Bandura: Difference between revisions

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Skinner= S-R-C
Skinner= S-R-C
Bandura= S-O-R-C
Bandura= S-O-R-C

S= Stimuli
S= Stimuli
R= Reaction
R= Reaction
O= Person
O= Person
C= Consequence
C= Consequence

Revision as of 14:45, 7 November 2006

Albert Bandura

    Bandura was a congnitivist who believed the "person" and his or hers thoughts, feelings,
beliefs, ideas, preferences and so on mad a difference in the way they behaved. This differed
from Skinners theory where the individual was not factored into the equation when looking at
behavior. Skinner looked at behavior with a "3 term contingency" which included the stimuli,
the reaction, and the consequence. Where Albert Bandura believed Skinners model was too simple

and needed the "Person" added into the equation. Skinner believed this only added unnecessary factors to the model and believed the "Person" and the "Reaction" were the same.

Skinner= S-R-C Bandura= S-O-R-C

S= Stimuli R= Reaction O= Person C= Consequence