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==Social Media==
==Social Media==
[ Serena Matheson], [ Memorial University of Newfoundland]
[ Serena Matheson], [ Memorial University of Newfoundland], Canada

==Definitions and background==
==Definitions and background==
Social media is understood as a set of technologies by which people can create, collaborate, and network and share content (Woodley & Silvestri, 2014).  Social media technologies, also known as Web 2.0, are made up of many different types of communication technologies such as blogs, wikis, online social networking, virtual worlds, social bookmarking, wall posting, photo and video sharing, etc. (Friedman & Friedman, 2013; Poellhuber, & Anderson, 2011; Woodley & Meredith, 2012). The first social networking site was introduced to the public in 1997 and has grown exponentially over the years (Ahn, 2011). What was once a one-way communication tool is now multi-tiered system of communication between peers (DeAndrea, Ellison, LaRose, Steinfield, Fiore, 2012).  Over the last 6 years, Facebook and Twitter have exploded in popularity demonstrating the growth in social media usage (Evans, 2014).   
Young people today use social media as their main method of communication (Casey, 2013). “Most computer users – and adolescents in particular – engage in a broad range of computerized activities, including coursework for school, watching videos on Youtube, or playing first-person shooter video games” (Appel, 2012, p. 1340).  Social networking sites offer an insightful opportunity to research and learn how young people interact with others in their online communities. (Ahn, 2011).
Social media is understood as a set of technologies by which people can create, collaborate, and network and share content (Woodley & Silvestri, 2014).  Blogs, wikis, social networking, social bookmarking, wall posting, and video sharing, etc. are just some of the technologies that make up social media. (Poellhuber, & Anderson, 2011).
The first social networking site was introduced in 1997 and has grown exponentially over the years (Ahn, 2011). What was once a one-way communication tool is now multi-tiered system of communication between peers (DeAndrea, Ellison, LaRose, Steinfield, Fiore, 2012). Global social media use has made sharing large amounts of data much easier; this data can then be “mined in collaborative, interdisciplinary teams to illuminate complex issues” (Greenhow & Gleason, 2014, p. 397).  Social media applications can be found in online gaming, education, the business world, news networks, and in social contexts such as Facebook (Poellhuber & Anderson, 2011).
Over the last 6 years, Facebook and Twitter have exploded in popularity demonstrating the growth in social media usage (Evans, 2014).  Young people today use social media as their main method of communication (Casey, 2013). Students are using social media to watch and create Youtube videos, to play video games, to communicate with their peers, and to do assignments for school (Appel, 2012).

Social media is the tool that students use to seek and share information to create solutions for problems in the workplace or at school (Dabbagh, & Kitsantas, 2012).  With social media it is much easier to be creative as we are not bound by the limitations of traditional, non-digital mediums (Friedman & Friedman, 2013). 
With the use of social media in the classroom, teachers are moving beyond teaching content and information toward a process-driven approach, thereby enabling students to take ownership of their own learning.(Powers, Alhussain, Averbeck, & Warner, 2012).  Social media is moving “education away from a knowledge-object orientation towards process-driven approaches – not what to know, but how to know” (Tay & Allen, 2011, p. 154). Using social media, as well as a problem-based learning, makes for good pedagogical practice, “as the main interpretations of social media/web 2.0, highlight more social, student-centered, collaborative and production-oriented pedagogical strategies” (Buus, 2012, p.21). Teachers who use social media in the classroom are no longer giving information but are utilizing the power of social media to guide their students on the process of how to learn, thereby making the student responsible for their own learning (Powers & al, 2012).  When teachers use social media in their delivery of course content, they “force students to be self-starters” (Friedman & Friedman, 2013, p. 14).
People are constantly learning and seeking information to create solutions for problems in the workplace, home, school, or to just satisfy a curiosity; social media is the medium used to seek information and to share solutions (Dabbagh, & Kitsantas, 2012). Integrating social media into a problem-based learning approach makes for good pedagogical practice, “as the main interpretations of social media/web 2.0, highlight more social, student- centered, collaborative and production-oriented pedagogical strategies” (Buus, 2012, p.21).  With the use of social media, teachers are able to facilitate learning (Powers, Alhussain, Averbeck, & Warner, 2012). When teachers use social media in their delivery of course content, they “force students to be self-starters” (Friedman & Friedman, 2013, p. 6) and they teach students about the importance of using social media to network and work collaboratively with others.  It is with this networking and collaboration that students are able move from data collection to knowledge and understanding of content, based upon feedback from the greater, global, social network (Friedman & Friedman, 2013).   In the past, students had to rely on the feedback of reluctant peers during class or “brown bag sessions and study groups for peer support and informal learning networks” (Dabbagh, & Kitsantas, 2012, p. 4).  Today, with the surge in social media technological use, learning is no longer an activity that is done alone but rather the opportunity to connect with others and to ask questions and receive answers (Chen, & Bryer, 2012).
“Emotional, social, and academic support” from fellow students and teachers are a few of the benefits afforded to students who use social media in their education (Woodley & Meredith, 2011, p.1).  Social media permits discussions as well as analytical exploration which allows for peers who work together online to meet common goals (Rambe, 2012).  
Social media is “moving education away from a knowledge-object orientation towards process- driven approaches – not what to know, but how to know” (Tay & Allen, 2011, p. 154).  Online social media permits students to collaborate, which permits students to have conversations and get critical feedback from online peers who work together to meet common goals (Rambe, 2012).  Students, with guidance from their teachers, are finding information, changing information into knowledge, sharing and getting feedback from peers (Powers, Alhussain, Averbeck, & Warner, 2012).  Students are motivated to do well because they are sharing their work with their peers; knowing their peers will see their work motivates students to do better work (Liu, Liu, Chen, Lin, & Chen, 2011).  When informal learning is taking place on social media sites, students get quality feedback allowing higher achieving students to do better and weaker students are able to get support and feedback which reduces the achievement gap between high achievers and lower achievers (Chen, B., & Bryer, T., 2012, p.98; Casey, 2013).
With the spread of social media technological use, students no longer have to work alone to amass information; instead, they are connecting with other users of social media and gaining knowledge from them (Chen & Bryer, 2012).   Casey found that getting students to give feedback to their peers on social media sites such as blogs allowed for not only good feedback to high achieving students but also gave a variety of support to students who were weaker (2013).  With informal learning taking place on social media sites, it is possible for teachers to reduce the achievement gap of their students (Chen & Bryer, 2012).


While social media may allow for a more process-driven approach to learning, that does not mean that students are ready to accept this process (Tay & Allen, 2011).  The tools of social media are sometimes seen by students not as learning tools to aid with learning but as tools that are there to entertain and facilitate online interactions (Chen & Bryer, 2012).  Not all students use social media sites such as Facebook and some students who do use these sites complain of their addiction and associate social media communication with a drop in academic performance (Woodley & Meredith, 2012).  According to Rambe (2012) social media could be perceived as a distraction to students who are not academically inclined.

Social media makes it easier to be part of a team without actually collaborating with the group; people will often meet online and divide the work equally among the group members and complete the tasks without getting feedback from their collaborative group members (Tay & Allen, 2011).  During classroom student collaborations, it is presumed that everyone is doing their fair share of the work but with the use of social media/web 2.0 technology, that is not always the case and sometimes means that one person can get away with doing very little work (Buus, 2012).  According to Dabbagh and Kitsantas, students are not adopting social media and web 2.0 technologies because they do not have experience with these tools in an educational setting (2012). 

Social media also has the potential to cause concerns legally, ethically, and socially, making it necessary for professionals to put into place protocols, etiquette, and suggestions surrounding social media use in their place of business (Woodley & Silvestri, 2014).  Scouts are recruiting students and using social media as part of the hiring process; checking social media activity and demanding passwords to social media sites before hiring or accepting potential applicants (Woodley & Silvestri, 2014).
Universities are dealing with problems with student misuse of social media (Woodley & Silvestri, 2014). Schools systems are hesitant in allowing the use of social media for learning in the academic realm because “the “copy-cut-and-paste” generation frequently exploits the powerful affordances of Web 2.0 technologies to re-organise, edit, remix, recreate, repackage content for republication, thus plagiarising texts with impunity” (Rambe, 2012, p. 134).

1. [ How Social Media is Being Used in Education by Katie Lepi]
2. [ 10 Social Media Sites For Education by Lila Daniels]
3. [ 6 Pros & Cons of Social Media in the Classroom by Aimee Hosler]

4. [ Socia Media Cheatsheet For Teachers (And Other Bipeds)]

5. [ Digitally Speaking / Using Social Media to Reach Your Community by William M. Ferriter]

==Works Cited==
==Works Cited==

Ahn, J. (2011). Digital divides and social network sites: Which students participate in social media? ''Journal of Educational Computing Research, 45''(2), 147-163.
doi: 10.2190/EC.45.2.b
Appel, M. (2012). Are heavy users of computer games and social media more computer literate? ''Computers & Education, 59''(4), 1339-1349. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2012.06.004
Buus, L. (2012). Scaffolding teachers integrate social media into a problem-based learning approach? ''Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 10''(1), 13-22.
Casey , Gail. (2013). Social media in the classroom: A simple yet complex hybrid environment for students. ''Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 22''(1), 5-24.
Chen, B., & Bryer, T. (2012). Investigating instructional strategies for using social media in formal and informal learning. ''International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 13''(1), 87-104. Retrieved from
Dabbagh, N., & Kitsantas, A. (2012). Personal learning environments, social media, and self-regulated learning: A natural formula for connecting formal and informal learning. ''The Internet and Higher Education, 15''(1), 3-8.  doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2011.06.002
DeAndrea, D., Ellison, N.B., LaRose, R., Steinfield, C., Fiore, A. (2012). Serious social media: On the use of social media for improving students' adjustment to college. ''Internet and Higher Education, 15''(1), 15-23.  doi: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2011.05.009
Evans, C. (2014). Twitter for teaching: Can social media be used to enhance the process of learning? ''British Journal of Educational Technology, 45''(5), 902–915. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12099
Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2013). Using social media technologies to enhance online learning. ''Journal of Educators Online, 10''(1), 22. Retrieved from
Greenhow, C. and Gleason, B. (2014), Social scholarship: Reconsidering scholarly practices in the age of social media. ''British Journal of Educational Technology, 45''(3), 392–402. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12150
Liu, C., Liu, K., Chen, W., Lin, C., & Chen, G. (2011). Collaborative storytelling experiences in social media: Influence of peer-assistance mechanisms. ''Computers & Education, 57''(2), 1544-1556. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2011.02.002=12378
Poellhuber, B., & Anderson, T. (2011). Distance students' readiness for social media and collaboration. ''International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12''(6), 102-125. Retrieved from
Powers, L., Alhussain, R., Averbeck, C., & Warner, A. (2012). Perspectives on distance education and social media. ''Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 13''(4), 241-245.
Rambe, P. (2012). Constructive disruptions for effective collaborative learning: Navigating the affordances of social media for meaningful engagement. ''Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 10''(1), 132-146.
Tay, E., & Allen, M. (2011). Designing social media into university learning: Technology of collaboration or collaboration for technology? ''Educational Media International, 48''(3), 151-163. doi: 10.1080/09523987.2011.607319
Woodley, C., & Meredith, C. (2012). Supporting student transition through social media. ''American Journal of Distance Education, 26''(2), 86-95.  Retrieved from
Woodley, C., Silvestri, M. (2014). The Internet is forever: Student indiscretions reveal the need for effective social media policies in academia. ''The American Journal of Distance Education, 28''(2) 126-138.  doi: 10.1080/08923647.2014.896587

Latest revision as of 02:20, 12 October 2014

Social Media

Serena Matheson, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada

Definitions and background

Social media is understood as a set of technologies by which people can create, collaborate, and network and share content (Woodley & Silvestri, 2014). Blogs, wikis, social networking, social bookmarking, wall posting, and video sharing, etc. are just some of the technologies that make up social media. (Poellhuber, & Anderson, 2011).

The first social networking site was introduced in 1997 and has grown exponentially over the years (Ahn, 2011). What was once a one-way communication tool is now multi-tiered system of communication between peers (DeAndrea, Ellison, LaRose, Steinfield, Fiore, 2012). Global social media use has made sharing large amounts of data much easier; this data can then be “mined in collaborative, interdisciplinary teams to illuminate complex issues” (Greenhow & Gleason, 2014, p. 397). Social media applications can be found in online gaming, education, the business world, news networks, and in social contexts such as Facebook (Poellhuber & Anderson, 2011).

Over the last 6 years, Facebook and Twitter have exploded in popularity demonstrating the growth in social media usage (Evans, 2014). Young people today use social media as their main method of communication (Casey, 2013). Students are using social media to watch and create Youtube videos, to play video games, to communicate with their peers, and to do assignments for school (Appel, 2012).


Social media is the tool that students use to seek and share information to create solutions for problems in the workplace or at school (Dabbagh, & Kitsantas, 2012). With social media it is much easier to be creative as we are not bound by the limitations of traditional, non-digital mediums (Friedman & Friedman, 2013).

With the use of social media in the classroom, teachers are moving beyond teaching content and information toward a process-driven approach, thereby enabling students to take ownership of their own learning.(Powers, Alhussain, Averbeck, & Warner, 2012). Social media is moving “education away from a knowledge-object orientation towards process-driven approaches – not what to know, but how to know” (Tay & Allen, 2011, p. 154). Using social media, as well as a problem-based learning, makes for good pedagogical practice, “as the main interpretations of social media/web 2.0, highlight more social, student-centered, collaborative and production-oriented pedagogical strategies” (Buus, 2012, p.21). Teachers who use social media in the classroom are no longer giving information but are utilizing the power of social media to guide their students on the process of how to learn, thereby making the student responsible for their own learning (Powers & al, 2012). When teachers use social media in their delivery of course content, they “force students to be self-starters” (Friedman & Friedman, 2013, p. 14).

“Emotional, social, and academic support” from fellow students and teachers are a few of the benefits afforded to students who use social media in their education (Woodley & Meredith, 2011, p.1). Social media permits discussions as well as analytical exploration which allows for peers who work together online to meet common goals (Rambe, 2012). With the spread of social media technological use, students no longer have to work alone to amass information; instead, they are connecting with other users of social media and gaining knowledge from them (Chen & Bryer, 2012). Casey found that getting students to give feedback to their peers on social media sites such as blogs allowed for not only good feedback to high achieving students but also gave a variety of support to students who were weaker (2013). With informal learning taking place on social media sites, it is possible for teachers to reduce the achievement gap of their students (Chen & Bryer, 2012).


While social media may allow for a more process-driven approach to learning, that does not mean that students are ready to accept this process (Tay & Allen, 2011). The tools of social media are sometimes seen by students not as learning tools to aid with learning but as tools that are there to entertain and facilitate online interactions (Chen & Bryer, 2012). Not all students use social media sites such as Facebook and some students who do use these sites complain of their addiction and associate social media communication with a drop in academic performance (Woodley & Meredith, 2012). According to Rambe (2012) social media could be perceived as a distraction to students who are not academically inclined.

Social media makes it easier to be part of a team without actually collaborating with the group; people will often meet online and divide the work equally among the group members and complete the tasks without getting feedback from their collaborative group members (Tay & Allen, 2011). During classroom student collaborations, it is presumed that everyone is doing their fair share of the work but with the use of social media/web 2.0 technology, that is not always the case and sometimes means that one person can get away with doing very little work (Buus, 2012). According to Dabbagh and Kitsantas, students are not adopting social media and web 2.0 technologies because they do not have experience with these tools in an educational setting (2012).

Social media also has the potential to cause concerns legally, ethically, and socially, making it necessary for professionals to put into place protocols, etiquette, and suggestions surrounding social media use in their place of business (Woodley & Silvestri, 2014). Scouts are recruiting students and using social media as part of the hiring process; checking social media activity and demanding passwords to social media sites before hiring or accepting potential applicants (Woodley & Silvestri, 2014).

Universities are dealing with problems with student misuse of social media (Woodley & Silvestri, 2014). Schools systems are hesitant in allowing the use of social media for learning in the academic realm because “the “copy-cut-and-paste” generation frequently exploits the powerful affordances of Web 2.0 technologies to re-organise, edit, remix, recreate, repackage content for republication, thus plagiarising texts with impunity” (Rambe, 2012, p. 134).


1. How Social Media is Being Used in Education by Katie Lepi

2. 10 Social Media Sites For Education by Lila Daniels

3. 6 Pros & Cons of Social Media in the Classroom by Aimee Hosler

4. Socia Media Cheatsheet For Teachers (And Other Bipeds)

5. Digitally Speaking / Using Social Media to Reach Your Community by William M. Ferriter

Works Cited

Ahn, J. (2011). Digital divides and social network sites: Which students participate in social media? Journal of Educational Computing Research, 45(2), 147-163. doi: 10.2190/EC.45.2.b

Appel, M. (2012). Are heavy users of computer games and social media more computer literate? Computers & Education, 59(4), 1339-1349. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2012.06.004

Buus, L. (2012). Scaffolding teachers integrate social media into a problem-based learning approach? Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 10(1), 13-22.

Casey , Gail. (2013). Social media in the classroom: A simple yet complex hybrid environment for students. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 22(1), 5-24.

Chen, B., & Bryer, T. (2012). Investigating instructional strategies for using social media in formal and informal learning. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 13(1), 87-104. Retrieved from

Dabbagh, N., & Kitsantas, A. (2012). Personal learning environments, social media, and self-regulated learning: A natural formula for connecting formal and informal learning. The Internet and Higher Education, 15(1), 3-8. doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2011.06.002

DeAndrea, D., Ellison, N.B., LaRose, R., Steinfield, C., Fiore, A. (2012). Serious social media: On the use of social media for improving students' adjustment to college. Internet and Higher Education, 15(1), 15-23. doi: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2011.05.009

Evans, C. (2014). Twitter for teaching: Can social media be used to enhance the process of learning? British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(5), 902–915. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12099

Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2013). Using social media technologies to enhance online learning. Journal of Educators Online, 10(1), 22. Retrieved from

Greenhow, C. and Gleason, B. (2014), Social scholarship: Reconsidering scholarly practices in the age of social media. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(3), 392–402. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12150

Liu, C., Liu, K., Chen, W., Lin, C., & Chen, G. (2011). Collaborative storytelling experiences in social media: Influence of peer-assistance mechanisms. Computers & Education, 57(2), 1544-1556. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2011.02.002=12378

Poellhuber, B., & Anderson, T. (2011). Distance students' readiness for social media and collaboration. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(6), 102-125. Retrieved from

Powers, L., Alhussain, R., Averbeck, C., & Warner, A. (2012). Perspectives on distance education and social media. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 13(4), 241-245.

Rambe, P. (2012). Constructive disruptions for effective collaborative learning: Navigating the affordances of social media for meaningful engagement. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 10(1), 132-146.

Tay, E., & Allen, M. (2011). Designing social media into university learning: Technology of collaboration or collaboration for technology? Educational Media International, 48(3), 151-163. doi: 10.1080/09523987.2011.607319

Woodley, C., & Meredith, C. (2012). Supporting student transition through social media. American Journal of Distance Education, 26(2), 86-95. Retrieved from

Woodley, C., Silvestri, M. (2014). The Internet is forever: Student indiscretions reveal the need for effective social media policies in academia. The American Journal of Distance Education, 28(2) 126-138. doi: 10.1080/08923647.2014.896587