Futon Suri, J. (2004). Design Expression and Human Experience: Evolving Design Practice. McDonagh, E. et al. (Eds)(p. 13-17) Design and Emotion. Taylor and Francis.
  • Garfinkel, H. (1967). Studies in Ethnomethodology. Engliwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Greenbaum, J. (1993). A Design of One's Own. In D. Schuler & A. Namioka (Eds.), Participatory Design: Principles and Practices (pp. 123-155). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc
  • Holtzblatt, K., Beyer, H. (1994). Representing work for the purpose of design. In Lucy Suchman (Ed), Representations of Work.Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) HTML
  • Hutchins, E. (1991). The social organisation of distributed cognition. L. Resnick (ed.) Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 283-287.
  • Hutchins, E. (1994). Cognition in the Wild. Cambridge, MA. MIT Press.
  • Hutchins, distributed cognition in an airline cockpit PDF
  • Kuutti, K. (1995). Activity Theory as a potential framework for humancomputer interaction research. In B. Nardi (ed.), Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human Computer Interaction, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1995, pp. 17-44.
  • Lave, J., Wenger, I. (1991). Situated Learning : Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Leont’ev, A. (1974). The problem of activity in psychology. Soviet Psychology. 13(2): 4-33.
  • Nardi, B.A. (1996). Studying Context : A comparison of Activity Theory, Situated Actions Models, and Distributed Cognition.
  • Norman, D. (2005). Human-Centered Design Considered Harmful. Interaction. 12(4): 14-19.
  • Schon. D.A. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner. London: Temple Smith.
  • Scribner, S. (1984). Studying working intelligence. In B. Roboff and J. Lave (eds), Everyday Cognition: Its development in Social Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Suchman, L. (1987). Plans and Situated Actions. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.
  • Suchman, L., Pea, R., Seely Brown, J., & Heath, C. (1987). Plans and Situated Actions. Cambridge University Press.
  • Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in Society. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press.
User interface design
  • Ackroyd, S., J.A. Hughes (1981). Data Collection in Context. Longman, London, NY: 66-98.
  • Becker, R. (1999). Direct observation Techniques. Schuler and Namioka (eds) Jump White Papers. Participatory Design. PP. 123-157.
  • Bloomberg, J., Giacomi, J., Mosher, A., & Swenton-Hall, P. (1993). Ethnographic field methods and their relation to design. In D. Schuler & A. Namioka (Eds.), Participatory Design: Principles and Practices. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Bodker, S., Gronbaek, K., and Kyng, M. (1993). Cooperative design: Techniques and experiences from the Scandinavian scene. In D. Schuler & A. Namioka (Eds), Participatory Design: Principles and Practices (p. 157-175). Erlbaum, Hillsdale: NJ.
  • Caroll, J.M. (1991). Designing Interactions.
  • Carroll, J.M. (1996). Encountering Others: Reciprocal Openings in Participatory Design and User-Centered Design. Human-Computer Interaction 11: 285-290.
  • Jordan, B A. Henderson (1995). Interaction Analysis: Foundations and Practice. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 4 (1), 39-103.
  • Kautz, K. (1996). User Participation and Participatory Design: Topics in Computing Education. Human-Computer Interaction, 11, 267-284.
  • Kensing, F. and J. Simonsen (1997). Using ethnography in contextual design. Communications of the ACM, 40(7), 82-88.
  • Wasson, C. (2000). Ethnography in the Field of Design. Human Organization, 59(4): 377-388.