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La grille modèle ASPI était développé par Daniel Peraya et contient des questions pour caractériser les dispositifs de formation.
Analyser, Soutenir, et Piloter l’Innovation (ASPI) is a model to help designing educational innovation in higher education (Peraya et Jaccaz 2004, 283). {{stub}}
== Introduction ==

Cette grille a été composée sur la base du texte décrivant le modèle ASPI qui est mis a disposition dans les ressources pour le travail à distance.
The ASPI model (Peraya et Jaccaz 2004) aims to describe dimensions and variables that can effect each process in the design, development, implementation, evaluation and maintenance of innovative distance or hybrid learning

Il vous est demandé de décrire votre projet en fonction de cette grille de la façon la plus complète possible. Les rubriques que vous ne pourriez remplir devront faire l’objett d’une discussion dans le forum « Description des projets »
==Translation of the ASPI model question grid==
French original : [[:fr:grille modèle ASPI]]
{| class="wikitable"
=== Structural variables ===
Refers to the different levels defined in an organizational system (ministries, federations, governmental agencies, institutions, faculties, departments, … individual)

La grille doit vous aider à structurer votre description. Dans la colonne de droite, vous trouvez certains commentaires qui précisent les contenus attendus.
1. Can you describe the origins of your learning project? When was it created and why?
* Where is your project situated within the organizational structure?
* Upon which structures* does your project depend and in what way?
** What networks and collaborations are involved?
** Are there any external partners involved (social, economic)?
** Does the project depend on existing formal networks and partnerships or will these be developed during the course of the project?
''<nowiki>*</nowiki> Administrative structures and organizations can offer opportunities and constraints.''
=== Variables related to functions and roles of actors* ===
Learners, teachers, administrators, technicians, developers, researchers, instructional designers, project managers, change agents, etc. 

2. Describe the actors involved in your project?
* What are their functions, roles, tasks? Is there a clear definition of each role and task within the project?
* How are the relations and interactions between actors organized currently? Do they all work within the same structure? If not, to which structure do they belong?
* What roles or tasks will be added or modified within current functions as a result of your project?
* Can you produce an organizational chart or diagram of the project showing the actors by function and hierarchical dependencies.
<nowiki>*</nowiki> ''Certain actors may be taking on roles that are outside of their defined functions. This can leave gaps or lead to conflicts. Structures can also impede actors from taking on needed roles. What opportunities or difficulties do the roles and functions present? Do the structures to which the actors belong facilitate or hinder actors in their function within the project?''
| | '''Commentaires'''
=== Individual variables ===
3. What are the major characteristics of the different actors as individuals and as members of a group?
* Are their expectations, needs, their preconceptions and aspirations taken into account?
* What resistance or assistance can you expect?
| | ''' Variables structurelles '''
1. Pouvez-vous vous remémorer l’histoire du dispositif&nbsp;? Quand a-t-il été créé et pourquoi&nbsp;?
=== Organizational variables ===
2. Dans quelle structure se situe le dispositif&nbsp;?
4. How is the program managed? By whom?
* quelles dépendances par rapport à ces structures en termes de contraintes, de dynamique, etc.&nbsp;?  
* Une université, un réseau inter-universitaire&nbsp;?  
5. How are the face-to-face and distance components organized? How is the passage from one modality to the other coordinated?  
* Y a-t-il des partenariats avec des acteurs du monde économique et social&nbsp;?
* What constraints or limits does distance learning present? Which of these tasks are pedagogical or non-pedagogical? How is collaboration and division of labour between actors coordinated?  
* Le projet s’appuie-t-il sur des réseaux existants formels ou non formels, présentiels ou à distance&nbsp;?
6. Is an evaluation of the program planned?  
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* How will the program be evaluated, fine-tuned? At which moments? Using which criteria? Have you already made changes due to past evaluations?  
Les structures administratives d’une université peuvent empêcher une évolution rapide. Contraindre à certains choix……
| | ''' Variables actancielles '''
3, Selon vous qui sont les acteurs impliqués&nbsp;?  
=== Pedagogical variables ===
* Quels sont leurs tâches, leurs fonctions, leurs rôles&nbsp;? A-t-on une claire définition de chacun des ces rôles et des tâches&nbsp;?  
7. Can you describe your project’s pedagogical approach? What are its main learning objectives? What type of pedagogical scenarios are favoured?  
* Comment sont organisées les relations entre les différents acteurs&nbsp;? Ces acteurs travaillent-ils tous dans une même structure&nbsp;? Si non, dans quelles structures&nbsp;?  
* How is the program organized in time? How long does it take to complete? How much time do learners have to complete it? Can learners choose their learning paths? What human or material resources are available? Is collaborative work integrated? integral part?  
* Pouvez-vous nous fournir un organigramme du projet et nombre de personnes par catégories&nbsp;?
* What type of tasks or activities are demanded of learners? How is learning evaluated? Is there any group work?  
| |
* How are technologies used by learners and other actors?  
* Are the learning scenarios and paths explicit? Which activities are face-to-face and which are distance learning? Is there a dedicated learning platform? Is there explicit guidance with respect to the choice of paths?
| | ''' Aspects pédagogiques '''
8. What functionalities are available?
4. Pouvez-vous décrire le dispositif au plan pédagogique&nbsp;? Quels sont les principaux objectifs&nbsp;? le ou les scénarios pédagogiques privilégiés&nbsp;?
* Are there spaces dedicated to communication between learners, between learners and instructors?
* Les apprenants ont-ils la possibilité de négocier leur parcours de formation&nbsp;? Comment la formation est-elle organisée dans le temps&nbsp;? dans quels lieux la formation est-elle organisée&nbsp;? Quelles sont les ressources humaines et matérielles exploitées&nbsp;? D’où viennent-elles&nbsp;? Comment est intégré le travail collaboratif dans le dispositif&nbsp;?  
* What tools are foreseen? Resources and support for various activities (debates, projects, case studies, etc.); groupwork; active learner participation (social presence, awareness, informal communication); reflective practice? 
* Quelle est la nature des tâches demandées aux apprenants&nbsp;? Comment se fait l’évaluation des apprentissages&nbsp;? Le travail de groupe est-il présent&nbsp;? Comment les technologies sont-elles employées&nbsp;?  
9. How do students learn within your learning program?  
* Le scénario est-il explicité&nbsp;? Quelles sont les activités menées en présence et à distance&nbsp;?  
* What resources, supports are important in developing and supporting student learning experiences? What are their functions?
5. Y a-t-il un environnement d’apprentissage informatisé&nbsp;?  
10. Can you successfully argue that there is a coherence and alignment between learning objectives, the means and activities available and the evaluation criteria?  
* Quelles fonctionnalités sont –elles employées&nbsp;? explicitation des choix de formation possibles, espaces de communication et de collaboration. outils de ressources&nbsp;; outils de support de divers types d’activités (débats, projets, études de cas, recherches, etc.)&nbsp;; outils de support au travail de groupe&nbsp;; outils de support à la participation active des apprenants (présence sociale, communication informelle)&nbsp;; outils de support à la réflexivité.
6. Dans votre dispositif, comment un apprenant apprend-il&nbsp;?  
11. How are interactions between different actors accounted for?*
* Quelles ressources, quels supports vous paraissent important dans votre dispositif pour accompagner l’expérience d’apprentissage des apprenants&nbsp;?
7. Comment voyez vous la cohérence (la convergence) entre objectifs, moyens mis en œuvre à travers el dispositif, conception du dispositif et critères d’évaluation&nbsp;?
''<nowiki>*</nowiki> There can be multiple types of interaction: cognitive, meta-cognitive, social; learner-system, learner-learner, learner-instructor, instructor-system; formal or informal.'' 
8. Comment les interactions entre les différents acteurs sont-elles prises en compte&nbsp;?
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Certaines de ces questions peuvent être éventuellement supprimées si elles n’ont pas d’objet dans votre projet ou si vous ne puvez en cire y répondre. Dans ce cas, il s’agira de voir si ces questions méritent d’être posées à terme.
Il peut y avoir plusieurs types d’interactions&nbsp;: cognitives, socio affectives, entre les apprenants entre apprenants et tuteurs, plus ou moins formelles
| | ''' Aspects organisationnels '''
9. Comment le dispositif est-il géré&nbsp;? Par qui&nbsp;?
10. Quelle place est réservée à la distance et comment cette dernière s’articule-t-elle à la présence&nbsp;?
* Quelles sont les différentes contraintes dues à l’hybridation organisationnelle&nbsp;? Quelle est la part des tâches pédagogiques et non pédagogiques dans le dispositif&nbsp;? Comment sont organisées la collaboration et la division du travail entre les acteurs&nbsp;?
11. Une régulation du dispositif est-elle prévue&nbsp;?
* Comment se réalise t-elle&nbsp;? En fonction de quels critères&nbsp;? Quels changements avez-vous déjà apporté au dispositif&nbsp;?
| |
| | ''' Aspects économiques '''
12. Quels sont les modes de financement&nbsp;? Quelle est sa faisabilité&nbsp;?
=== Discipline related variables ===
* le projet est-il une réponse aux sollicitations du marché&nbsp;? Quels sont les coûts supplémentaires induits par le projet&nbsp;? Quelle est la ventilation entre coûts fixes et variables&nbsp;? Le projet peut-il à terme s’autofinancer&nbsp;? Le cas échéant dans quelle proportion&nbsp;?
12. What aspects or practices are particular to the discipline or field and its culture?  
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* tools (software, data-bases…)
* procedures, methods
* epistemologies
* didactics, teaching methods
| | ''' Aspects politiques '''
13. Le projet est-il voulu ou soutenu par les autorités politiques&nbsp;? Institutionnelles&nbsp;? Responsables de votre entreprises&nbsp;?
=== Economic variables ===
* De quelle façon&nbsp;? S’inscrit-il dans une politique explicite&nbsp;? Répond-il à un mandat émanant directement du pouvoir politique&nbsp;?
13. How will the project be financed? Is it feasible within the foreseen budget?
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* Is the project subject to market demands or trends? What additional costs will be introduced with the foreseen project? Which costs are fixed and which are variable?  
* Can the project be self-financed or will it depend on external funding? Is this funding stable or will it vary? Depending on which factors? What proportion can be self-financed?  
| | ''' Aspects idéologiques '''
14. Quelles sont les valeurs promues par le dispositif&nbsp;?  
=== Political variables ===
* quel est le type de connaissances promues par le dispositif&nbsp;? Quel type de citoyen veut-on former&nbsp;? Par exemple, quelle est la raison qui motive un tel engouement pour la collaboration aujourd’hui&nbsp;?
14. Is the project supported by political or institutional bodies or authorities? By your hierarchy?  
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* In which ways? Is the project part of explicit strategies, policies or mandates emanating from one or more of these?  
* What are the objectives specific to these? How do they support or constrain the learning objectives of your program? 
| | ''' Variables individuelles  '''
15. Quelles sont les caractéristiques majeures des différents acteurs tant du point de vue individuel que de celui du groupe&nbsp;? Leurs attentes, leurs besoins, leurs conceptions et leur projet sont-ils pris en charge&nbsp;?  
=== Ideological variables ===
| |
15. What values does your project promote?
* What types of knowledge does the learning program value? What type of citizen does it aim to educate?  
| | ''' Pour conclure… '''
* What conflicts in ideologies between institutions, groups or individuals impact your learning project? What measures can be taken to minimize these conflicts?  
16. Comment qualifier votre dispositif et son rôle dans votre contexte professionnel ?
| | Correspond-il à ce qui se fait dans ce contexte Est-il innovant Si oui par quels aspects&nbsp;?
=== In conclusion… ===
16. How would you describe your project and its role in your professional context? Is it standard and accepted or is it innovative? In what ways does it innovate on current practices?
== Bibliography ==
* Peraya, D., & Jaccaz, B. (2004). Analyser, soutenir, et piloter l’Innovation : Un modèle “ASPI”. TICE 2004. les TICE ou les technologies de l'information et de la connaissance dans l'enseignement supérieur et dans l'industrie (pp. 283-289) Université de technologie de Compiègne. Retrieved from Aussi: [ <edutice-00000705>]
[[category: Innovation and change]]
[[category: instructional design methods]]
[[fr:grille modèle ASPI]]

Latest revision as of 20:41, 18 October 2022

Analyser, Soutenir, et Piloter l’Innovation (ASPI) is a model to help designing educational innovation in higher education (Peraya et Jaccaz 2004, 283).



The ASPI model (Peraya et Jaccaz 2004) aims to describe dimensions and variables that can effect each process in the design, development, implementation, evaluation and maintenance of innovative distance or hybrid learning

Translation of the ASPI model question grid

French original : fr:grille modèle ASPI

Structural variables

Refers to the different levels defined in an organizational system (ministries, federations, governmental agencies, institutions, faculties, departments, … individual)

1. Can you describe the origins of your learning project? When was it created and why?

  • Where is your project situated within the organizational structure?
  • Upon which structures* does your project depend and in what way?
    • What networks and collaborations are involved?
    • Are there any external partners involved (social, economic)?
    • Does the project depend on existing formal networks and partnerships or will these be developed during the course of the project?

* Administrative structures and organizations can offer opportunities and constraints.

Variables related to functions and roles of actors*

Learners, teachers, administrators, technicians, developers, researchers, instructional designers, project managers, change agents, etc.

2. Describe the actors involved in your project?

  • What are their functions, roles, tasks? Is there a clear definition of each role and task within the project?
  • How are the relations and interactions between actors organized currently? Do they all work within the same structure? If not, to which structure do they belong?
  • What roles or tasks will be added or modified within current functions as a result of your project?
  • Can you produce an organizational chart or diagram of the project showing the actors by function and hierarchical dependencies.

* Certain actors may be taking on roles that are outside of their defined functions. This can leave gaps or lead to conflicts. Structures can also impede actors from taking on needed roles. What opportunities or difficulties do the roles and functions present? Do the structures to which the actors belong facilitate or hinder actors in their function within the project?

Individual variables

3. What are the major characteristics of the different actors as individuals and as members of a group?

  • Are their expectations, needs, their preconceptions and aspirations taken into account?
  • What resistance or assistance can you expect?

Organizational variables

4. How is the program managed? By whom?

5. How are the face-to-face and distance components organized? How is the passage from one modality to the other coordinated?

  • What constraints or limits does distance learning present? Which of these tasks are pedagogical or non-pedagogical? How is collaboration and division of labour between actors coordinated?

6. Is an evaluation of the program planned?

  • How will the program be evaluated, fine-tuned? At which moments? Using which criteria? Have you already made changes due to past evaluations?

Pedagogical variables

7. Can you describe your project’s pedagogical approach? What are its main learning objectives? What type of pedagogical scenarios are favoured?

  • How is the program organized in time? How long does it take to complete? How much time do learners have to complete it? Can learners choose their learning paths? What human or material resources are available? Is collaborative work integrated? integral part?
  • What type of tasks or activities are demanded of learners? How is learning evaluated? Is there any group work?
  • How are technologies used by learners and other actors?
  • Are the learning scenarios and paths explicit? Which activities are face-to-face and which are distance learning? Is there a dedicated learning platform? Is there explicit guidance with respect to the choice of paths?

8. What functionalities are available?

  • Are there spaces dedicated to communication between learners, between learners and instructors?
  • What tools are foreseen? Resources and support for various activities (debates, projects, case studies, etc.); groupwork; active learner participation (social presence, awareness, informal communication); reflective practice? 

9. How do students learn within your learning program?

  • What resources, supports are important in developing and supporting student learning experiences? What are their functions?

10. Can you successfully argue that there is a coherence and alignment between learning objectives, the means and activities available and the evaluation criteria?

11. How are interactions between different actors accounted for?*

* There can be multiple types of interaction: cognitive, meta-cognitive, social; learner-system, learner-learner, learner-instructor, instructor-system; formal or informal. 

Discipline related variables

12. What aspects or practices are particular to the discipline or field and its culture?

  • tools (software, data-bases…)
  • procedures, methods
  • epistemologies
  • didactics, teaching methods

Economic variables

13. How will the project be financed? Is it feasible within the foreseen budget?

  • Is the project subject to market demands or trends? What additional costs will be introduced with the foreseen project? Which costs are fixed and which are variable?
  • Can the project be self-financed or will it depend on external funding? Is this funding stable or will it vary? Depending on which factors? What proportion can be self-financed?

Political variables

14. Is the project supported by political or institutional bodies or authorities? By your hierarchy?

  • In which ways? Is the project part of explicit strategies, policies or mandates emanating from one or more of these?
  • What are the objectives specific to these? How do they support or constrain the learning objectives of your program?

Ideological variables

15. What values does your project promote?

  • What types of knowledge does the learning program value? What type of citizen does it aim to educate?
  • What conflicts in ideologies between institutions, groups or individuals impact your learning project? What measures can be taken to minimize these conflicts?

In conclusion…

16. How would you describe your project and its role in your professional context? Is it standard and accepted or is it innovative? In what ways does it innovate on current practices?


  • Peraya, D., & Jaccaz, B. (2004). Analyser, soutenir, et piloter l’Innovation : Un modèle “ASPI”. TICE 2004. les TICE ou les technologies de l'information et de la connaissance dans l'enseignement supérieur et dans l'industrie (pp. 283-289) Université de technologie de Compiègne. Retrieved from Aussi: <edutice-00000705>